You Create Your Universe

no the apply on the Pico level. You know, atomic placement and so fourth. Your mind doesn't make existance, what does is the bond between your mind and your metaphysical existance. This existance is called chemistry. Every thought you have is chemistry. Chemistry makes bomb's and cures, but most of all they make us and everything you see. What is beyond that is energy.

Einstein only figured out mc2, he knew nothing of E. E = energy. The motion of mc2 is the result of a centrifigul motion in a vaccume moving in excess of 2x2 to the 8th squared.
The human mind experiences something like 6 million thoughts a day. To think these frequencies have a prfound effect on the world is truely remarkable.

Do we have figures on the amounts of waves the brain transmits into space for each day? I should look that up. I could only guess at how many I have, I wonder what I would come up with if I figured all the things my mind thinks of simultaneously, aside from the conscious activities of motor control, perceptive focus, inner visions, echoing memories, conversations, monitoring connection of the perceived, feeling on many levels, and still more. Each minute is filled with several layers of thought all happening simultaneously, each engagement also actively settling into the physical vortex center of the matter energy of life.

The time sort of sinks as you pull reality into yourself, collapsing so many billions of trillions of zillions of times per a second. Each second filled with so many clips of a thought at surface, pushing waves into the spin of within where their patterns continue to settle within a drain, the glimmer of the Attraction Pattern itself. Has anyone ever taking a good look at a ring of circles? Ever notice the glimmer effect? The draining wave of reality is nothing but that. Each second itself contains all the others as it collapses. Its getting easier and easier to see it direct each day, each hour, and even the minutes are noticeable, the seconds stretching out. A collapsing streak of a pattern that manifests by its own continuity. You look down the road, and all the objects have these streaks here and there, normally moving along a parallel continual wave, when you look and see the streaks long enough, it becomes very clear. I mean precisely clear.
Do we have figures on the amounts of waves the brain transmits into space for each day? I should look that up. I could only guess at how many I have, I wonder what I would come up with if I figured all the things my mind thinks of simultaneously, aside from the conscious activities of motor control, perceptive focus, inner visions, echoing memories, conversations, monitoring connection of the perceived, feeling on many levels, and still more. Each minute is filled with several layers of thought all happening simultaneously, each engagement also actively settling into the physical vortex center of the matter energy of life.

The time sort of sinks as you pull reality into yourself, collapsing so many billions of trillions of zillions of times per a second. Each second filled with so many clips of a thought at surface, pushing waves into the spin of within where their patterns continue to settle within a drain, the glimmer of the Attraction Pattern itself. Has anyone ever taking a good look at a ring of circles? Ever notice the glimmer effect? The draining wave of reality is nothing but that. Each second itself contains all the others as it collapses. Its getting easier and easier to see it direct each day, each hour, and even the minutes are noticeable, the seconds stretching out. A collapsing streak of a pattern that manifests by its own continuity. You look down the road, and all the objects have these streaks here and there, normally moving along a parallel continual wave, when you look and see the streaks long enough, it becomes very clear. I mean precisely clear.

Now, this is only speculation on my behalf jo, but i would assume that every thought is transmitted into space. But as for the conscious realm itself, it doesn't exist in space, but may exist in time.

You won't hear me say things like this too often, because usually when we deal with something existing in time, we usually need to integrate it into space, simply because space and time are invariant systems that are... singular; in other words, they are the same thing.
Now, this is only speculation on my behalf jo, but i would assume that every thought is transmitted into space. But as for the conscious realm itself, it doesn't exist in space, but may exist in time.

You won't hear me say things like this too often, because usually when we deal with something existing in time, we usually need to integrate it into space, simply because space and time are invariant systems that are... singular; in other words, they are the same thing.

A glimmer of the pattern of nothing, which has no definition, no size, no limit; how could it? Thus, it is anywhere and nowhere, no size and any size, non-manifest and wholly manifest. Take a million parallel straight lines and observe how their uniformity makes a streaking glimmer. The glimmering pattern that creates its own reality is rather clear and obvious if you see it directly.
This is how i see consciousness.

