Your own smell

Baron Max said:
You like the body odor of someone who hasn't bathed in months? ..and worn the same clothes for all that time? You like that smell????

How 'bout the scent of dead, rotting animals? How 'bout the scent of pig shit that's been out in the sun for several days? How 'bout ....well, I could go on, but I think you get the message. One should be careful of making such generalized statements about anything!

Baron Max

Max the statement "I like smells" does not mean that Water likes all smells. We all like 'smells' as opposed to a smell.
i HATE smelly armpits.i can smell my pits while im in the shower!!!i sweat in the shower!!!!its sucks super mega balls because i have a very very good sense of smell.

have you ever had surgery? i had my gallbladder out in july and i stunk like medicine for a week,i couldnt even eat or drink anything becasue it all smelled and tasted so know why hospitals smell the way they do? ist because the drugs mess up your badies chemistry and it makes them stink like that.

i cant wait until people dont stink so damn much.
Baron Max,

You like the body odor of someone who hasn't bathed in months? ..and worn the same clothes for all that time? You like that smell????

How 'bout the scent of dead, rotting animals? How 'bout the scent of pig shit that's been out in the sun for several days? How 'bout ....well, I could go on, but I think you get the message. One should be careful of making such generalized statements about anything!

I said I liked smells, I didn't say I like stench. The sense of smell is my favourite sense, next to hearing.

Besides, be careful, you don't know my full scope. I grew up in the country, with the smell of manure constantly present. I do all the dirty work at home, like cleaning the drains. At first, my choice of study would have been pathology, I wanted to be a coroner and perform autopsies, but then my parents talked me out of it because it "doesn't become a girl".

It's not that I like stench; I am not bothered by it the way many other people are.

* * *


I like the way I smell, and I like the way other people smell. No, that's not entirely true. I like the way my friends smell.

Yes, we communicate our likes of those belonging to our group also by liking to smell them / liking their smell.

If you have a pet, you might notice that you like to smell it too.
Ever notice how different parts of the body smell different? There's head smell, arm pit smell, neck smell, crotch smell, foot smell. There's a really particualr smell right on the breast, directly below the collarbone and towards the pit. You can smell phermones, perfume, skin, soap and sweat there.

Girl sweat smells great.

Her: "Ew I'm all gross and sweaty."
Me: "You smell great."
Her: "Eww! I need a shower!"
Me: "The perspiration on your upper lip is way turning me on."

Ideally we'd roll around on the dirty ground, savagely biting and scratching eachother before sex, but girls always get weirded out and typically on't stay after my first line.

C'est la vie.