Your help is more than welcome...


Registered Member
Father of 2, my daughter is hearing voices and get terrible sensations. We beleive that there is a mental technic to stop the voice. Please post it to me, things are not going too good for my daughter.

Back from a trip in Africa where the only focus of the tour organisation was to get as much money as possible from her. She had to fight against those money grabbers.

She thinks the voice is external and from someone. She has her feet on the ground and is saying that the voice is rude and nasty to her...

She has been tested at the hospital, she has not been druged and is getting the support of a social worker. She took her to a physician/specialist and the answer is not obvious he is going to follow her to find out what's going on.

We truly beleive that there is a technic to stop the voice and to protect her. If you know it please please post it to me a.s.a.p.

Many thanks for your help,


when we were living in the UK.
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oh god that sounds not good at all... i will go though my books, maybe that i can find something usefull for you...
could you give me some more information about that voise (male/female, when did it started, how often does she hears it, what does it say, is it in her head or does she hears it like someone real is talking to her.....)
what did the doctors say? what kind of tests did they? was there any kind of psychologist or psyhiater that examined her?

still looking though the books
hm, i didnt found much...
sometimes this symptoms can begin after a period of stress, and then dissapear again, if this continues for like 6 months there is a chanse to schizophrenia, but it could be a deppresion too .... this if you are interested in the psychology part, i found dsm 4 on the net if someone has a better site, pls give...

anyway, i have to run now, when i come back i'll look further for a mental way for her
The voice is a mental condition.. You need to take her to a licensed pyschatrist.. A social worker, while helpful, will not have the expertise to help in this kindof situation.

If you honestly want a mental cure for her.... She has to have complete faith.... And truly believe that "someone" is her Lord, and that she has no fear in union with him...

If she truly believes this, she will be cured.

The reason i say someone is because I do not force my religoius beliefs on anyone.... However, YHWH is someone I have looked to mayn times and been helped many times...
a question terpinator... this is quite interesting and i would like more information...
if she will think that that voise is her lord, isnt that dangerous when that lord is telling her nasty things? or didnt i get that right, did you mean that she has to truly believe in her lord, that is not that voise, but in who she believes to be her god?
pls give me more information :)

and yes, i really think you have to go to a specialist with her!!! if the voise isnt there for a long time yet he could help her more now then when you take her there when she is in a further stadium and will need strong medication!
It could be schizofrenia, voices are a very common symptom of this disorder.

It usualy makes itself known in the teens to late teens. But a breakout of the disorder may occur at any time in ones life. Stress and emotional swings are factors that can cause the disorder to surface.
I would also suggest a consultation with a neurologist. That way physical conditions such as a grey matter heterotopia or temporal lobe epilepsy could be ruled out. Such conditions could lead to seizures that may not manifest themselves until early adulthood or even late teens.

A neurologist would use catscans and MRIs to diagnose such things. If these have already been done by other physicians, you might request that they be forwarded to a competent neurologist for consultation.
Everone's advice seems very reasonable. I had a friend whom exhibited
similar problems in young adulthood. Her parents went the path of drug
therappy and it resulted in the girl 'believing' what the voices told her...
and this ultimately led to suicide. If you are interested in speaking with
the family in question send me a private message with a phone # or
email address and we'll see what can be worked out.
Your daughter is not insane or suffering a mental disorder, however if the people responsible keep doing it they will attempt to suggest she is through "Homeopathy" (The creation of a disorder artificially)

My suspicions about the people responsible is the M.O.D., since there is both a legal requirement for "Doctor/Patient confidentiality" to be overruled if a patient explains about a crime or terrorist act. Since your daughter was also coming back from "Africa" (Which has already had questions asked about racists utilising such equipment in South Africa) it would tie in.

Currently there are no people to turn to about dealing with the real issues, thats why everybody gets palmed off on the Mental Health system. Those that just say it's a mental health problem don't understand that they are escalating the problem by causing a method for such "crimes" to be concealed.

I use the word crimes because it's a Human Rights/Civil Rights violation of course the Military doesn't care about such things, however they are using on the people of the land that they are suppose to be protectorate over, in certain respects the land would be nothing without people so it could be suggested that it's Treason to use such equipment on this countries peers.

