You see, this is why we Atheists have got a bad name....

pavlosmarcos said:
BS! then why do religions cause so many wars.

I do not know. Perhaps people use their religion as an excuse to commit murder?
Following the teachings of Jesus has nothing to do with taking a physical sword to anyone though. When one of Jesus' followers did cut off the ear of a soldier, Jesus healed the ear and rebuked the follower saying "If you live by the sword you will die by the sword."
Every true Christian I know has no interest in war whatsoever. I am not sure how many Christians you know pavlosmarcos personally but I can assure you, there are very few bloodthirsty ones these days ;)


This type of religious indoctrination is completely different than having a kid read historical documents mentioning God. The difference, I think, is in what the school uses the documents for. Sure, if the schools were using the documents to indoctrinate, then maybe. But the school is not. The school is using the documents to explain historical fact, and give a sense of who the founding fathers really were.

Unfortunately I am still unaware of what age group the article speaks of. If someone could clarify that it would be helpful.

It's advisable that we also not neglect to realise that this is merely one side of the story. The other side of the story is not mentioned in that article. For all we know, the principle could have very good reasons. Perhaps the teacher in question was using the documents to try and stress the value of believing in god to his students. Without getting both sides of the story we have no way of knowing, and as such I would state it a little too early in the day to be claiming that the principle is an idiot, or intolerant.

As Lemming and I have mentioned, there are limits.. and one thing we should not be forcing upon our children is a belief system. Is it too hard to just let the child grow up and form his own conclusions? As Lemming also points out, why would it matter what religious views the founders of America had? The only reason I could think of for one to bring it into topic is if that person was using it as a "this religion's cool because so and so was part of this religion and founded our country".

If this is the case, it is disgusting.

That's not to say you're not allowed to teach your children about god, and indeed force them into your way of thinking. If you want to do that, I would suggest a 'school' devoted to such behaviour, (i.e church/sunday school).
Very persuasive belief systems as some are incapable, apparently , of even seeing there are beliefs being pushed. Guess that is nothing new. When The New England Primer was used as a textbook most Americans probably saw no agenda either --that was the way things just were. Everyone was on the same page. Most everyone. Those pesky Catholics resisted. But the governor of Massachusetts called out the state militia and put a quick end to that.