Just like how we need a photon to be ''hit off'' another particle so that we can see it through a telescope, consciousness needs to ''hit off'' reality.
I am tempted to say duh...but I realize there are a lot of people who might not understand something so simple. The Illusion created by this streaking glimmer is the it is sustained and separate within itself from that which runs parallel to the glimmer, settling on waves in parallels that bring the patterns into awareness of each other. How does a glimmer have consciousness? Its within the foldings of the polarity of the patterns between everything and nothing, which is like a holographic projector thats holographic projection is ultimately pure consciousness as it collapses into the conclusion of its own infinite nature. I suppose you can either see this or not, I do but many don't.

I argued with my father over this, saying that consciousness is dimensional. He said its not. As I review more carefully why I said this and why he said what he said it is obvious that we where both discussing something correct. As I see that the 12th dimension is consciousness and the pattern branches out like a tree...think of how those patterns spread out in the lobes of the brain, the electro-waves- not to mention all the other vibrations. It mimics the patterns set forth by the branching nature of the 12th dimension itself. Its branches reach out into infinite proportions and close in on themselves, as the 12th dimensions reaches the 13th which is Infinite itself. Between the folding gravity and infinity is consciousness. As thoughts collapse inward to becomes consciousness going outward and inward both, the nature of the Glimmering Streak returns to where it came and all the glimmers illuminate the emptiness. Its getting easier to see this more directly by each day. Its getting more and more obvious, and making it harder and harder for me to take arguments against it seriously at all. Its like saying...apples don't taste like apples. Why would I take that seriously?
Because the apple is knowledge. You yourself just acknowledged the thought that the mind had thunk it through to see the light that became you.
In other words our brains provide the most indirect model of what the 12th dimensional shape is like. Trees branch out, our organs branch out, nerves, etc. These are all systems brought on by the pattern of consciousness itself, which is branching out as it settles in through itself in every direction.
:) Well this is all very inetresting. Here is a new question:

Do we treat consciousness as a holographic principle?

I am very tempted to say yes.
Because the apple is knowledge. You yourself just acknowledged the thought that the mind had thunk it through to see the light that became you.

The thought was always there, its glimmer illuminated by the conclusion of infinite emptiness. You are right, consciousness zeroed in on the pattern of the apple. The glimmer is light, but its frozen, it doesn't move at all. Its an Illusion, brilliant, everything is a thought, nothing is divisible from everything.
Its certainly tied into light, brought on by the collapsing glimmer of nothing full of itself. That glimmer is all creation lighten up and into itself to illuminate and make possible life, even for an instant as it is simultaneously death. The two are never any different. The principal that is within consciousness is just a different fold of consciousness, like paper folds, but much more intricate and hidden from plain view.
How about:
You are your own universe.

Let us look at it from our point of view.

There is no time.
(to those of you who have not read this before, : Subcultures : Pseudoscience : Does Time Move At All? )

I belive that time is not a factor.
Time is precived backwards.
Time is the past.

You can not change the past and there for you can not change time.

Everything happens in the precent, RIGHT NOW.
You can not change what you did 1 sek. ago or yesterday.

Our minds can remember and learn from the past.
And that is what we call time.

We know from past expirence that it takes an average acorn , time , to grow into a tree.
What it depence on is : (a)potential and

If a+b=1 Then

Everything is binary, either something happens or it don´t.
1 it happens, 0 it don´t.

What it depence on is; what potentials does it have and are the circumstances fulfilled. If this is so then 1.
If not fulfilled then 0.

We can speed up "time" by changing the circumstances.
If an acorn have optimale circumstances it will grow quicker, because it is easier to achive the potential.

We are potential, if the curcumstances for life are present then we live.


From the time where the eeg and the sperm cell unite, a new universe is created.
If the curcumstances are forfilled the potential will be reached for life (1)
This potential life evolves whenever the curcumstances are forfilled.

As I said in "Does Time Move At All?":
We can speed up "time" by changing the circumstances.
If an acorn have optimale circumstances it will grow quicker, because it is easier to achive the potential.

Because time is an illuision, everything that is happening is happening before the past. (RIGHT NOW)

Each of us are a universe in our self, we started out the same way our own universe started out.
We are a universe that have evolved to a point where it is so complex that it has the potential and the curcumstances for aweraness is a 1.
And we keep on evolving.

that is it for now.....
But I could go no and no forever explaining the patten, or I could just refer to any fractal picture.
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I just want to make it clear, that jinyangs definition of ''you are your own universe,'' is very correct.