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smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
it's been over a month that I'm moderating Comparative Religion subforum, and not without help from the members, who have on various occasions reported and brought to my attention problems that had to be dealt with.

I encourage and support that, because 1) I'm often busy and away in the woods, both concrete and wood, for days; 2) I recognize that without the members there is no forum, and without a community there is no intellectual productivity through discussion and that good feeling when you are on the same path with other people, so I suggest we continue to moderate this place listening to the best and most noble of our interests.

So, in relation to that I want to hear your honest feedback on what you like and dislike about my moderating? What would you like to improve, and what is your general vision of this subforum, if you have one?

Now, I won't listen to every little whim of an upset child, but I promise to take in mind your thoughts and ideas which I subjectively will recognize as of sound reason and logical.

p.s. If someone has a personal, irrational vendetta to soothe, this is not the place, do it through PMs.
Here is the place to discuss and plan the future and the current state of this subforum.

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I need 11 Goddesses from around the world for a story I have been working on. Ideally these are Goddeses that serve some role in the respective culture in their creation myths (such as Eve being the mother of all in Judeo-Christian Mythology) but not necessarily, as I am drawn to the persona of Kali for one from India. I need perhps one from India, one from South America, one from North America, one from China, one from Japan, one from Eastern Europe, one from Northern Europe, one from the Nords, one from the Maori, one from the Alaskan Inuits and one from the Ploynesians. (it doesn;t have to be those 11, but they should all be from different cultures, and ideally different regions of the world. Malevolence would be nice - the more complex the persona the better.

Any candidates you can think of?

M*W: One-Raven, I would love to anwer your question, but I refuse to answer your post in Avatar's sub-forum. Please repost it in the Religion Forum, and I would be happy to reply. Avatar has lost my respect as a Moderator, so I will never post in his sub-forum again!
it's been over a month that I'm moderating Comparative Religion subforum,...


A month? seems like years. Your a good enough chap. I made a thread here when you first took over the helm and was attacked mercilessly by 2 posters (bullies) so i told you to delete the thread..and you did:rolleyes:
A month when this thread was posted: 05-25-07, 09:04 PM
Sorry, I don't have a script that updates that thing.
Whippings, eh? You should try the religion forum, ask for christian doomsdayers, they walked around whipping themselves to blood.
I don't really see what comparative religion or any other religion for that matter is doing on a science website, especially so high up but i suppose I'm being picky!
That has already been discussed many times and reasons given, please do a forum search,
although I agree that it's a bit too high up. I'll ask our admin to lower it a bit when I have the time.
I just now made a thread in the Moderator subforum and asked the administration to lower the Comparative Religion subforum and rise Biology, Astronomy and Physics subforums.
You know what would be pretty cool if we hosted a sort of a interforum debate. Like sciforums vs. theologywebcampus on the historicity of the Bible or something or other.
hummm, interesting, but I don't think we have that many specialists and we would be outnumbered by a whole campus of theology students.
Sorry to be pedantic but shouldn't comparative religion forum be in philosophy section NOT science section? The more the two appear together the more temptation there is to muddle the two.
I don't really see what comparative religion or any other religion for that matter is doing on a science website, especially so high up but i suppose I'm being picky!

I just now made a thread in the Moderator subforum and asked the administration to lower the Comparative Religion subforum and rise Biology, Astronomy and Physics subforums.

So here you go, my request at last has been answered and Comparative Religion is lowered to the bottom. :)
Sorry to be pedantic but shouldn't comparative religion forum be in philosophy section NOT science section? The more the two appear together the more temptation there is to muddle the two.

There is a fundamental difference. Indeed, religion is the subject of philosophy, but CR is the subject of anthropology. Pick any book on CR, and see that it is nothing like the Bible or Quaran. :D It's a scientific study using the scientific method, evidence is evaluated and faith is not an argument.

It is here separate for there to be a place where people can discuss religion as a subject of that science, not just a philosophical exercise with appeal to faith and the like as it is done in the Religion forum. And I am here to see to it that no theological discourses are made here.
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