10,000 clams to the first skeptic to debunk...

But cranks, nuts, conspiracy theorists and idiots (feel free to wonder which I might associate you with) use quotes of Einstein saying "Imagination is more important than knowledge" to give them an excuse for having no knowledge. All imagination and no knowledge is worse than having no imagination and tons of knowledge because at least the person lacking imagination can be given a problem and told "Apply this method, give me the results". Someone with no knowledge won't even understand the problem. I'm sure you don't understand zero point energy in quantum field theory, nor would you understand the AdS/CFT description of repelling singularities. Yet you're happy to claim ZPE and antigravity are within our ability to prove exist. When was the last time you read a physics textbook or a physics journal? For me it's been however long this post has taken me to type.

Now listen here your ass holiness:

I was REALLY admiring you and all the time that you have (graciously?) taken in this post considering the vast amount of information and experience you contain and have contributed. That was until the above condescending BS stunk the general atmosphere up. I WILL NOT stand for this type of unjustified arrogance and ASSumption from you or anyone else.

You have ZERO idea about who and what I am, but I will say this my well assured friend, before this very day is over you could well REQUIRE a man of my expertise. Your world is no more or less pathetic than my own. Not one bit. The knowledge I possess is something you would not have a clue about I am certain. In fact, without men such as myself, your pathetic scholastic bound humdrum would come to a screeching halt before this week ended.

You may possess a working knowledge, a lifetime achievement of undaunted worthiness, but don't you EVER assume you can sum me or my capabilities up like some microbe in a petri dish.

You apparently have learned NOTHING from Einstein for you do not have a clue what relativity even means.

Dwell on this.
Electrafixtion - I feel pity for you that you have to resort to lying. Sad indeed.

I do not feel bad for you, for as certain as your pretend world is filled with joy, it MUST be accompanied by as much sorrow.

No, you are not pathetic, but you are delusional.
Er, WRONG <loud buzzer> The nearest star is...the Sun. Every schoolgirl knows that.

Er? ..... no, it actually has the appellation "Sol" :bugeye: - please don't slander school-girl intellect, as your criminally deficient worthless excuse for a brain is more kindred to menstruation seepage on the aforementioned ladies undergarments.

Er? ..... no, it actually has the appellation "Sol" :bugeye: - please don't slander school-girl intellect, as your criminally deficient worthless excuse for a brain is more kindred to menstruation seepage on the aforementioned ladies undergarments.


If this is not the most blatant example of someone signing in under a new screen name to keep from being "found out" (oh, naughty, naughty) I don't know what is.

ROTFLOL...i think
Truthfully, I don't remember any valid explanations so I am giving ANYONE the chance to refute these photos as being explained by either some common place technology or other explainable phenomenon mistaken for technology.




I'm not going to comment on the validity of the photos here because photoshopping is just too easy and accessible these days, but one looks like one of the shots from the belgian 'incident' - if memory serves me that was shot on slide film which is VERY hard to tamper with without it being immediately obvious.

Personally I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the BFTs (or is it FBTs?) are real - not because I have seen them but for another reason which I cannot go into here (and not by PM either so don't ask EF - sorry).

However I'm not about to jump to the conclusion that they are either alien or derived from alien tech - my opinion is its military hardware
I'm not going to comment on the validity of the photos here because photoshopping is just too easy and accessible these days, but one looks like one of the shots from the belgian 'incident' - if memory serves me that was shot on slide film which is VERY hard to tamper with without it being immediately obvious.

Personally I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the BFTs (or is it FBTs?) are real - not because I have seen them but for another reason which I cannot go into here (and not by PM either so don't ask EF - sorry).

However I'm not about to jump to the conclusion that they are either alien or derived from alien tech - my opinion is its military hardware

Yes Synthesizer-Patel, the classic BFT is in the middle position. I too believe these are most likely of human origin, just as I believe what happened in Phoenix was of human origin.

There is most definitely a high degree of integrity to be found within the Belgium investigations. That whole investigation was very well organized and conducted.

MANY possibilities are possible, some are incredibly unlikely, but non the less possible.

