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Discuss like it didn't matter you believe anything or not. This is not a belief, but science based subforum - Comparative Religion is a discipline of Anthropology.

That would then include discussing the bible impassionately and objectively without taking it seriously. After all, scientists are supposed to look at all sides of an issue, not exclude one side, (which is of course why they have to change their theories all the time since they exclude the bible). But since the bible is not allowed here, then obviously this forum takes the bible very seriously.;)
I'm not sure where you found that it's not allowed to quote bible and I didn't wrote those rules, but it's been done here quite much, also koran and other scriptures.
Personally I find bible and all abrahamic religions very boring, but if you want to quote anything, go ahead.
Just remember that no preaching is allowed.
So again, why don't you just make the rules easier and less contradictory by calling this category "Bible critique"? That way, you don't have to worry about being objective and having both sides being presented. You can only talk about one side even though scientists are supposed to look at all sides of an issue. After all, the only way we're supposed to use the bible here is to critique it any way since you don't allow anyone to promote it. Of course that's biased but we all know that the "scientific methods" are biased anyway. But you might as well be honest about your bias and call this category "Bible Critique." ;)
Ok, I checked the rules, where in the fuck it is written that no bible quoting is allowed? :bugeye:
Quit wasting my time!
CR is bigger than Bible. Most people don't care about it.

If you don't care about it then why not allow it here?:bugeye: Or do people care about Allah here since I see no prohibition on the Koran, or any other religious books and imaginary gods?

* Any allude on religious books with main purpose to prove that there is only X {insert number} true religion(s).
* All quotations and citations from religious books that have no connection with discussion, or which are inserted to distract discussion
* Statements:
- There is only one (or 754) God(s) that should be followed;
- According to {writer} in {chapter, book} there is only one {other number} true religion;
- There is no god(s);
- Etc.

The bible is based on the belief that there is only one true God. So one can't quote the bible without referring to that claim...unless of course, one quotes the bible to critique it. ;) So again, why don't you simply be honest and call this category "Bible critique"? Then you can have a field day in your complaints and criticism of the bible without having to worry about the other side being presented. ;)
After all, scientists are supposed to look at all sides of an issue, not exclude one side

You are thinking of Journalism, a Scientist is supposed to keep an open mind.
This is not the same thing, even if it may seem like it.

The bible is based on the belief that there is only one true God. So one can't quote the bible without referring to that claim...unless of course, one quotes the bible to critique it. ;) So again, why don't you simply be honest and call this category "Bible critique"? Then you can have a field day in your complaints and criticism of the bible without having to worry about the other side being presented. ;)

It is perfectly possible and exceedingly easy to quote the bible without referring to this. It's not as if it were mentioned on every single page.
Heh, a year later and things change! :D Was a good run, though. :)

What I hope though is that our Administration won't assign some moron to be the moderator here, or delete the subforum entirely.

Of course, the level of quality will sadly surely now decrease here, if someone competent isn't assigned.

But it's their site and whatever.
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