10 principles for investigating UFO reports

And so...which leads to the reality of UFO's and their actual existence .
Yes, UFO's exist river, please read my previous reply......:) ;)
UFOlogy in reality has simply developed into a mythical and cultural phenomenon, where all natural, meteorological and astronomical possibilities are ignored, or summarily dismissed after investigation by the converted and faithful.
UFO's and UFOologists are rightly portrayed as a silly pop-culture obsession, which is evidenced by the religious and church like gatherings at their regular Paranormal Pub meetings. ;):rolleyes:

The ironic thing about the closeted and not so closeted claims of the impressionables in this thread, is the fact that the critics and cynics of these Alien visitation claims, on this thread, plus most scientists, particularly astronomers and cosmologists, and myself, certainly believe we are not alone in this universe, and just as obviously would dearly desire that the proper scientific evidence and/or actual contact with Aliens, actually happen before too many of us kick the bucket.
So the question arises, why do they/we reject the "evidence" for UFO's as lacking any real substance.
In fact a growing number of scientists, are of the opinion, that the extraordinary evidence for ETL will be forthcoming within the next decade or so, as a result of the increasing numbers of extra solar planets being discovered, and more sensitive instruments to detect atmospheric content, signals etc become available.
Right..as in NOT identified as a weather balloon, or a meteor, or an atmospheric effect, or a helicopter, or the planet Venus, or swamp gas, or a hallucination, etc.
As in "Unidentified" not identified as a weather balloon, a meteor, atmospheric effect, helicopter, Venus, swamp gas, hallucination, ghost, goblins, Aliens, time travellers, inter-dimensional beings etc etc etc :p not withstanding your usual desperate obfuscations of course.
As in "Unidentified" not identified as a weather balloon, a meteor, atmospheric effect, helicopter, Venus, swamp gas, hallucination, ghost, goblins, Aliens, time travellers, inter-dimensional beings etc etc etc :p not withstanding your usual desperate obfuscations of course.

A UFO could be an interdimensional, or an alien spacecraft, or a time traveler, or any number of unfamiliar things because those things have not been identified yet in our experience. It is only required that a UFO not be identifiable as any KNOWN object or phenomenon. It could still be an unidentified or UNKNOWN object or phenomenon.
A UFO could be an interdimensional, or an alien spacecraft, or a time traveler, or any number of unfamiliar things because those things have not been identified yet in our experience. It is only required that a UFO not be identifiable as any KNOWN object or phenomenon. It could still be an unidentified or UNKNOWN object or phenomenon.
Stop obfuscating MR:
A UFO is simply an unidentified or UNKNOWN object....period. ;)
any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially one assumed by some observers to be of extra terrestrial origin.

a flying object in the sky that some people believe could be a spaceship from another planet

unidentified flying object: any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, esp. one assumed to be of extraterrestrial origin.

highlights by me.
A sudden influx of UFO sightings, coinciding with the advent and increasing popularity of drones of all shapes and sizes.......
Probably a great percentage initiated by practical jokers! ;)
A UFO could be an interdimensional, or an alien spacecraft, or a time traveler, or any number of unfamiliar things because those things have not been identified yet in our experience. It is only required that a UFO not be identifiable as any KNOWN object or phenomenon. It could still be an unidentified or UNKNOWN object or phenomenon.
That's a lie and you know it. Part of your trolling. A UFO is something that has not been identified -- as anything. It does not mean it has been proven not to be anything, it just means it hasn't been proven to be anything. Which means it could still be anything. Indeed, a great many UFOs are later positively identified as mundane things....and, of course, none are ever positively identified as aliens, "inter-dimensionals" or whatever other nonsense you could invent. You of course know all of this. I mean, you aren't stupid.
So out of those hundred of claimed instances of skeptics saying they think the vast majority of ufos are real, you only quote yourself. You're a lying troll.
As was to be expected, several more skeptics have chimed-in in the thread, saying they agree that the vast majority of UFOs are real. As you knew before and I knew before and I knew you knew before and you knew I knew you knew before. So, which one of us is the lying troll?
That's a lie and you know it. Part of your trolling. A UFO is something that has not been identified -- as anything. It does not mean it has been proven not to be anything, it just means it hasn't been proven to be anything. Which means it could still be anything. Indeed, a great many UFOs are later positively identified as mundane things....and, of course, none are ever positively identified as aliens, "inter-dimensionals" or whatever other nonsense you could invent. You of course know all of this. I mean, you aren't stupid.