There have been MANY reports from around the globe of these objects both entering, and leaving the water.
Yes, I am man enough to do that as I have done so many time prior. However I believe, or rather am convicted, to give these cutting edge "claims" a fair shot. I do not believe that just because I personally as a lay person choose to champion these claims that I should be required to "prove" them.

I mean, is that my place? Did I invent them?

It's a strange world we are living in Read-Only. This being when what we cannot see for ourselves is proved on paper and yet we still don't accept it as proved. At the same time what we can see for ourselves also has to be proved on paper, and even though we can see it, and yet are not carrying around written proof in our breast pocket, it must not exist.:confused:

Remember what Planck said about the door to the temple of science?

This would be a great time for us not to forget.

That was noting but a vain attempt to skirt the issue.

It was you who introduced the idea of anti-gravity existing - yet there is absolutely no evidence of ANY kind that it does. In fact, for it to do so, would violate several of the basic laws of physics.

You continually demonstrate to us that you leap at any chance to believe in fantastic technology! What's next, time travel????

I take it that you believe in anti-gravity based on the apparent motion of "objects" in these grainy videos and eyewitness's unreliable accounts of the motions these "things" make. Correct? If those "craft" could actually make sharp turns at the speeds that it's claimed they are traveling at, no living substance would be able to withstand the tremendous amount of inertia involved in such turns. That's even more basic science for you. It wouldn't matter if it were Earthlings aboard the craft or some amoeba-like blob from a distant galaxy, the g-forces involved would reduce them to a thin smear of protoplasm.

But of course in order to maintain your grand fantasy, you cannot allow such minor things as physical laws to get in the way...
That was noting but a vain attempt to skirt the issue.

It was you who introduced the idea of anti-gravity existing - yet there is absolutely no evidence of ANY kind that it does. In fact, for it to do so, would violate several of the basic laws of physics.

You continually demonstrate to us that you leap at any chance to believe in fantastic technology! What's next, time travel????

I take it that you believe in anti-gravity based on the apparent motion of "objects" in these grainy videos and eyewitness's unreliable accounts of the motions these "things" make. Correct? If those "craft" could actually make sharp turns at the speeds that it's claimed they are traveling at, no living substance would be able to withstand the tremendous amount of inertia involved in such turns. That's even more basic science for you. It wouldn't matter if it were Earthlings aboard the craft or some amoeba-like blob from a distant galaxy, the g-forces involved would reduce them to a thin smear of protoplasm.

But of course in order to maintain your grand fantasy, you cannot allow such minor things as physical laws to get in the way...

Apparently you have not read one of Stryder's latest posts? ;)

Read-Only, you know that I do respect you. I REALLY don't know if anti-gravity exists, so I cannot say firmly that I believe in anti gravity, but I do however believe that it represents an area of science that few understand. I will however elucidate the point that I BELIEVE there are those that do.

The Hutchinson Effect is in fact a demonstration that is clearly exemplary of "anti-gravity" and most scientists that are TRULY "in the know" will admit as much. The honest ones however will step right up and admit that they do not even begin to understand the sciences that fundamentally support and represent the manipulation of matter or the sound wave influence over gravity that alter it's effect on mass.

It's they that are not cowards however Read. They know the effect exists because they themselves have been witness to it. This is the type of scientist that Planck referred to as the necessary proprietors of the temples of science that will insure it's advancement into and through new paradigms.

You see Read-Only, the more time I spend here in the pseudoscience section of this forum, the wiser and the less emotional I get with respect to my quests of understanding.

Many years ago a VERY wise philosophy teacher taught me that if I wanted to learn, go to the men that know.

Let me ask you something in a very reverent fashion: Do you think that this gentlemen was attempting to cultivate the quality of trust within me? Or do you believe he was ascribing the habit of not casting my pearls of curiosity before unknowing swine?

I believe I have glimpsed through, and indeed past, the normally opaque and reflective veils of pride and ego. But just a few fleeting luxurious glimpses I'm afraid. I'm only human and the typical impulsive & quick snort retort to me is no stranger.

