Your own smell


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I don't mind my own smell. In fact my fav personal smell is my feet. But I am sure that most of you here would not agree.

Why don't we like other peoples natural smells? Yet we like our own?

Whats your fav personnel smell? Do you like someone elses smell?
I don't think we LIKE them, we are just curious...

Like sniffing your own farts. Sickos.
I don't like the smell If I'm really sweaty after exercise or whatever.

Just casual smell I'm fine with as is my gf. I like the way she smells too! (Normally)
alexb123 said:
Why don't we like other peoples natural smells? Yet we like our own?

Can you back up those two statements with any facts or research?

For example, it's my understanding that human sweat has little or no scent. The bad body odor that we sometimes smell is NOT the natural scent of sweat or body, but the build-up of bacteria on a ...DIRTY... body (or clothes).

I don't think that either of those two statements are factual.

Baron Max
no, it's not necessarily to do with bacteria. Sweat does smell and it does contain communication hormones. Walk past a girl's dorm or corridor in a boarding school and you are hit by a wall of alfactory messages!
Baron Max said:
Can you back up those two statements with any facts or research?

For example, it's my understanding that human sweat has little or no scent. The bad body odor that we sometimes smell is NOT the natural scent of sweat or body, but the build-up of bacteria on a ...DIRTY... body (or clothes).

I don't think that either of those two statements are factual.

Baron Max

dont you ever get the horrible smell on you yet you feel compelled to sniff again feeeling?
Blue_UK said:
no, it's not necessarily to do with bacteria. Sweat does smell and it does contain communication hormones. Walk past a girl's dorm or corridor in a boarding school and you are hit by a wall of alfactory messages!

Ahh, sure, but what are you smelling? Old clothes? Unwashed bodies? Unwashed feet and crotches?

And why do you say it's not necessarily bacteria on the skin? How can you possibly know that?

Baron Max
kenworth said:
dont you ever get the horrible smell on you yet you feel compelled to sniff again feeeling?

Ya' mean after they've been confined to hot, unventilated socks and shoes all day long?

See? That's not the human body ye're smelling, it's old, rancid sweat that has been kept confined in non-ventilated spaces.

No, I don't think the human body has much of a scent at all. Try smelling your girlfriend right after she's finished with a shower (if she doesn't use bath oils, etc). It's just a nice, fresh, clean scent.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Ya' mean after they've been confined to hot, unventilated socks and shoes all day long?

See? That's not the human body ye're smelling, it's old, rancid sweat that has been kept confined in non-ventilated spaces.

No, I don't think the human body has much of a scent at all. Try smelling your girlfriend right after she's finished with a shower (if she doesn't use bath oils, etc). It's just a nice, fresh, clean scent.

Baron Max

ok,i meant the you give your armpit a smell to see if you need a shower after a run and you find you do.but you sniff again anyway.maybe only me though.and yet other peoples sweat makes me want to puke,same with farts etc,i can handle my own but i dont like breathing others'
...LOL! Thanks, Kenworth, that was funny. But, hey, keep trying ...ya' know there are people in the world who can actually bend like that! And I'm sure that they don't need others to have great sex!!! ..LOL!

Baron Max
to get slightly back on track here, some people did a study of a bunch of men from all different racial backgrounds. they had the men wear the same shirt (with no other odors, eg cologne) for 3 days, and when there were done they put the shirt in boxes with a hole to let odor out. subsequently, they gave the boxes to women to smell (they didn't know what the smell was before hand), and asked which one they liked more. most of the women picked boxes corresponding to similar genetic backgrounds. for example, an arab woman would choose the arab man's smell. I don't remember the figures, but I thought it was interesting enough to being up.
I know that bacteria are not significantly responcible for many common body odours such as sweat. Why would they we more active after I've been jogging? Why would the bacteria on men and women be so different (skin pH is different overall, but varies over the body).

A snippit (click here for more):
Humans have glands at the base of the hair follicles of the skin, especially in the armpits and and the genital regions that produce odors, called pheromones that attract the opposite sex. The active compounds causing these effects are uncertain but they appear to consist of short-chain fatty acids such as proprionic acid and butyric acid, both of which in their pure state have strong and disagreeable smells. Steroid hormones, related to androstenone, also seem to function as sexual attractants.
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Butyric acid was recently replaced by 2-methyl-2-hexanoic acid as being the true "body odor" smell.
Why don't we like other peoples natural smells? Yet we like our own?

I think it is for feed-back information about the state of health of our body that we like to smell ourselves.
We may not consciously process this information, but the body very well can, it seems.

Just like we like to smell our own pee and poo; it's not that we particularly enjoy it, it's that we are after the feed-back information. The smell of excrements carries information about the body's state of health.

I hope you've noticed that you can tell by the smell and sight of your poo whether you're healthy or sick.
Also, that you like your smell when you're healthy, but don't like it when you're sick.

Whats your fav personnel smell?

My late cat had the smell that was dearest to me. I keep looking for that smell.
Now, my favourite smells are myself and my present cat.

Do you like someone elses smell?

Yes, I like to smell people. If it weren't such a social taboo, I'd smell everyone crossing my path, smell them up close.
water said:
Yes, I like to smell people. If it weren't such a social taboo, I'd smell everyone crossing my path, smell them up close.

Hmm, even people who haven't bathed in months?????

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hmm, even people who haven't bathed in months?????

Oh, they probably smell strong enough and make up for the distance, so I don't have to go any closer to them than the polite distance.
I like smells.
water said:
I like smells.

You like the body odor of someone who hasn't bathed in months? ..and worn the same clothes for all that time? You like that smell????

How 'bout the scent of dead, rotting animals? How 'bout the scent of pig shit that's been out in the sun for several days? How 'bout ....well, I could go on, but I think you get the message. One should be careful of making such generalized statements about anything!

Baron Max
No, I don't think the human body has much of a scent at all. Try smelling your girlfriend right after she's finished with a shower (if she doesn't use bath oils, etc). It's just a nice, fresh, clean scent.

Here's a better experiment. Find a sweaty, dirty little child and sniff. Sniff the pits. No smell. No go find the kid 10 years later and give a good sniff. Whew, smells like hormones, don't it!

Remember back in fifth and sixth grade after all the kids came back in from recess all our prebuscent bodies reeking up the room? The third graders' classroom didn't smell like that, though.

I like the way I smell, and I like the way other people smell. No, that's not entirely true. I like the way my friends smell.