You Must Know This Man !

Originally posted by Galt
But then again, people probably haven't invaded foreign nations and killed and oppressed innocent men, women and children in the name of Feynman, Da Vinci (always makes me think of "da Bears" from SNL), Newton and company.

And then again, we don't know how many is your stupid cigerrate avatar is killing? So I could possibly say that you advertise cancer and death. Confess Galt, you're rotten and unqualified to judge another soul.
let's see....
a pedophile, an invading war monger, who's word (when it comes to making agreement) is not worth squat (the Hudibiya incident?)

i must know this man....
Advertising cigaretts as cool or desirable contributes to the death equation for millions of humans that chose to smoke and million others including children who are second hand smokers, innocent, and deprived of a choice to breath fresh air. It ruins our environment and in my view is way more dangerous than any religion..
Originally posted by otheadp
let's see....
a pedophile, an invading war monger, who's word (when it comes to making agreement) is not worth squat (the Hudibiya incident?)

i must know this man....

Sounds like a close family member...possibly a church pastor.
You sound like you got personally fucked bad by this person. My condolences, how old were you when he violated you?
Originally posted by Flores
Sounds like a close family member...possibly a church pastor.
You sound like you got personally fucked bad by this person. My condolences, how old were you when he violated you?

Alright, what the hell? Where did that come from?
Originally posted by Flores
And then again, we don't know how many is your stupid cigerrate avatar is killing?

Whatever the avatar death toll is (most likely zero), it is far less than the number of people who have been killed in Islam-related incidents such as terrorism, military conquest or oppressive state/cultural acts against citizens.

Anyway, it's a Spike Spiegel (from the anime Cowboy Bebop) avatar, not a cigarette avatar.

Originally posted by Flores
So I could possibly say that you advertise cancer and death.

I advertise my love of Cowboy Bebop, the greatest anime ever made.

But if you insist on singling out the cartoon cigarette, I would point out that any pack of cigarettes you legally buy in America has a warning that the contents are harmful or even deadly to yourself and others.

There is no such warning on the Koran.

Originally posted by Flores
Confess Galt, you're rotten and unqualified to judge another soul.

And how, exactly, do you determine who is qualified to judge others?
I am not a big fan of monothiesm, but I must tip my hat to Muhammed. He was a great leader indeed.

As for killing people: It is all perception, trust me. The Unabomber can blow up people and be called an 'evil' terrorist, yet a soldier can legally kill and be considered a hero. We ought to let great men be viewed by their great acts as well, and see which outweighs the other. Subjectivity and dualism is the death of a thinking mind.
Originally posted by Galt

There is no such warning on the Koran.

The Quran is a big warning sign. Everyother verse is followed by "for those that understand", and decorated by "only god knows what is in their hearts". This means that if you are Einstein, you might just understand what god is saying, but you still have no right to judge others or implement your thoughts on others.

Originally posted by Galt

And how, exactly, do you determine who is qualified to judge others?

I for sure don't use the hatefull blind criteria that you all used to judge Prophet Muhammed.
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Man, these evangelical threads get me worked up. Don't people realize they don't accomplish anything?
Originally posted by Walker
Don't people realize they don't accomplish anything?

You seem like such a practical soul, so concentrate on yourself. If you wish, you may list your accomplishments so far. You have posted 529 threads so far...
Big talk from the big poster. If you could copy me an itemized list of all the souls you've saved from abject heathenism, that would be outstanding. Otherwise, it seems as though you've wasted a lot of time and energy.
Originally posted by Walker
Big talk from the big poster. If you could copy me an itemized list of all the souls you've saved from abject heathenism, that would be outstanding. Otherwise, it seems as though you've wasted a lot of time and energy.

Who gave you the silly idea that I'm here to save anyone or even to make anyone understand. I don't give a shit about others. I'm here having fun burning time during work down times and improving my writing skills. I don't go to organized religious bodies like churches, mosques, ect, and I like to vent my crap at the harmless environment of sciforum. You are the one that brings up the issue of accomplishment. Noone here is accomplishing anything beside having fun including your sorry ass.
Originally posted by Flores
The Quran is a big warning sign. Everyother verse is followed by "for those that understand", and decorated by "only god knows what is in their hearts".

