11 year old boy arrested


Valued Senior Member
can you say lawsuit


school charging child with interferring with staff and students and an educational facility and there only doing whats best for the child

ok lets recap here
1. how the fuck is a child drawing interferring wtih staff or students..
2. how is arresting an 11 year old and charging him the best thing for him

what it is telling him is if you draw stay calm instead of act out adn be obnoxious it carries worse punishment than jsut acting out and striking someone
Absolutely Fing crazy. Who took this decision? Who phoned the Cops? In the best interest of the child? Absolute blithering idiots. The poor kid has my deepest sympathies.
Well when the picture he draws shows him firing a gun at his teachers with the words "teachers must die" that kinda crosses the line.

Police really don't have many options when they are called and see this pictoral threat besides arresting him.

It's up to the judicial system to decide what to do with someone, and their options include many options besides jail.

One interesting note, this happened LAST OCTOBER, so what happened to make this news now?

Also the district where this happened, Arvada is just north of Columbine, so they might take this a bit more seriously then other districts.

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"Police really don't have many options"

Yes, they do.

"many options besides jail"

Death penalty perhaps?

Since when did the art-police start rounding up kids for drawing a stick-man with a stick-gun?

Damien Hurst better stay away from the States or he'll never see daylight again.
Well when the picture he draws shows him firing a gun at his teachers with the words "teachers must die" that kinda crosses the line.

Police really don't have many options when they are called and see this pictoral threat besides arresting him.

It's up to the judicial system to decide what to do with someone, and their options include many options besides jail.

One interesting note, this happened LAST OCTOBER, so what happened to make this news now?

Also the district where this happened, Arvada is just north of Columbine, so they might take this a bit more seriously then other districts.


many problems with your statements
1. the doctor told him to do that and it was calming him down there for working.
so your saying going irate and punching hitting other children or creating a real reaction is different
2. the police arrested a minor and took him down to the station which i believe is illegal
3. doesnt matter if they are more cautious they arrested a minor for drawing a fucking picture

A police officer may arrest/detain a juvenile for either a felony or misdemeanor offense
since when was drawing a picture a felony or misdemeanor
"Police really don't have many options"

Yes, they do.

No they don't.

If they are called in and find probable cause to think that an individual has broken a law then they are obligated to arrest the individual and do exactly what they did.

It's up to the court system to then decide if the person is guilty and if so what should be done.

Since when did the art-police start rounding up kids for drawing a stick-man with a stick-gun?

And according to that story that's NOT what was done, the pictures, though crude, did have labels indicating who the characters were and the legend that said "Teachers Must Die" with the gun being pointed at them and being fired by the kid who drew it.

As such it does contitute a potential threat and thus it is in fact against the law.

Think of it this way, if you drew that kind of picture with a stick figure labeld Obama and you firing a gun at him and that kind of headline and sent it to the whitehouse do you think you'd get a visit from the Secret Service or not?

I'd recommend NOT doing so just to find out though.

A police officer may arrest/detain a juvenile for either a felony or misdemeanor offense
since when was drawing a picture a felony or misdemeanor

So you come to conclusions and render a decision based on one sides version? Can you say fascist?
No they don't.

If they are called in and find probable cause to think that an individual has broken a law then they are obligated to arrest the individual and do exactly what they did.

It's up to the court system to then decide if the person is guilty and if so what should be done.

And according to that story that's NOT what was done, the pictures, though crude, did have labels indicating who the characters were and the legend that said "Teachers Must Die" with the gun being pointed at them and being fired by the kid who drew it.

As such it does contitute a potential threat and thus it is in fact against the law.

Think of it this way, if you drew that picture with a picture of Obama and you firing a gun at him and that kind of headline and sent it to the whitehouse do you think you'd get a visit from the Secret Service or not?


probable cause isnt enough to arrest a minor. and tell me what weapon besides a pencil did the child have on him? go ahead ill wait.

so drawing pictures with 0 intention of actually doing so is agianst the law? why arnt video game produces liek BFBC2 arrested then? in the game you actually shoot us soldiers

drawing a pic of shooting the president is different than a teacher because of the status...

ontop of all that he was throwing the picture away. had he not gone to throw it away and kept it to let it sink in that may be a problem BUT they wouldnt have found it if he did that..

and if he was actually planning to do it why the fuck would he do it in open view of everyone?
many problems with your statements
1. the doctor told him to do that and it was calming him down there for working.
so your saying going irate and punching hitting other children or creating a real reaction is different
2. the police arrested a minor and took him down to the station which i believe is illegal
3. doesnt matter if they are more cautious they arrested a minor for drawing a fucking picture

A police officer may arrest/detain a juvenile for either a felony or misdemeanor offense
since when was drawing a picture a felony or misdemeanor

1) doesn't matter at all, what matters is what the drawing represents, a credible threat made to the teachers.
2) nope, not illegal at all.
3) doesn't matter how a threat is made, a threat is a threat and that picture can be reasonably interpreted as a threat of deadly force, which makes it against the law.

And you can presume that most 11 year old boys in Colorodo know how to shoot a gun.

So you come to conclusions and render a decision based on one sides version? Can you say fascist?

my conclusion is based on facts of the story lets go over them
1 child drew a picture of stick men shooting becuase he was upset and in the mood to be loud and abnoxious "i had adhd so i knwo probably moreso than you how he is thinking.
2 child put names below the stick men to put all of that disturbance in his head onto the paper
3 the child is now more calm and focued
4 the child goes to throw the meaningless paper away

how is that based on one side? all of thoes are facts. but im a fascist right?
1) doesn't matter at all, what matters is what the drawing represents, a credible threat made to the teachers.
2) nope, not illegal at all.
3) doesn't matter how a threat is made, a threat is a threat and that picture can be reasonably interpreted as a threat of deadly force, which makes it against the law.