I would suggest if you want to give you daughter piece of mind that you look into proving whether it's an internal or External Phenomona (I am sure you'll find it to be External), simplest method to prove this would be to get a TEMPEST tent and see if she "hears things" when in it.

[I got a list of sites thanks to one of Sciforums members, who I'm not going to mention just incase people want to start persecuting.]

Other alternatives would be to look for a "whitenoise" Jammer, however the problem there would be to work out which frequency to broadcast it at. (And as normal the other problem is "Cost")

Just do me a favour (and her one too), Do not allow the doctors to talk her into taking medicine to fix the problem (at least not until it's disproven to be external in origin). Currently the Medical profession is not forced into "testing" these situations enough and if ignored will allow misdiagnosis to continue.

More explaination about my reasoning can be asked about via PM(Private Message).
barabas said:
a question terpinator... this is quite interesting and i would like more information...
if she will think that that voise is her lord, isnt that dangerous when that lord is telling her nasty things? or didnt i get that right, did you mean that she has to truly believe in her lord, that is not that voise, but in who she believes to be her god?
pls give me more information :)

and yes, i really think you have to go to a specialist with her!!! if the voise isnt there for a long time yet he could help her more now then when you take her there when she is in a further stadium and will need strong medication!

NO the voice isnt GOD.. God wouldnt tell someone to do something evil, or disturb anyone..
Barnbas you really read me wrong there.. When I wrote "Someone" I meant a personal God.. I wasnt trying to say the Christain god, etc etc.... I dont force religion on anyone.... Thats what I meant.. NO DEFINITELY DO NOT TELL HER TO ACCEPT THE VOICE AS GOD!

The only way to rid the voice is to truly believe that God is all mighty, and that God will cure anything.. Find saftey in the Lord.

Go see a good shrink.

Either way is proven to work in my personal experiences.... Ive never had voices/demons etc for me although..

I reccomend seeing a good shrink
Stryder, please don't bring conspiracy theories into this, it's very likely schizophrenia or a schizotypal disorder..

It would be wise to see a professional, but bear in mind, diagnosis is usually a long process.
<a href="">This</a> page has got a list of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Depending on her age you may want to show this to your daughter as well, it may help her understand what's going on and to realise that the voices she's 'hearing' are internal.
There's a <a href="">scizophrenia forum/community</a> that you may interested in looking at as well.
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Many thanks for your reply and the voice is definetly external. As english pleople say life is cheap in Africa and something happened there.

Now for the other replies the reason why I posted my problem here under the paranormal subject is to get replies from diffenrent overview than the medical one!

We truly beleive that it is external and someone on this forum must know how to protec my daughter. There is a technic to stop the voice now please pm it to me as soon as you read this message. Please don't ignore it,

Many thanks,

Taps34 :(
Taps34, if you love your daughter, you'll stop looking for some new age/paranormal gimmick or "technique," and start considering the more realistic possibilities. "Pseuodscience" is just what it says: fake science. Start with those MRIs and a neurologist appointment and rule out some very obvious, very treatable physical causes. Then proceed from there.

Avoid religions, meditations, and all of Stryder's "shielding" crap. Get real assistance from professionals.
It's not a conspiracy theory. There are documented cases of utilising electronic equipment and radiological antenna's to manipulate voices and other phenomona (In fact it's suggested that corncircles, UFO's and Ghosts are also potentially manufactured in the same way).

The current problem is that "Professionals" use a "Textbook definition" that was defined in the early 20th century when such equipment didn't exist, now adays the equipment exists and the number of misdiagnosed cases speak for themselves.

It only seems a conspiracy theory to those that do not either research the facts. As I mentioned "Shielding" is purely for testing that the source is external.

MRI will show nothing (already looked into this) and as mentioned most doctors will just refer you to a textbook.

Currently the likelihood is that continued usage of radiology on a subjects Temporal Lobes (The region of the brain that deals with heard sound and speech synthesis) will eventually cause "Shrinkage". I believe the shrinkage to be down to a malformation where multiple cell walls form into one cell wall around multiple nuclei's creating a supercell structure (However thats just speculation based upon R. Penrose's observation)

My original research work was actually along the lines of Artificial Intelligence systems and "Neural Networking". However it entails alot to do with Neurology for the factor of such systems and networks being based on the human brain. Not to forget the implimentation of such systems with "Cybernetic research".

