Your help is more than welcome...

Whether it is a conspiracy theory or not, what makes you think it is applicable here?

The current problem is that "Professionals" use a "Textbook definition" that was defined in the early 20th century when such equipment didn't exist, now adays the equipment exists and the number of misdiagnosed cases speak for themselves.

What you're saying is that someone is taking advantage of the mental disorder a few people have, to make other peoples lives worse... The very fact that people heard voices <b>before</b> the 20th century speaks for itself.

Professionals use a "textbook" definition because that's the only way to safely class a disorder. There is research going into it all the time, and medication, although still not without side effects, has come forward leaps and bounds for that very reason.

The number of misdiagnosed cases doesn't have any connection with any type of mind control, it is simply because 1)the symptoms are harrd to describe for patients and 2)professionals can't get in their brain and tell exactly what chemical deficiances there are.

As an ex-schizophrenic, I can tell you in full confidence that believing it is anything other than a well documented medical disorder is extremely unwise and could be life threatening (10% of untreated schizophrenics commit suicide).

Someone who hears voices are likely to think they are external, simply because of the fact they appear to have no control over them. By believing her, you are ultimately strengthening her delusion.

The first step to recovery for her (as it was for me) is realising that the 'voices' are not external, that anything she hears that others can't comes from herself.

It is possible to have 'episodes' of schizophrenia which can last a number of weeks, so hopefully your daughter will recover soon. I've seen situations like this ruin families so I sympathise with what you must be going through right now.
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The reality is thus, People are being abused via clandestine equipment this you can not change. It's not a conspiracy, a conspiracy is chasing a mear shadow, a theory. This is a Reality.

If you don't believe me then think of it like this, the human brain has no capacity to generate a vocalised voice internally, namely "you should not be able to hear yourself think", if you can "hear yourself think" or you have a Vocalised Conscience then I'm suggesting that not everything is as it first appears.

If a doctor tells you otherwise then what is he actually reading from his textbook??? Observation, speculation and answers from questions that patients have been asked. This is why I stated that they did not test physics or even test to see if the auditory sound could pentrate certain shrouds/shields. If you call yourself scientists or at least people that search for an axiomal truth, then you should not be so hastey to dismiss it as Schizophrenia or some other mental ailment.
The reality is thus, People are being abused via clandestine equipment this you can not change. It's not a conspiracy, a conspiracy is chasing a mear shadow, a theory. This is a Reality.

If you don't believe me then think of it like this, the human brain has no capacity to generate a vocalised voice internally, namely "you should not be able to hear yourself think", if you can "hear yourself think" or you have a Vocalised Conscience then I'm suggesting that not everything is as it first appears.

How did you come to that conclusion? What happens while we dream, or are in a drug-induced state? Are you suggesting the voices everybody 'hears' then are also external? Altered states of consiousness have been around as long as humans have.

If a doctor tells you otherwise then what is he actually reading from his textbook??? Observation, speculation and answers from questions that patients have been asked. This is why I stated that they did not test physics or even test to see if the auditory sound could pentrate certain shrouds/shields. If you call yourself scientists or at least people that search for an axiomal truth, then you should not be so hastey to dismiss it as Schizophrenia or some other mental ailment.

I understand your point about not testing physics, but you are taking the term 'voices' far to literally. It is more like an amplified thought that is uncontrollable, and thus appears detached. You have to consider that no-one can hear the voice apart from the patient, therefore the possibility of it being from an external source is extremely unlikely.

Mental problems can appear after periods of stress and that looks like what has happened here, why would there be any reason to think otherwise when so many people (myself included) have been correctly diagnosed?
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I don't believe in the mental illness mythology of this current paradigm. for more in-depth about this read up on Thomas Szasz at

I personally have had one experience many years back of hearding what appeared to be an externalized voice in my head. i was going through severe stress at the time, and the episode was brief

I saw a documentary once where a girl explained how she started hearing voices. she said she had gone to her new university--first time away from home. in her digs she felt a bit outcast for the others. she began imagining they were talking about her, and saying nasty things.....soon this took on the form of actuall hearing 'voices in her head', then she becomes diagnosed with 'schizophrenia'

I have heard other people diagnosed as such usually say the voices are nsty, and insulting them etc

I agree with some posters here that these 'voices' are internal.....though i also wouldn't discount spirit entities--this seems a weird thing in our age cause we have supposed to gotten over all that

i sometimes wonder if pople who hear voices who speak nasty are easily shockable and this persona kind of 'brings on' another part of themselves--if you know what i mean? whereas with me i shock mySELF so no other 'part' is gonna get anyhere, i'd foul mouth em off of my brain...heh

also when ever i have fely overwhelmed from some kind of thought that seem to judge me, i have a converstation with 'it'...sometimes saying 'shut the fuk up!!' WORKS
Stryder, I know you'd love a new member in your 'mind controlled' gang, but really, if you had a grain of decency in you, you'd encourage this guy to get professional medical and psychiatric help for his daughter.