So, unlike cigarettes, you don't find out the Koran is dangerous until after you've started using it. It just uses vague terms like "for those that understand" and tries to pass it off as a disclaimer.

Originally posted by Flores
This means that if you are Einstein, you might just understand what god is saying, but you still have no right to judge others or implement your thoughts on others.

Then why is nearly every predominantly Muslim nation on earth a theocracy?

Originally posted by Flores
I for sure don't use the hatefull blind criteria that you all used to judge Prophet Muhammed.

What hateful, blind criteria was I using to judge Muhammed?
Originally posted by Galt
So, unlike cigarettes, you don't find out the Koran is dangerous until after you've started using it. It just uses vague terms like "for those that understand" and tries to pass it off as a disclaimer.

Using it? What are you talking about? A blender or a cookie cutter. The Quran is not supposed to be used. It's a guidline meant to explain to us humans things that we have no way of finding the truth about it, like death, the afterlife, ect....It's not a licence to actually send people to heaven or hell, it's merely a wake up calls to the individuals. There is no disclaimer needed for the Quran, because the idea is that every soul is responsible for itself.

Originally posted by Galt
Then why is nearly every predominantly Muslim nation on earth a theocracy?

What does muslim nations have anything to do with Islam? This is like saying that christians nations are somehow following in the ways of christ...It's a joke....because christ never taught christian nations how to build computers, bridge, ect.....The way nations are behaving or misbehaving have nothing to do with their religious affiliation. We can blame religion though since it's an easy target that can't defend itself back.

Originally posted by Galt
What hateful, blind criteria was I using to judge Muhammed?

Weren't you the one that said.

But then again, people probably haven't invaded foreign nations and killed and oppressed innocent men, women and children in the name of Feynman, Da Vinci (always makes me think of "da Bears" from SNL), Newton and company.
Did you know Muhammed personally to make such accusation about him, or do you always trust pure bull shit instead of making an objective assessment of people.
Originally posted by Flores
Using it? What are you talking about? A blender or a cookie cutter. The Quran is not supposed to be used. It's a guidline meant to explain to us humans things that we have no way of finding the truth about it, like death, the afterlife, ect....It's not a licence to actually send people to heaven or hell, it's merely a wake up calls to the individuals. There is no disclaimer needed for the Quran, because the idea is that every soul is responsible for itself.

So it is supposed to be used. It is used as a guideline.

Originally posted by Flores
What does muslim nations have anything to do with Islam? This is like saying that christians nations are somehow following in the ways of christ...

There are no Christian theocracies that I know of in existance today, so there are no "Christian nations" in the same sense that there are Islamic nations.

Originally posted by Flores
The way nations are behaving or misbehaving have nothing to do with their religious affiliation.

So when Islamic nations assist and support Islamic terrorists it has absolutely nothing to do with their common religion?

Originally posted by Flores
Did you know Muhammed personally to make such accusation about him, or do you always trust pure bull shit instead of making an objective assessment of people.

There was no accusation.

I only pointed out that the teachings of men like Newton, Hawking, Feynman, Tesla and company are generally not used to justify atrocities.

When was the last time somebody screamed, "Thank God Tesla invented the radio!", and then crashed an airliner into a tall building?
You are a hopeless case Galt. It hurts though, because I get this feeling that you know a lot and is intentionally putting your back and effort in covering things up.

Each year in the USA 400,000 people die of tobacco related diseases. This is an approximate equivalent to the 9/11 deaths occurring twice every week.

While people see the 3000 9/11 deaths as being very tragic it pales into almost insignificance when compared to the agony and long term suffering of the 400,000 who die EACH year.

The apparent tragedy of 9/11 was not so much that 3000 people died but that American pride was hurt. If the Bush administration was really concerned about American lives then they could easily shutdown the tobacco companies permanently. The legal costs would be insignificant compared to the $billions being spent on high tech weaponry to fight Christian wars in Afghanistan and IRAQ.