ZERO Tolerance - religious V non religious

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przyk said:
What do you think I was implying when I said: "Yea, that's the problem with people...¨

I haven't seen anything else you've written in this thread so not sure what this is about? but agreed with rest of post.
Everyone is special hopefully anyone who has a child will recognize that. Theists tend to divide humanity into the damned and the saved the righteous and the sinners. Atheists by definition cannot divide humanity in such a way. I look at my wonderful boys so full of the joy of life and potential and find it disturbing that anyone would ever see them as damned to hell regardless simply because they don't believe, as something less than a fully realized human being.
Special atheist/agnostic peoples:

Anne Frank
Elie Weisel
Mahatma Ghandi
Shari Lewis
Albert Einstein
Carrie Fisher
The Marx Brothers
The Three Stooges
Charlie Chaplin
Rodney Dangerfield
Katherine Hepburn
Jody Foster
Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees
Bob Geldof - Humanitarian Activist.
Carl Sagan
Christopher Reeves
Ron Reagan Jr
Jack Nicholson
Jerry Seinfeld
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy
Ben Franklin
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Thomas Edison
James Randi
John Lennon
George Carlin
Gene Kelly
Walt Disney
Charles Schultz
Matt Groening
Douglas Adams
Ernest Hemingway
Isaac Asimov
Sock puppet path said:
Everyone is special hopefully anyone who has a child will recognize that. Theists tend to divide humanity into the damned and the saved the righteous and the sinners. Atheists by definition cannot divide humanity in such a way. I look at my wonderful boys so full of the joy of life and potential and find it disturbing that anyone would ever see them as damned to hell regardless simply because they don't believe, as something less than a fully realized human being.

Agreed! We ARE ALL special, the thread though is about those who believe that THEY are more special than others, and Athiests are as guilty of this (as Mythbuster has just demonstrated with that list) as anyone else.

meanwhile Mythbuster, why does God have to be this is the entire argument you have for your 'proof' there is no god, please do explain?

Oh and thanks for your 'special' list, anyone from any group can produce a list though. I think Jews probably would have the longest list, they seems to have the most achievers? Does that make them more special or just winning a numbers game?

Although Arabs invented maths, without which there would be no science, without which there would be no athiests? So Arabs created athiests? ponder ponder......
Mythbuster said:
Everyone is born atheist.
Therefore, everyone is special and different ! :D

No they are not, Jews are born Jews if their mothers are Jewish, and muslims are muslim if their parents are muslim (thinks that's correct?)

So, God has to be perfect why? Still haven't answered that...are you afraid it will rock your nonbelief system to address the core of your non beleif argument?
Theoryofrelativity said:
Although Arabs invented maths, without which there would be no science, without which there would be no athiests? So Arabs created athiests? ponder ponder......

Sorry that is bullocks, do some research ;)
Sock puppet path said:
Sorry that is bullocks, do some research ;)

it's 'bullucks' is it ;)

copied from web, link to follow:

""They invented mathematics and science." Surely, Bertrand Russell could not have expected to be taken seriously. The Egyptian invented mathematics, which he decided to denigrated as, 'form of rule of thumbs.' Pythagoras, whom the White people like to credit with the mathematical theorem that bore his name was a student in Egypt. So much for the so-called 'Father of mathematics!' This fact alone, which could not have escaped Bertrand Russell, demolished the argument that the Greek invented mathematics. Aristotle, Plato borrowed their ideas from the Egyptian - although without giving any credit. Not less a personage than Herodotus affirmed that Greece borrowed from Egypt all the elements of her civilization, even the cults of her gods. We have to ask Bertrand Russell how a people could could something as imposing as the pyramids with a working knowledge of trigonometry! The Papyrus of Moscow and the Rhind Papyrus greatly enrich our knowledge of these facts.

When it is not sufficient to ascribed any notion of ingenuity on the ancient Greeks, Western scholars fall back on an old-trick, looking for a mythical White origin of the Egyptian civilization - the most impressive of all ancient civilizations.
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from the web:

Is a word derived from the Arabic source AlJabar and is the product of Arabic genius.

Al-Khwarizmi the celebrated mathematician is also the author ofHisab Al-Jabr Wal Muqabla, an outstanding work on algebra which contains analytical solutions of linear and quadratic equations. Khwarizmi has the distinction of being one of the founders of algebra who developed this branch of science to an exceptionally high degree. He also gives geometric solutions of quadratic equations, e.g., x2+10x=39 an equation which was repeated by later mathematicians. Robert Chester was the first to translate this book into Latin in 1145 A. D. which introduced Algebra into Europe. Later on this book was translated by Gerard of Cremona also. The Algebra written by Al-Khwarizmi is lucid and well-arranged. After dealing with equations of the second degree, the learned mathematician discussed algebraic multiplications and divisions. Writing in The Legacy of Islam Carra De Vaux says, "In the 18th century Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa, an algebraist of considerable importance says he owed a great deal to the Arabs."' He travelled in Egypt, Syria, Greece and Sicily and learned the Arabic methods there, recognised it to be superior to the method of Pythagoras and composed a liber Abaci in 15 chapters, the rest of which deals with algebraic calculations. Leonardo enumerates the six cases of the quadratic equations just as Al-Khwarizmi gives them. The translation by Robert Chester of Khwarizmi's algebra marks the beginning of the era of the introduction and advancement of this branch of science in Europe. "The importance of Robert's Latin translation of Khwarizmi's algebra", says a modern orientalist, "can hardly be exaggerated because it marked the beginning of European Algebra."
Theoryofrelativity said:
Thank you for blatantly identifying yourself as 'special' indeed!

Max, you see now?

Well, then I am a counter example. I am religious, and I don't think I'm much of anything. And since it only takes a handful of examples to prove a point (my inference from your example(s)) then at most you have a wash, some do, some don't. I know that there are atheists that would say the same thing. I don't see how belief in God/or no belief in God/or no belief at all, logically(!!) has anything to do with feeling special.

If you are going to say anything, say that everyone thinks they are special. Because to an extent this is true, it is tied to survival, but has nothing to do with personal beliefs about or against God.

I am also a bodybuilder, and I would say that "most" bodybuilders think they are special; again I'm not one of them.

I am a lawyer, and I would say that "a lot" of lawyers think they are special; again I'm not one of them.

What else am I...

Doesn't matter, I think that you get my point. There will be people in every group that thinks that they are special, but to say that religious people and atheists are special just isn't saying very much.

Mythbuster said:
Special atheist/agnostic peoples:

The Marx Brothers

I think that you would have a hard time putting Groucho into that category. I've been somewhat of a die-hard fan for some time. He was much too complicated to put into a group of atheist/agnostic.

He was Jewish, and his grandparents were devout, while his parents were less so and his brothers were even less. But ironically they all married non-Jewish women, who were of the Christian persuasion.

I would say that the honest truth is that Groucho just didn't give it much thought. And you can't lump people into a category that don't think about. And I'm sure that someone could bring up or fabricate a quote from Groucho that would prove otherwise, but to do so is to admit that you don't know very much about Groucho. Everything that came out of his mouth was either to make money or make someone feel bad (usually his family, especially his wives) or to do both. He didn't have very many serious moments, wasn't very forward with his feelings and wasn't very lucid in his later years.

I just point that out, because despite all of his flaws I still look up to what he did as a person, a father, a husband and a comedian. So, I defend a man who can no longer defend himself, based on my very extensive research of his life.

If you do want a Groucho quote, here you go: "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." Therefore, I think it would be impossible to place him into any category.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Having read the different religious threads, observing the religious members battle the athiests or just different religious groups clashing, I can conclude two things :

Religious: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the non religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

Athiests: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

(de ja vu?)

You can't ALL be right, either 'ALL are special' or 'NONE' are...which is it?

I think both religious people and atheists are special in a special kind of way....

Religious people believe such STUPID things, like creationism, and that all non-christians are damned for eternity, they are always saying "Halleluyah" and quoting the Bible and protesting about abortion or blowing themselves up in busy shopping centres because some cynical towel-head told them they would get to heaven quicker that way. That makes them special.

Atheists are special too, smug in their naive belief that science has or will explain everything, and that they are obviously more intelligent than any superstitious idiot of a theist. They are totally blind to anything that cannot be measured, analysed and classified. So it's not surprising that they miss out on finding the mystical source of joy, love and wisdom because they insist we all should be sitting in their objective, inhuman, cold, callous and uncaring scientistic materialistic reductionistic universe.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone. :eek:
smug in their naive belief that science has or will explain everything

Sorry bro but, i know atheist peoples who know nothing about science and have no clue what the hell is a god. Some place where atheism is high like china, tuvalu islands, small tribes in africa and some native south american countries.

Like a child ready to learn something or get brainwashed.
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Thank you for blatantly identifying yourself as 'special' indeed!

Special? No. I have re-read my post and can not see how you can come to that conclusion. In fact I don't even see any relevance to anything you have said in this thread. There is no double standard, nobody is extra special. My point was secular societies are healthier than those filled will strong religious values. As I said, that is a fact.
No they are not, Jews are born Jews if their mothers are Jewish, and muslims are muslim if their parents are muslim (thinks that's correct?)


The human mind is born a blank state, no knowledge of anything, it's not christian, jewish, nor is it islamic, it's just an organ learning to breath, and survive. The parents are the ones who indoctrinate these children to be jewish, muslim or christian. But they are defenetly biologically born atheist. Thus have no religion whatsoever!. no knowledge of religion, no knowledge of god, no knowledge of anything, only survival by limited means. The mind at birth is a blank slate.
