ZERO Tolerance - religious V non religious

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Theoryofrelativity said:
Having read the different religious threads, observing the religious members battle the athiests or just different religious groups clashing, I can conclude two things :

Religious: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the non religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

Athiests: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

(de ja vu?)

You can't ALL be right, either 'ALL are special' or 'NONE' are...which is it?
All are special (and unique etc.).
You can't ALL be right, either 'ALL are special' or 'NONE' are...which is it?

As an atheist I think all of human life is special. Though some are gullible, while others tend to use reason to get through life. Theism=gullibleist
atheist=rationalist. ;)

Why do you think atheist gang up on theist here?

This is the way we are viewed outside of sciforums.

At least here, we can tell them what we really think.

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Godless said:
This is the way we are viewed outside of sciforums.

At least here, we can tell them what we really think. Theyr full of it. :rolleyes:


deary me? That's rough! Lower than the lowest of the low? What is it about Americans then and zero tolerance??? What's with this scale you have?? We don't have such a scale in the Uk?
Uk is more advanced mentaly then the US.

Btw, there's more secularism in the Uk than there is here.
both 'sides' as i experience te game going on here--are patriarchal. te religionists here are mainly literalists who believe the bible naively.
te non-religioniss also believe it but deny it. get me?
the religionists think they have 'God' on their sde' and the non-religionists 'science' on their side. both feel suprior---well never say 'all'. but generalizing
where i am comin from. is i see both sides as patriarchal and wanting to escape Nature or put it ritght. the religionists see Nature as a steppin stone to some heaven, and te anti-rs see it as mechanical, and here for teir mainpulation. their 'logic' becomestheir 'god' and the ones who believe temselves to be kosher scientists are kind of LIKE 'God'. but they believe tat tere's no meanig. tat when they die that's it. tes no communion. no interlatedness---if youuu will
i just watch. like tennis. bemused and ignored by both players. But i AM NURTURED BY THE MOTHER
This idea of being special is crap. For anyone. I was born before I knew it, and I will die before I know it. So will you, regardless of what you believe now. But your beliefs don't make you special. Generalizing that religious, atheist, etc. people think they are special is absurd. I would think that a lot of people on this forum would give you the opposite idea. Someone who is special wouldn't want you to be a part of their group, so why is everyone here pushing their beliefs (the religious and the atheist, and the whoever else)!

You might have a decent point, but I think that "special" is the wrong word.

Actually Max, mine and duendy's observations are correct, you read of some of that stuff! They think they a e pretty special alright! There is no denying it, as I said in some cases its explicit, 'we are righteous, you are wrongous?' lol Some imply it, of course as Duendy says, a generalisation.

re being ignored Duendy, you and me both, thats cos we're not on their teams! lol
P1. God cannot create time & space
P2. God cannot create without time & space
C5. God cannot exist without time & space
1.) If God exists, then he is perfect..
2.) If God exists, then he is the creator of the universe.
3.) A perfect being can have no needs or wants.
4.) If any being created the universe, then he must have had some need or want.
5.) Therefore, it is impossible for a perfect being to be the creator of the universe (from 3 and 4).
6.) Hence, it is impossible for God to exist (from 1, 2, and 5).

1.) God, by definition, is a perfect being.
2.) God, by definition, deliberately created the universe.
3.) So, if God were to exist, then he would be a perfect being who deliberately created something.
4.) To be perfect, one cannot have any needs or wants.
5.) To deliberately create something, one must have at least one need or want.
6.) Thus, it is impossible for a perfect being to deliberately create anything.
7.) Therefore, God cannot exist.

1.) God is an atemporal being.
2.) God is all aware.
3.) God then would be aware of the passage of time.
4.) The passage of anything is change from one instance to another.
5.) God is not an a temporal being.

1.) If the Christian God exists, everything that exists is part of his perfect, divine plan.
2.) Atheists exist.
3.) So, atheists are a part of God's perfect plan.
4.) Therefore, God wants atheists to exist.
Mythbuster said:

1.) If the Christian God exists, everything that exists is part of his perfect, divine plan.
2.) Atheists exist.
3.) So, atheists are a part of God's perfect plan.
4.) Therefore, God wants atheists to exist.

Meanhwile you are saying here that Athiests are special because God (who doesn't exist???) made you, and therefore wants you, so you are special.
Well thats not very well reasoned is it? If there is no God how can you explain your 'specialness' this way?
ZERO Tolerance
Yea, that's the problem with people...
Theoryofrelativity said:
Religious: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the non religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

Athiests: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.
What does this tell you about humans in general? Religion /Atheism has little to do with it. What do you think I was implying when I said: "Yea, that's the problem with people...¨
Religious: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the non religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

Athiests: you ALL kind of think you are somehow special, and better than the religious, whether you state it directly or merely imply it.

Comparing the two is pretty pointless. It's like when people constantly say atheism is a belief that is on a par with being religious.

I think atheists are 'better than the religious' because they make up a better society. That is a fact. And this is ignoring the obvious delusion which really... you have to be of low intelligence to accept as being true.

The only reason they still to this day maintain some dwindling respect in modern society is because there is still so many of them. A belief (no matter how rediculous) will be respected so long as it is popular.
Mythbuster said:
Why something imperfect must be the first cause ?

And why not?

To preseume that God had to be perfect to create this universe, means that
you beleive that the universe is TOO perfect to have been accidentally or randomly caused...which means you believe it was created. You athiests have trouble NOT believing in God it seems?

If the universe as is said was a random event, then God need not be perfect at all...and even it was NOt a random event, still no need to be perfect? Since when do you have to be perfect to create something?
KennyJC said:
Comparing the two is pretty pointless.

I think atheists are 'better than the religious' because they make up a better society. That is a fact. And this is ignoring the obvious delusion which really... you have to be of low intelligence to accept as being true.

The only reason they still to this day maintain some dwindling respect in modern society is because there is still so many of them. A belief (no matter how rediculous) will be respected so long as it is popular.

Thank you for blatantly identifying yourself as 'special' indeed!

Max, you see now?