You really have no clue how much I value you and everyone else here. You simply do not, because honestly and truthfully, you under estimate your priceless value.
Doesn't stop the FACT that you were WRONG does it?

Incidentally, I watched a part of the DVD again last night and guess what? Sereda was misquoted and NEVER claims himself that ACA & ACB are the closest technically. Naturally it's whacked out of context by pathetic minds that troll for their own entertainment.

You know, I worked with a bunch of Astronomers for four years, and it was a given that when we talked about 'nearest stars' we needn't include the Sun.

That interview I linked clearly has Sereda however, getting it wrong. I don't care what's on your DVD. That interview was clear. Sereda gets it wrong.

Meanwhile, he also claims that Jesus Christ can travel anywhere because his resurrected body is made from light. You dodged this question, but do you believe Sereda on this point?
Einstein had no formal training that in any way shaped or defined his theory of relativity....

Lies. He studied physics to degree level. He needed to know classic models to know what facts didn't fit them. You can't just leap to relativity without understanding classical physics. If you truly want to learn something, try 'Mr Tompkins in Paperback' by George Gamow. It will explain some tricky concepts in easy terms. I picked up a copy for myself again recently actually, as I enjoyed reading it as a teenager.

He HATED school and made that extremely clear. He had ZERO use for it and NEVER promoted it.

So why did he 1, take a degree, and 2, submit a thesis to gain a PhD? Why not just publish the thesis in 'The Fortean Times'? Because he recognised the necessity for peer review, and the intellectual capital inside academia, perhaps?

Why is it woo woos try and make out that Einstein was uneducated? Oh, I know, it's because they can't make themselves like Einstein, so they try and tell us Einstein was like them!
Apparently you have not read one of Stryder's latest posts? ;)

Read-Only, you know that I do respect you. I REALLY don't know if anti-gravity exists, so I cannot say firmly that I believe in anti gravity, but I do however believe that it represents an area of science that few understand. I will however elucidate the point that I BELIEVE there are those that do.

The Hutchinson Effect is in fact a demonstration that is clearly exemplary of "anti-gravity" and most scientists that are TRULY "in the know" will admit as much. The honest ones however will step right up and admit that they do not even begin to understand the sciences that fundamentally support and represent the manipulation of matter or the sound wave influence over gravity that alter it's effect on mass.

It's they that are not cowards however Read. They know the effect exists because they themselves have been witness to it. This is the type of scientist that Planck referred to as the necessary proprietors of the temples of science that will insure it's advancement into and through new paradigms.

You see Read-Only, the more time I spend here in the pseudoscience section of this forum, the wiser and the less emotional I get with respect to my quests of understanding.

Many years ago a VERY wise philosophy teacher taught me that if I wanted to learn, go to the men that know.

Let me ask you something in a very reverent fashion: Do you think that this gentlemen was attempting to cultivate the quality of trust within me? Or do you believe he was ascribing the habit of not casting my pearls of curiosity before unknowing swine?

I believe I have glimpsed through, and indeed past, the normally opaque and reflective veils of pride and ego. But just a few fleeting luxurious glimpses I'm afraid. I'm only human and the typical impulsive & quick snort retort to me is no stranger.

You really have no clue how much I value you and everyone else here. You simply do not, because honestly and truthfully, you under estimate your priceless value.

That was a very respectful post and I shall attempt to maintain the same demeanor.

Seriously, I honestly think that the biggest problem you have with a lot of things is accepting them and their supporters without doing enough research into the people involved. As I've said before, THE most important thing in researching other people's claims is to determine their integrity and honesty.

Hutchion is a good example of what I - and many others! - believe to be an outright fraud. Not only that but he is seriously delusional. When anyone - like Hutchion - starts making claims of working WITH the government and also says the government has made efforts to destroy his work and efforts, red warning flags should pop up all over the place.

