

Registered Member
I'm sure you are all aware of ZetaTalk (www.zetatalk.com). I have read quite a bit of the content on that site, and I find it very intriguing. I can perfectly understand why most would think it is an elaborate hoax. The thing that really bothers me about this site is that there are no "Buy my book," "Join my club," etc. etc. links... why would someone waste so much time putting a TON of content on this site without asking for a dime? I like to think that if someone truly had information key to our survival during the "end times," they wouldn't think twice about putting all that information hitch-free on the net. I guess it boils down to Nancy Lieder (ZetaTalk's creator) either being a crazed psychotic lunatic or one of the most important "prophets" our world has seen. Also, if you haven't heard the interview she had with Art Bell, visit www.artbell.com and search their archives. It's very interesting stuff, especially when she does a live question and answer, her being the moderator between the callers and the Zetas. Any comments, questions, or thoughts about Zeta Talk??
I suppose you're right about the creative part, but judging by the amount of content on that site, I think the word "creative" might be a little mild. Although a majority of her info can be traced back to other people with similar ideas, some of it is quite original and intriguing. You just have to wonder what force beyond the scope of creativity has pushed her to create that site. Has anyone ever checked out Nancy Lieder's background? Might be worthwhile. I know she moved from California to Freedom, WI (only about 3 hours north of me) into what she deems a "safe zone".
The site might be free, but its incredibly hard to follow with links put every third word. Poor design in my opinion.
heyya all :)
Mr Anonymous
In a funny way, it's no dafter an idea than what lies behind the more established Relgious Movements the world over. More, I'd venture, in a way it makes strangely more sense than most than most....
LOL i did! i agree to a large amount!
(funny how most self stated 'strongly' main stream religouse people are absolute hipocrits)
>>>if you look at the missing children statistics then we must have allot of babby jesus's going all over the place<<<

if you stay openminded enough to the point of a true sientist..
then with using conformist cross reference, its hard to rebuke some of the "facts" that are posted within.

aside from any concept of validity to the site...
when has anyone in government heeded the warnings of any self proclaimed prophets!
and now most people believe that what they see on t.v is real
so in turn they are breeding psychopaths...
for what?
the complacent religouse idealist along with the violent religouse
protestor is just as equaly to blame as each other.
hence a concept of christ and anti christ material reinforcement.
blah blah...
just making a little cyclic journey for ya :D
hence... my quote for today...
(i made it up many years ago in real time)
"to what volume and labour do we harvest facts to prove our original thought correct"
i feel such a ??? saying,... is duely void of such sociatally re-occuring negative reinforcement, hence perversive self ego pandering.

groove on all :)
Originally posted by Hyperformance81
The thing that really bothers me about this site is that there are no "Buy my book," "Join my club," etc. etc. links... why would someone waste so much time putting a TON of content on this site without asking for a dime?

She does....

Buy My books and Videos
hence with no money to follow productive aspirations
we are all just terrorists in boot camp!
only once you acknoledge that money is what the world revolves on!
it hasnt changed in hundreds of thousands of years...
so it would seem.

and we are a better species for it! (EXTREEM sarcasim)

its just SOo retarded to think that the random chance generation of certain types of personalities will ever be enough to progress
when the system is run by greed mongers and hipocritical religouse zealots.

are the churchs the most wealthy organisations in the world?
greed and religion have been sowen together with ignorant
complacentcey with a healthy does of fear mongering!

while E.Ts' and secret societies sow seeds of disfunction and hatred just to give them something to watch on thier T.V sets.

ps is sci spelt incorrectly by the exclusion of the a.
"what the in hell does asci mean?
just another doctor of butchery...?
and who covets thier aspirations of methods of adjustment...?
the stockholm syndrome seems all to real!

my soap box got sold for church ornaments so i the crazzy person will go and look for a shiney expensive wall to bang my head against for artistic apreciation.

c'est la vie

ps if you dont know what im talking about that is most likely a good thing!
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Mr Anonymous

I like you. Your silly
thankyou kind sir!
i would be deeply insulted to be called normal!

LOL Youd be surprised that there is an actually galactic "Fedaration" and the greys are only part of it. LOL!
Each galaxy has its own federation or loose knit organization of all life forms from each planet of the galaxy.It would be the equivalent of the United Nations of the galaxy. This Federation has both invited members and observational members. Invited members are those species that have managed to behave in a responsible manner as stewards of their planet and combine both the technology, philosophy, and culture that enable them to communicate as a global entity that has a unified agenda.

Observational members are species who are fragmented and are still wrestling with one another over land, power, money, culture, and a host of other things that prevent them from forming a unified world government. The human race on planet earth is such a species, and for now, it is simply observed by the Federation, but is not invited into its policy making and economic systems.

LOL I know yall gonna say I've been watching to much Star Trek LOL!!!!! but its true
Ok you , gotta ask the right question. Why would a lady, with nothing to gain but a reputation of how people are going to look at her talk in depth like she knows whats shes talking about is real? And the people that would interview her would know if shes really "crazy" otherwise they wouldnt of bothered and wasted time if she was.
The greys are real. People dont actually see them if they dont want to be and if you could you might not be able to, unless they want you to.
A lot of spiritual people that are able to recognize higher dimensions have seen the "greys" and thought them spirits.
Its hard to explain how they communicate , they can project themselves in a higher dimension thats why no one can see them. Its like some kind of telepathy.
LOL dont have to believe me.

heres a link to what they look like... LOL!
heyya Scrap@lot

humans, ... as they are called.
can do the same type of thing to that extent in a more/less
way if they are of a stronge enough mind.
funny thing is, is that most humans that i have met
have no desire to make any effort to gain self advancement in any type of way that requires them to be a better person in a spiritual and\or social way which ofcoarse is the most obviouse pre-curser to the mental ability.
regardless of socio-economic-demographey or religousely touted practices or through creed association.
maybe we need some sort of pandemic to sort out the selfish lazzy people from the not selfish lazzy people...
now that would be a huge breakthough in bio-psyche technology.
lets hope genetics moves fast enough before we loose all the artists of this civilisation.
i can only hope the orions (? :D ) amoung others are allowed to help and take the oppertunity to do so.

groove on :)
Originally posted by TheVisitor
We as humans in our fallen state, use 1/10 of our brain.
A rather dubious statement. Can you support it?

:m: Peace.
originaly posted by Scrap@lot

LOL I know yall gonna say I've been watching to much Star Trek LOL!!!!! but its true.
heres a link to what they look like... LOL!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Actually, they do bear a close resemblence to the Talosians in the pilot episode from 1964 titled, - The Cage. This later was made into a two-part eposide were Spock rescues a cripled Capt. Pike and returns him to Talos in - The Managerie.

"Most people believe that we use 10% of our potential brainpower and human capacity in the course of a lifetime. Studies now indicate that we use not one-tenth but one-ten-thousandth of our capabilities!"
Why would the size need to be larger ?.

If we could use the ability God gave us and the "plumbing" of the brain were not "cloged" by doubt and material concerns we would have the power to speak a world into existance and go live a life on it.

Scientific research for potential of human brain provided below:
