11 year old boy arrested

if the child had a history of violence.. i would agree but he doesnt the WORST thing he has done is disrupt class

and that's not how the world works

example you have a child with someone you 2 split up you have joint custody one parent keeps the child past the date your suppose to exchange wont answer the pone or return texts? this happens all the time and yet nothing is done. you cant enforce law on what MIGHT happen
so that action gives the right for a parent to put out an amber alert?

Again you are hearing one side, the cops were obviously called by a teacher. Of course the kid has some history probably stemming from bad parenting. After the cops are called if that kid so mach as broke another kids fingernail some parent would have been on the cell the their attorney. This is the society the lawyers created.
This is total bullshit, welcome to thoughtcrime.

Yeah, totally. I can't believe that people are actually trying to defend this action. I hope the boy sues them for wrongful arrest, harasssment and unlawful imprisonment.
Yeah, totally. I can't believe that people are actually trying to defend this action. I hope the boy sues them for wrongful arrest, harasssment and unlawful imprisonment.

Again, you are hearing one side and rendering judgment. You may also have fascist dictator tendencies.
What's more fascist than arresting a boy with a developmental disorder for artwork and not even allowing his parents to accompany him?

Making drawings of shooting and war featuring my most hated teachers is how I spent most of my childhood!
What's more fascist than arresting a boy with a developmental disorder for artwork and not even allowing his parents to accompany him?

Is the kid in a special class for developmental disorders? Do you know if the kid has any behavioral history? Do the other kids have a right to go to school and not be bullied or harassed? You dont have all the information yet you render judgement...this makes you a fascist or at least have fascist tendencies.
Is the kid in a special class for developmental disorders? Do you know if the kid has any behavioral history? Do the other kids have a right to go to school and not be bullied or harassed? You dont have all the information yet you render judgement...this makes you a fascist or at least have fascist tendencies.

His therapist told him to vent his frustrations through drawing! He has ADHD! He didn't show the drawing to anyone, so you can't call it bullying.
His therapist told him to vent his frustrations through drawing! He has ADHD! He didn't show the drawing to anyone, so you can't call it bullying.

So the therapist told the kid to draw. Again, you dont have all the information. Is that sinking in? Because it doesnt seem like it.
points here are a doctor orderd way of expression is not a credible threat. and agin they aressted the CHILD on what they THOUGHT he MIGHT do. if the world has come to this were all fucked

The doctor's role in this is not an issue, indeed the police might not even have been aware of it.

They arrested him because they were called in by the school and saw the actual picture and believed it was an actual threat made by the kid against the teachers. So NO, it had nothing to do with what he thought, but what he actually expressed.

As such it is their job to react to that perceived threat and prevent the child from carrying it out.

They do not have to wait until all the facts are in, that's the job of the DA and the court system. Indeed the DA upon investigation, interviews and closer inspection of the facts can determine that there is no crime nor a need for this to go to trial, and that happens all the time.

You seem to completely ignore the fact that one purpose of the arrest powers in a case like this is to prevent someone from hurting others while the facts are discovered. As such, and given that picture, it doesn't seem like an unreasonable course of action for the police to take.

I haven't had time to research the outcome of this, but hopefully it turned out to be a false alarm and the kid is fine.

I'm amazed the police even bothered with this. Much easier to arrest some little kid with a drawing than a gangster with a Glock I suppose. Spineless, utterly spineless.
John99. I can't read your innane purile posts as I have your name on my ignore list due to your past brainless witterings. You and birch both made the list, so at least you're not alone.
In Canada, nothing will happen to him, the charges will be pieces of shit. You can't be charged until you are 12 IIRC ( unless you murdered someone or raped someone )
I can't load video @ work, so I had to go get a text article:


And yeah, this wasn't a credible threat, the boy obviously did it just to blow off steam and was throwing it away when the teacher stopped him from doing so...

What the school could have done that would have (yeah) still been an over-reaction, but more effective...and would have satisfied any worries they might have had about safety issues for staff/students...

They (being the school) should have contacted the parents and the therapist first and had a conference about the drawing to see if the boy really was a threat and whether there was even a possibility of him getting his hands on weaponry.

That way they could have avoided involving and upsetting the kid at all, by determining that he's angry, but harmless, and doing due diligence by making sure the child's anger issues are getting worked on with a therapist...so that the boy doesn't become a threat to self/others.

Not that he would have.
It's just really hard for him to sit still and pay attention, so the kid gets frustrated and angry while doing it.
This is to be expected with ADHD-that because it's so hard to pay attention, be quiet, and sit still, the child's going to get frustrated and agitated at times.

When I learned to drive a stick-shift car a few years ago, I wished death on my fellow drivers at the top of my lungs multiple times...I didn't mean it, I was just frustrated, is all...