You really should carefully read the Wiki article on him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hutchison

And then spend another couple of hours checking out the links provided in and with the main article. It's my sincere opinion that the man is a delusional fool who has proven absolutely nothing beyond the fact that he's both demented and delusional - oh, and also has a severe case of persecution complex. In short, a crazy idiot. (And I think even that is being too kind to him.)
That was until the above condescending BS stunk the general atmosphere up. I WILL NOT stand for this type of unjustified arrogance and ASSumption from you or anyone else.
Then I suggest you stop making claims or assumptions as if they are fact. The fact is you don't know about our current understanding of gravity and quantum mechanics, yet you see no hypocrisy in telling me to not make assumptions after you've claimed that ZPE and antigravity are proven facts. Good one.
You have ZERO idea about who and what I am, but I will say this my well assured friend, before this very day is over you could well REQUIRE a man of my expertise
Well I didn't. And short of things like some health emergency or the house I live in collapsing or being the victim of crime (ie immediate need for one of the emergency services) I don't generally have an immediate requirement for other people. And given this thread is about physics and you aren't showing much 'expertise' in it, I don't think I'd have much requirement for a man of your 'expertise' if I had a problem with physics.
The knowledge I possess is something you would not have a clue about I am certain. In fact, without men such as myself, your pathetic scholastic bound humdrum would come to a screeching halt before this week ended.
None of which is relevant for a discussion on physics and me calling into question the validity of your claims or assumptions about physics. I wouldn't call a doctor's medical training into question if he didn't know about quantum mechanics but I would call into question the validity of any of his statements about quantum mechanics.

See the connection there?
You apparently have learned NOTHING from Einstein for you do not have a clue what relativity even means.
Ah, the call of the crank. You cannot actually do relativity but you think reading Wikipedia, a few crank websites and maybe thumbing through a biography of Einstein (so you know he wasn't working in a university when he published SR) that you've got some amazing intuitive, conceptual grasp of his work which escapes people who can actually do relativity. You aren't the first and I'm sure you won't be the last.

I'm still waiting for you to link to a reputable paper investigating and corroborating the Hutchinson effect.
Then I suggest you stop making claims or assumptions as if they are fact. The fact is you don't know about our current understanding of gravity and quantum mechanics, yet you see no hypocrisy in telling me to not make assumptions after you've claimed that ZPE and antigravity are proven facts. Good one.
Well I didn't. And short of things like some health emergency or the house I live in collapsing or being the victim of crime (ie immediate need for one of the emergency services) I don't generally have an immediate requirement for other people. And given this thread is about physics and you aren't showing much 'expertise' in it, I don't think I'd have much requirement for a man of your 'expertise' if I had a problem with physics.
None of which is relevant for a discussion on physics and me calling into question the validity of your claims or assumptions about physics. I wouldn't call a doctor's medical training into question if he didn't know about quantum mechanics but I would call into question the validity of any of his statements about quantum mechanics.

See the connection there?
Ah, the call of the crank. You cannot actually do relativity but you think reading Wikipedia, a few crank websites and maybe thumbing through a biography of Einstein (so you know he wasn't working in a university when he published SR) that you've got some amazing intuitive, conceptual grasp of his work which escapes people who can actually do relativity. You aren't the first and I'm sure you won't be the last.

I'm still waiting for you to link to a reputable paper investigating and corroborating the Hutchinson effect.

For the sake of brevity I'll cut through the chase here.

First of all, Thank You. You do elucidate some very good and important points as per usual.

I think you will agree that context is VERY important with respect for an over all understanding of what constitutes the weight of obligation in any situation.

Did you forget that this is the "pseudoscience" section of the SciForums' message board system?

When someone such as yourself, who is obviously extremely learned and specific with respect to expertise, responds in such a fashion as to EXPECT legitimacy or careful research on exacting issues, I do believe you have forgotten where you are at.

This is NOT a formal debate. This is NOT the legitimate physics section of the board (where I wouldn't even be inclined to start a thread), this is the PSEUDOSCIENCE section of the forum.

I have come here KNOWING of my likely ignorance and asking questions subsequently. Naturally as someone lower in real knowledge than many members that make up the SciForum's populous, I will have innocent delusions that come equipped with a healthy dose of enthusiasm.

So in short deep down, I EXPECT to be beat on here a bit. But when you as an advanced SciForums' member feel as the pseudoscience section is a place where you expect to engage well prepared propagators of brilliant cutting edge insight, who's made the mistake?