You completely ignored the point made by Chameleon 789 that the phenomenon of hearing voices in the head predates the era where we supposedly have the technology to create them. (not that you have demonstrated such equipment exists, even, that's just another delusion of yours).

Schizophrenia is real, your deluded conspiracy theories aren't, so stop giving misinformation over what is a rather serious matter.
Anyway Phlog, you neglect the fact about how it's presumed to be a naturally occuring phenomona. My explaination of the reality is no more fiction than you ever having been a scientist.

The predated to equipment occurances are based upon Observation, Questions and of course Postulation on the part of the doctors at the time. The cases that would have been subject to scrutiny were mostly those that involved serious crime (like murder) where a defendant more than likely would plead anything to get off being put to death at that time, And in other cases it involved the singling out of people "Eugenically" where physical deformaties or mental misnomer's placed thousands of peoples into the supposed care of stae run Mental Health hospitals.

In the Prelude to the Second World War, Nazi Psychiatrists (and Neurologists) were using such hospitals as a testing ground and alot of bogus methods were dream up to deal with Mental Health issues. For instance it was proposed torturing a patient would help fix the ailment and some quacks in the world might still believe that (When I say torturing I mean both Physically and Mentally). Also it should be note that if the doctors of that period were so correct, why did they allow Adolph Hitler to go on from his "Mental Blindness" to become one of the worlds most renound "Evil" doers? (I suppose they must have been following their textbooks blindly.)

Another method to analyse this is simple, When man first looked up to the heavens and saw the sun and moon move, they created gods in the image of man to define the powers at work. Now adays we all know there is physics behind the moon moving and the sun appearing to. It can be suggested the same about "belief and errored logic" generation a false system of understanding that will hopefully one day be rectified with not just science but law.
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Stryder said:
The reality is thus, People are being abused via clandestine equipment this you can not change. It's not a conspiracy, a conspiracy is chasing a mear shadow, a theory. This is a Reality.

Until such time as you can demonstrate this empirically, it is a theory of conspiracy. Period. There is no evidence that such technologies are being deployed in such a manner.

Stryder said:
the human brain has no capacity to generate a vocalised voice internally, namely "you should not be able to hear yourself think", if you can "hear yourself think" or you have a Vocalised Conscience then I'm suggesting that not everything is as it first appears.

Poppycock. Cite a primary source that supports this or concede that it is poppycock. There might be a person's life at stake should Taps be inclined to accept what you're saying as valid. Your position as moderator gives the illusion of authority in that regard, so this is possible.

The human mind is completely capable of producing sensory hallucinations that are auditory and visual in nature, such that they cannot be discerned from reality by one who is deluded by them. This is an extremely well documented medical condition that is often very treatable by medication.
Placing them into a hospital or in the care of one of the supposed professionals you imply they should be taken to is more than likely going to put a persons life in risk. I have known many people to have commited suicide because of their hospitalised treatment as apposed to the ailment they had before they were admitted. "Clinical Depression" is common for those that are placed by doctors onto drugs that are more often the not worse in the way of side-effects than what the original ailment is to begin with.

If you don't believe me then go to one of these doctors for a test perscription of Chlorpromazine and tell me if you feel like yourself or better. (I know full well you would understand then that I state that drug treatment is not an answer)
"Placing them into a hospital or in the care of one of the supposed professionals you imply they should be taken to is more than likely going to put a persons life in risk."

Complete bullshit. Do people who face their illnesses, even in hospitals, commit suicide. Sure. But to suggest that that survival rate of those that seek competent medical care vs. those that avoid it is higher is bullshit.

It may very well be that a hospital stay is not warranted. Moreover, making assumptions about possible medications and using this as an argument against is irresponsible. Suppose all a person needs is a regular dose of Phenytoin? Side effects are minimal, the levels are easily monitored.... there are many, many different psychotropic medications available that can have positive affect on those afflicted with various types of mental conditions.

Chlorpromazine (aka Thorazine) is not among the more commonly prescribed medications for conditions such as schizophrenia. Today, it is more common to see Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Risperdal. Each of which has been clinically tested and on-going evaluations as to the effectiveness of them is shared with other physicians as they are prescribed.

As a matter of fact, one point that readily discounts your conspiracy theory is this: of the 2 million Americans afflicted with schizophrenia, drugs like Risperdal and Zyprexa are almost always effective at reducing or eliminating the auditory/visual hallucinations. This evidence alone points to the effectiveness of competent medical care.
Note this:
America is where when you need some form of treatment you need insurance and money. Where drugs is a big business opportunity since money is made by selling those prescription to your general public, especially if those drugs are Physically addictive (namely a person gets on them and can't get off them because of dependancy)

The UK is stepping up to the eventual "Privatisation" of the NHS system, that is why for years the NHS was underfunded and even why the government has attempted to get hospitals to start "Managing themselves" as apposed to being fully state run.

