
Quoth The Visitor

"Most people believe that we use 10% of our potential brainpower and human capacity in the course of a lifetime. Studies now indicate that we use not one-tenth but one-ten-thousandth of our capabilities!"


Oh? What part don't you use?

Have you ever heard a doctor say, ". . . But luckily when that bullet entered his skull, it only damaged the 90 percent of his brain he didn't use"?
I read your post, Q, and you would be surprised. In fact, their was a fellow where I live tried to blow his brains out. He said he woke up on the side of the road-couldn't remember a thing. He went to his doctor 2 or 3 days later complaining of headaches. The guy had a bullet in his head for that long! The police said in the paper, and I quote, "we knew Spryfielders were tough, but we didn't think they were that tough!." No bull! I will try to find the article, but it was a few years ago.
"Q" says;
Have you ever heard a doctor say, ". . . But luckily when that bullet entered his skull, it only damaged the 90 percent of his brain he didn't use"? :rolleyes:

{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Actually yes, all the time..
The brain has plenty of reserve capacity, if one area is damaged , another area will sometimes "learn" the chores done by the damaged area and take over the role.

I had a good friend in high school, who broadsided a schoolbus on his motorcycle at about 70 mph. He suffered severe head injury and was left without the ability to speak, but other than that was normal and continued his electronics carreer.
One year later, he was talking with slurred speech, three years later he was talking as normal as if nothing had ever happened.

Perfect example of un-used brain capacity, .....
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And let me guess, "Thevisitor" the moral of the story was that this "friend" of yours who suffered major brain damage, was actually you, right? You know, stories like that about a friend usually end up being about the person telling them, just making an unrelated observation, don’t try to read anything into it.

I don't understand why so many people get the "we only use ten percent of our brains" thing wrong. This doesn't mean that there is 90% of our brain that is unused, this only means that at any one only about ten percent of our brain is active, this being largely due to the fact that regions of our brain are specialized and designed to perform some sort of function, and in our daily lives we aren't using the full range of functions that our brain normally performs.
heyya all :)
funny how most people spend more time looking for ways to avoid having to spend energy of the mind rather of the planet.

groove on all :)
Originally posted by TheVisitor
the studies say one ten-thousandth,not one tenth.

I'd like very much to see these studies of yours, thevisitor, as I have never heard of any such counter intuative information, and I do make an effort to keep up on these things.
I ran a google saerch for the studies on the 1/10th usage theory, and came up with the 1/10,000th study.

It was reseached by scientist's and used in a report by hewet-packard to improve the efficency of managers using the resourses....kind of a Dale Carnigee type of a power of positive thinking study. Here it is.

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Scientific research for potential of human brain provided below:


Are you serious???

That is not a web site outlining "scientific research" or scientific ANYTHING!

It is an advertisement for a self-help motivational speaker guru (like Tony Robbins) trying to sell people on going to his damned business seminars.

I am being completely honest and genuine here, not poking fun and trying to be funny...
To post that link as a source scientific evidence is bordering on psychotic behavior.
A break from reality.

If I put up a web page stating that scientific studies show that humans have a vast untapped power to levitate due to a region of the brain that once had the ability to control local gravity and is now inactive and I can show you how to tap those resources, would that be proof of scientific research?

How many Ron Popeil products do you own?
You are really majoring on a minor here.
They said studies were done, it's been accepted for years by science in general that we only use 1/10th of our brain.

You and some others are borderline out on the fringe by denying this fact...no one else does, and that was never the point anyway.

Somebody who didn't like my statement as a whole, about five or ten posts back....cut in and denyed this becase they couldn't find anything else to criticize.

You people here amaze me..... you won't listen to truth, and spit it back out like it's poison, you wouldn't accept it if was feed to you intraveinously, and your life depended on it.

And when you can't deny it staring you in the face, you start making stuff up to critize, put words in or out of context where they wen't said.........

You "Naysayers" that disagree with your own disagreements have a well established method of changing the subject when one of you is proved wrong......THIS WAS NEVER THE SUBJECT

Lets get it back to Zeta Talk and quit trying to major on minors......it's an old and obvious tactic.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
They said studies were done, it's been accepted for years by science in general that we only use 1/10th of our brain.

Not only is this tangent on topic, YOU are the one the brought it up.

I am not "majoring" on anything.
I am simply discussing the point you rose.

As it was pointed out already, the notion that has "been accepted for years by science in general that we only use 1/10th of our brain" AT A TIME.
You apparently do not have a real understanding of the concept.

THEY said studies were done.
Studies that "indicate that we use not one-tenth but one-ten-thousandth of our capabilities! ".

Which are completely unsupported claims made by someone who is not a scientist, does not attempt to support his assertion at all, does not cite his sources, does not elaborate in the least and is trying to turn a buck as a motivational speaker.

And you linked to this article attempting to use it as evidence when you were asked to support your claim.

I am simply refuting that as a reliable source of factual evidence.
My point was never whether we use 1/10th of our brain "at a time" or 1/10th period, which is what I was led to believe was commonly accepted.....no, my point was the size of our brain is sufficiant.

We have the ability if we could believe without any doubt,...... clear down in the receses of our sub-consience were we have non conscience control, if we had faith without sin pluging up the plumbing, and it operated the way it was created to....

We could create an entire world into existance and go live on it.....
We were created in the image of God, as His children.........Adam and Eve were amature gods...... THAT was my point, and that is what was so skillfully diverted from with this "tangent".