It's up to YOU to refute here in this section of the forum, with facts you yourself are armed with that underline that which is not pseudo science but rather legitimate science, to back up your disagreements. Not just to place the burden of enlightenment on the enthusiastic pseudoscience section goer.

You gotta be real here AlphaNumeric. We are both on a mission but your mission should NEVER be to intimidate and ridicule members "MR. Stand Alone - I don't need anybody" (which incidentally is a laugh)

Now for instance: I mentioned that fact that I believe Hutchinson's effect is represent of some esoteric new science. I provided a link to a video that clearly exemplifies "The Hutchinson Effect"

I'm done. Now the ball is now in your court. Refute this video with your present understanding and that which constitutes a strong case for non reality of the pseudoscience in question. You cannot do this by asking more questions or by pointing to the philosophical illegitimacy of my "scientific stance" or anyone else's.

The Pseudoscience section of this over all GREAT message board system is for the enthusiastic discussion of speculative pseudo scientific curiosities. And for the refutation of those propositions, be they unexplained anomalies and phenomenons, or be they claims by other scientists with very questionable supporting evidence.

This is NOT a lazy man's shooting gallery where in the legitimate credential seeking bullets of your flag waving scientific sharp shooting expertise may take aim and fire at will. This military exercise can only be triumphed over via that covert intelligence operations of legitimate scientific knowledge put forward to conquer and win out over the pseudo science enthusiasts.

Don't get me wrong. Credentials are CRUCIAL as Read-Only has been teaching me and has pointed out in one of his last posts in this thread. But I would like to state for the record that the way he did that was incredible. It actually pierced the tough hide of my obstinacy. Seems stupid doesn't it? Candidly, and admittedly, so are many people that champion the specific type of pseudo scientific enthusiasm that is put forward in this section of the form. Get used to it.

I await your factual fiery arrows of refutation. May they plunge deep enough into the flesh of MY pseudo scientific fascination as to pierce the foolish heart of my enthusiastic folly.
If there were that many ice particles/space junk floating around the tether as the astronauts observed, the astronauts wouldnt be observing they would be dead. Even the smallest dust particle can kill you in space if its moving fast enough.

So until someone can explain to me how the STS astronauts managed to dodge all of this debris around them without some sophisticated navigation system then I will have to assume intelligent control because no collisions happened.
If there were that many ice particles/space junk floating around the tether as the astronauts observed, the astronauts wouldnt be observing they would be dead. Even the smallest dust particle can kill you in space if its moving fast enough.

So until someone can explain to me how the STS astronauts managed to dodge all of this debris around them without some sophisticated navigation system then I will have to assume intelligent control because no collisions happened.

The other issue that always trips me up when trying my best to dismiss this whole thing as explainable, is the consistency of the shape that these objects possess. If it was dust or random ice particles, I wouldn't think there would not be this type of consistency.

I really do "get" and have subsequently looked into these hex, diamond & airy disc anomalies. One of the biggest problems with this type of thing is the fact that almost always the rest of the frames in the film are poorly focused. That is not the case with this footage. Some of the film is very resolute where these pulsating/rotating objects appear.

Another issue for me is that the tether is not the only object that these uniform (in shape) objects pass behind either. There is a shot where a single object passes behind a satellite or space station as well.
Electrafixtion, do you also agree with Sereda that the resurrected body of Jesus Christ can appear anywhere because it is made of light?
Easy, this ice particle was relatively close to the camera compared to others in the frame. It only appears to veer to the right; a simple illusion created by camera movement to the left - designed to fool complete and utter muttonheaded pinnacles of retardation.
"Seeing is believing" apparently means "Seeing(x) <-> Believing(y)"

So far science explains:
1) why hand-held CCD video images look grainy and unsteady
2) why out-of-focus features seem to maintain "details" in the same "orientation"
3) why dim, out of focus features seem to "pass behind" over-exposed background features 100km distant
4) why space around the Shuttle is not debris-free
5) parallax
6) the lack of eyewitnesses making any extraordinary claims about this video at all
7) the need for error-bars in the most humble analysis of data
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