You might also like to note that some African countries actually have pharmaceutical companies creation such drugs CHEAPLY!. It doesn't take a mathematician to add up those facts, or a Private investigator to chase up the information about where Drugs in the US originate from. (It was even questioned about certain "mis-targetted" pharmaceutical plants in the Iraq campaign a couple of years back.)

[If you don't believe the money relationship, just look at the SPAM for the VIAGRA market]
I say that-from my experience at forums the subject of halluinogenic experience, Goddess, and suggesting mental illness is a myth are the most controversial subjects (may have forgotten one or two others)

focussing on the latter. It is true, the meantal illness scam is based on pseudoscience. check it out. you all have broadband in front of you i take it. well checkout whether the shrinks REALLY know what 'mental illness' IS. They CLAIM they do but they dont.
Take schizophrenia--seing that is the condition being looked at. They do not know what it is, and it is inevitable an unbrealla term they use to diagnose a wide variety of 'symptoms'

I keep hearing the accusation of being a 'conspiracy theorist' if one challenges the consensual belief in mental illness as dictated by medical science. those terms are always desigened to 'shame' the person who questions. to stop investigation into the subject

You should checkout
mainly cause it is a place that supports psychiatric survivors. people who have been on the front line of the 'mental health' establishment.
They don't force people to NOt take meds IF that is what the people want. But they also don't withold relvant information. such as that there is no proof that mental illness is biological disease
A while back some went on a hungerstrike to protest against the APA and force the latter to prove their claims about mental illness. REAd it, the outcome is VERY interesting
The main thing the people at mindfreedom do not want is COERCION. people being forcibley incarcerated for 'unACCEPTABLE' behaviour, where no victims are involved, and coercion to take drugs and undergo treatment they dont like

and talking about unacceptable behaviour. if...IF that is the criteria (unsp[oken of actually)--as Stryder says, whys it then that dudes like Hitler are allowed to do their stuf, or Bush or many of the people who create a mean and oppressive world for many. whay are THEY 'normal'?

such questions as that explored HAVE to make you look at the REAL reasons for the maintanence of the 'mental health system'. I., that is is SOCIAL CONTROL

i dont agree with Stryder when he claims that we really now know about moon and sun unlike the godcreating ancestors. For what OUR mechainized culture does is create the MYTH of mechanized reality. just another myth. though this time with the spirit taken out

Many thanks for your posts and your websites all your comments are very interesting. I will let you know how things goes. At the moment not too good,


To keep you posted, my daughter is now on the list of the victims in the, few victims had the problem phychic attack. Unfortunatly their email address are not working anymore. She is getting the support of a physician and of a social worker, we are now 100% sure that a mental technic/protection/shield exists. If you know it please email it too me now,
Many thanks

[Moderator Edit by Stryder]
I've removed your e-mail address purely because of the number of spiders that collect e-mail addresses, however I suggest that if anyone should have answers to contact through the forums Private messaging. This way for one they are human and for two the e-mail box will not have to be sifted through as much.

You can turn on "e-mail notification for Private Messages" through the preference panel.
[/end Mod]
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Taps34 said:
To keep you posted, my daughter is now on the list of the victims in the, few victims had the problem phychic attack. Unfortunatly their email address are not working anymore. She is getting the support of a physician and of a social worker, we are now 100% sure that a mental technic/protection/shield exists. If you know it please email it too me now,
Many thanks

My father was a diagnosed Paranoid schizophrenia. Or, "skitzo" as the term is sometimes used. You're daughter sounds like she is dealing with a form of schizophrenia. Doctor could help her, with the right medicine to keep the hullucinations/voices down.

Watch the movie a "Beautifull Mind".
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"A Beautiful mind" doesn't necessarily suggest Schizophrenia, although John Nash was placed into Psychiatric care at one point in his life, it doesn't necessarily mean that what he percieved was a delusion. It's one of those thing that you or I will never know for sure, however what we do know is that the film was created and entailed dramatisation of what occured to him, therefore something had to occur to generate a story. (Causality at it's worst)

There were certain pointers that suggested some of his theoretics that he was trying to approach Einstein with, If nutured correctly could have caused a chain of events of consequence, however it itself is just a theory with not data to prove/disprove.
The manifestations of his delusions remained a constant age throughout his life. The medication suppressed his delusions. Logic would suggest that genuine schizophrenia was at work.
Medication suppresses everything Skinwalker, not just delusions but also the capacity to operate in the real world, I've seen people become more delusional because of the medication.
Uh, but what the person described sounds exactly like a form of shizophrenia. Or some other mental disorder/chemical imbalance.

What's the mystery here?

Stryder, my moon images are nothing compared to you're mind-control bullshit. You have no more "evidence" than I do, yet I don't see you locking you're crap up. I wish I could. :D
Quite simply enough with the damn pictures okay. I should need to justify my action on every thread just because you can't see past your conspiracy theory. The subject of "Mind control" had nothing to do with the reason for closing your threads and you would have seen that if you actually read why they were closed.

Now stop polluting other threads.