And you can presume that most 11 year old boys in Colorodo know how to shoot a gun.


1. by an unarmed child venting his frustration per advice from his doctor
2. i edited my statement if you missed that part
3. reasonably iterepreted and what facts do you have that its reasonable for that particular child to kill his teachers? he has no priors nor per the video violent behavior.
4 keep in mind he is a minor

so because hes from colorado.. he knows how to shoot a gun? thats a bit of a sweeping statement. i bet he doesnt as most 11year olds dont know how to shoot a gun beyond put bullets in and pull a trigger.. im from iowa and didnt knowhow to shoot a gun till i was 20 but i presume since it is iowa i should know how right?
the school did.. but why? you cannot answer that the child had no prior problems wtih the law

Right so what happens if the police get called, come down, dont act and something DOES happen? This is the society the LAWYERS created for us.
Probable cause? Cause of what? You'd better round up all the kids playing "Grand theft Auto" on thier pc's as it involves running from the police, killing them and, worse, reckless driving. Honestly. Oh, and then there's the game designers. You could get them for "intent".
What is it you hate so much about children that makes you so frightened that you have to have them arrested and thrown in a cell?
This is bullying on a grand scale.
probable cause isnt enough to arrest a minor. and tell me what weapon besides a pencil did the child have on him? go ahead ill wait.

so drawing pictures with 0 intention of actually doing so is agianst the law? why arnt video game produces liek BFBC2 arrested then? in the game you actually shoot us soldiers

drawing a pic of shooting the president is different than a teacher because of the status...

ontop of all that he was throwing the picture away. had he not gone to throw it away and kept it to let it sink in that may be a problem BUT they wouldnt have found it if he did that..

and if he was actually planning to do it why the fuck would he do it in open view of everyone?

The police don't determine guilt or innocence, they only determine if there is probable cause that a law was broken, and being a minor doesn't get you off the hook for this.

In this case, that picture represents a credible threat of lethal force made by the boy against the teacher (in court the issue of it being thrown away could be used by the boy's defense team, but that's not an issue to the police)

As to doing it in the open etc, again those are issues for a court, not for the police.

Of course video games aren't a threat, they don't threaten any living people.

No, the only difference between drawing a pic like this is who comes to arrest you, draw a picture of a teacher and it's a state crime, draw a pic of the president and it's a federal crime.

Right so what happens if the police get called, come down, dont act and something DOES happen? This is the society the LAWYERS created for us.

if the child had a history of violence.. i would agree but he doesnt the WORST thing he has done is disrupt class

and that's not how the world works

example you have a child with someone you 2 split up you have joint custody one parent keeps the child past the date your suppose to exchange wont answer the pone or return texts? this happens all the time and yet nothing is done. you cant enforce law on what MIGHT happen
so that action gives the right for a parent to put out an amber alert?
if the child had a history of violence.. i would agree but he doesnt the WORST thing he has done is disrupt class

Again, not an issue to the police, though the court might consider this.

Simple issue to the police, is the picture a credible threat?

They apparently thought so (they of course could be wrong) but once they make that determination, they really have no option but to do what they did.

Everyone seems to be making a big deal out of the arrest process, but that is really the minor part of the criminal justice system.

The Courts are where it is determined, once all the facts are presented including by the defense, to determine if a law was actually broken and if so the appropriate penalty/treatment.

My guess is the reason we are hearing about this arrest that happened 6 months ago is that it is just getting to this much more important phase of the process.

The police don't determine guilt or innocence, they only determine if there is probable cause that a law was broken, and being a minor doesn't get you off the hook for this.

In this case, that picture represents a credible threat of lethal force made by the boy against the teacher (in court the issue of it being thrown away could be used by the boy's defense team, but that's not an issue to the police)

As to doing it in the open etc, again those are issues for a court, not for the police.

Of course video games aren't a threat, they don't threaten any living people.

No, the only difference between drawing a pic like this is who comes to arrest you, draw a picture of a teacher and it's a state crime, draw a pic of the president and it's a federal crime.


what probable cause do they have outside of a picture? children all overthe place create profiles or characters and play games that kill officers civillians and others.. that is more probable cause than a drawing, a drawing orderd by his doctor none the less.

again the child has no history of violence and is expressing thoughts on paper since when is expressing thoughts in a non violent way probable cause?
so if you have ever thought of punching someone or physically hurting them you should be arested for assault. of something that might happen

"ofcourse video games arnt a threat" so if a video game has police officers in it and u have to kill them police officers arnt real people?

but a pice of paper wtih stickmen are right? with animation of firing a gun at them is?

"No, the only difference between drawing a pic like this is who comes to arrest you, draw a picture of a teacher and it's a state crime, draw a pic of the president and it's a federal crime"

once agian he is a minor
with no history of violence

unless a crim is commited you DEFINATLY CANNOT try him as an adult on what MIGHT happen.

if the world worked the way it does in your head every middle easter person should be put in jail because the MIGHT fly a plane into a building or they MIGHT suicide bomb
Again, not an issue to the police, though the court might consider this.

Simple issue to the police, is the picture a credible threat?

They apparently thought so (they of course could be wrong) but once they make that determination, they really have no option but to do what they did.

Everyone seems to be making a big deal out of the arrest process, but that is really the minor part of the criminal justice system.

The Courts are where it is determined, once all the facts are presented including by the defense, to determine if a law was actually broken and if so the appropriate penalty/treatment.

My guess is the reason we are hearing about this arrest that happened 6 months ago is that it is just getting to this much more important phase of the process.


points here are a doctor orderd way of expression is not a credible threat. and agin they aressted the CHILD on what they THOUGHT he MIGHT do. if the world has come to this were all fucked