I would suggest reading Ms. Welsh's Paper at if not for her own commentary but just for the source material she's waded through on the subject.
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Stryder said:
It's not a conspiracy theory. There are documented cases of utilising electronic equipment and radiological antenna's to manipulate voices and other phenomona (In fact it's suggested that corncircles, UFO's and Ghosts are also potentially manufactured in the same way).


Stryder said:
MRI will show nothing (already looked into this) and as mentioned most doctors will just refer you to a textbook.

MRI/Catscan results in the hands of a competent neurologist will rule out obvious brain defects such as GMH or TLE. Doctors rarely refer patients to textbooks in the course of treatment.

Stryder said:
Currently the likelihood is that continued usage of radiology on a subjects Temporal Lobes (The region of the brain that deals with heard sound and speech synthesis) will eventually cause "Shrinkage".

1) Citations to this side-effect?
2) MRI is magnetic resonance imaging, not x-ray.

Stryder said:
I would suggest reading Ms. Welsh's Paper at if not for her own commentary but just for the source material she's waded through on the subject.

Her website appeared to be a lot of spurious correlations, secondary source speculations, and much sensationalization over what technology is capabable of versus what its being applied to.

No where on her site did I note one substantiated, evidenced case of "mind control."

But you seem to be saying to Taps that his daughter, who visited an unspecified African nation(s) and was accosted by swindlers and conartists, who may have applied "mind control" to some unspecified end.

Even if such technology existed (and it may), the questions have to be asked:

1) why her?
2) how much does it cost the government sponsoring it?
3) what government/NGO?
4) can it be targeted as she travels?
5) what is the objective?

Depending on the answers to these questions, their would doubtless be others, Occam's Razor notwithstanding.

Try these links instead to see what the mind is truly capable of:

Phantoms in the brain
Synapses and the Self
The Artful Brain
Purple Numbers and Sharp Cheese
Neuroscience - the New Philosophy

A link describing Schizophrenia:
An interesting paper on auditory hallucinations: Characterizing Auditory Hallucinations: An Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Malingering
An article on Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Get your daughter real assistance from realistic sources. Ignore the new age poppycock and conspiracy theory bunk.
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Taps34 said:

Many thanks for your reply and the voice is definetly external. As english pleople say life is cheap in Africa and something happened there.

Now for the other replies the reason why I posted my problem here under the paranormal subject is to get replies from diffenrent overview than the medical one!

We truly beleive that it is external and someone on this forum must know how to protec my daughter. There is a technic to stop the voice now please pm it to me as soon as you read this message. Please don't ignore it,

Many thanks,

Taps34 :(

Taps, when it comes to the health of a family member (physical or mental),
I would strongly suggest eliminating the word 'belief' from any used
vocabulary and seek the assistance of a professional whose results in this
area are recognized as effective. This would most likely be medical /
psychological doctor (might I suggest Stanford? It's compatible with most
PPO plans). Nobody in this thread has the right competencies to define
the exact diagnosis and a treatment that will work.
SkinWalker said:
Taps34, if you love your daughter, you'll stop looking for some new age/paranormal gimmick or "technique," and start considering the more realistic possibilities. "Pseuodscience" is just what it says: fake science. Start with those MRIs and a neurologist appointment and rule out some very obvious, very treatable physical causes. Then proceed from there.

Avoid religions, meditations, and all of Stryder's "shielding" crap. Get real assistance from professionals.

totaly agree with that, i dont think that you want to try all the crap that exists, till the time that you tried everything with no results your daughter will have serious problems.

i saw schizophrenia a few times, but you cant speak of schizophrenia as long as the simptoms (not only the voise) arent there for at least 6 months!
it could be stress, PTSS, a depression, ......

go to a specialist!!!!!! there is no way that we can give a diagnose without knowing the details that are needed to know.

so... if you really want a mental way for her, do this: go to a specialist, and if you realy realy want to, try some of that stuff besides the treatment of that specialist, and tell him what you are doing