Your God

Tis a terrible world to live in to be forced to judge someones beliefs by the words and what book they read to define it.

In all truth It would be better if they practiced the words instead of the traditions and culture the books created.
Tis a terrible world to live in to be forced to judge someones beliefs by the words and what book they read to define it.

In all truth It would be better if they practiced the words instead of the traditions and culture the books created.

I don't understand.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination.
Leviticus 18:22, King James Version

I am an atheist but if you are a Christian, that passage seems quite clear.

gonna have some fun with this one...

according to the rest of the chapter;
(would you?)

“‘No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the LORD.
(shorted the rest..they basically say the same)
your mother. (sick)
father’s wife (maybe)
sister (no)
son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter (sic)
daughter of your father’s wife (sister)
father’s sister (not MY dads sister)
mother’s sister (ditto)
father’s brothers wife (dunno)
daughter-in-law (dunno)
brother’s wife (no bro)
both a woman and her daughter (WHAT?)
wife’s sister (ah man!)
her monthly period. (sic)
neighbor’s wife (several times)
Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek. (must be the local sex fiend)
a man (nope)
an animal (sic)
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination.
Leviticus 18:22, King James Version

So as a woman am I to be thankful or relieved that this particular passage is completely addressed to a man. Or that it doesn't say anything about me sleeping with a woman? Thats kind of cold comfort I guess...
In all truth It would be better if they practiced the words instead of the traditions and culture the books created.

My view is the exact opposite, I think.

If the book commands genocide and killing one's own children, then it might be best to exercise some judgement before practicing the words. Cultures that place great emphasis on adhering to the commands of the book, such as the more aggressively legalistic forms of Islam, seem to experience great difficulty with human rights, with living peacefully with their neighbors and with coming to terms with modernity.

But if we look at these things historically, in terms of a tradition that evolves (or perhaps believers might want to term it an ongoing revelation), things start to look very different. All of the world religions have developed extremely sophisticated theologies and philosophical ideas, and deep and moving spiritualities and artistic expressions. That's a big part part, perhaps the major part, and arguably the most valuable part, of what these religions are.
All of the world religions have developed extremely sophisticated theologies and philosophical ideas, and deep and moving spiritualities and artistic expressions. That's a big part part, perhaps the major part, and arguably the most valuable part, of what these religions are.

Is one thought of life truly different from another?

If a rock falls in an ocean its force is felt on the other side of the world. But if good words are spoken we assume only those who follow the words are capable of being human or trustworthy enough to fall in line with our thoughts or logic. Why? Because in past history no man has ever taken the stage of every person upon himself? To be seen by every race for who they truly are in some perfect form. What have we to hide out of fear of differed opinions or maxims, but perhaps a similar opinion or maxim. What more if we find a ripple from our own stone cast round the world.