100% agreed!
But obviously he needs to fabricate nonsense by eliminating most all natural astronomical, and meteorological possibilities, so as the door is only open to his pet paranormal/supernatural/time traveller/Alien nonsense as any possible source.
Then he loudly acclaims, "Look, I'm not saying what it is, I'm just saying what it is not" :rolleyes:
A UFO could be an interdimensional, or an alien spacecraft, or a time traveler, or any number of unfamiliar things because those things have not been identified yet in our experience.
Since it's unidentified, a UFO could also be a weather balloon, a cloud, the planet Venus, a distant aircraft, a mirage, etc. Unidentified means we don't know what it is yet.

It is only required that a UFO not be identifiable as any KNOWN object or phenomenon.
There's no way to know whether any given UFO is unidentifiable. We can only know that it's unidentified.

I already explained this distinction in a previous post.

It could still be an unidentified or UNKNOWN object or phenomenon.
Yes, it could be that. Or it could be unidentified and a KNOWN (but unidentified) phenomenon.
Since it's unidentified, a UFO could also be a weather balloon, a cloud, the planet Venus, a distant aircraft, a mirage, etc. Unidentified means we don't know what it is yet.

There's no way to know whether any given UFO is unidentifiable. We can only know that it's unidentified.

I already explained this distinction in a previous post.

Yes, it could be that. Or it could be unidentified and a KNOWN (but unidentified) phenomenon.
Yes, and it's also worth noting that there are meteorological events that are not fully explained by scientists....
things such as a "Glory"
Glory (optical phenomenon)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glory around the shadow of a plane. The position of the glory's centre shows that the observer was located in front of the wings.
A glory is an optical phenomenon that resembles an iconic saint's halo about the shadow of the observer's head, caused by light of the Sun or (more rarely) the Moon interacting with the tiny water droplets that make up mist or clouds. The glory consists of one or more concentric, successively dimmer rings, each of which is red on the outside and bluish towards the centre. Due to its appearance, the phenomenon is sometimes mistaken for a circular rainbow, but the latter has a much larger diameter and is caused by different physical processes.

The cause of the glory remains a matter of scholarly debate.

Couple all that with the possible weird cloud formations, bolides, meteors, comets, mirages, trickery, unidentified aircraft, unknown secretive military aircraft, and its no wonder UFO's are so often seen.
And here is that very intriguing sighting explained.


(I wanted to hold off on this until we got some good feedback on it, then spring it. But I'm not the only Google Fu black belt here, so someone would have spiled my fun.)
Interesting. However I was expecting them to mention that a condensation trail will be warmer than the surrounding air due to the release of Latent Heat, but they actually do not seem to make any reference to that.
Since it's unidentified, a UFO could also be a weather balloon, a cloud, the planet Venus, a distant aircraft, a mirage, etc. Unidentified means we don't know what it is yet.

No..all those known things have been ruled out, hence meriting it the name UFO. Do I need to start quoting those UFO definitions again?

"An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon."---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_flying_object

Here's the difference in how a ufologist uses the term UFO and a skeptic uses it. For a skeptic an object is a ufo before the investigation of it and could be anything. For a ufologist an object is a ufo only AFTER the investigation, after all known causes have been eliminated. At that point it becomes a true unknown and unidentified object, matching thousands of other sightings of such mysterious anomalies.
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