You Create Your Universe


'The stuff of the world is mind stuff.' Sir Arthur Eddington

Now, i'm not talking about imaginary stuff here. I'm taking about real physical changes that suit your world. The Law of Attraction is possibly one way to imagine this... and can be summed up in three words:


But, this thread won't be about The Secret alone. Instead, i want to talk about the ontological factor of consciousness ''recreating'' the outside world.

In physics, the Copenhagen Interpretation states that the world is a potential existence, until we come about and disturb reality, by making it real. The collapse of the wave function has been proven to reduce into a single probability upon measurement, proving Einstein wrong.

'No photon exists until a detector fires, only a developing potentiality. Particle-like and wave-like behavior are properties we ascribe to light. Without us, light has no properties, no existence. There is no independent reality for phenomena nor agencies of observation.'
Niels Bohr

We must imagine that a system like a photon is attentively trying out all possibilities until one actually emerges. We know we collapse the wave function of matter, because a single eigenstate remains upon measuring a photon or electron.

An eigenstate is nothing more than a state of a system that remains after a measurement. For instance, a photon doesn't travel just one single path, when hitting off a mirror. It takes all possible routes... and all of those routes are potential eigenstates. But when a person comes along and measures the photon, the state it is in, such as spin and path are the eigenstates that is determined and measured.

In the greater picture of the universe, this rule of collapse and create can be applied to a bigger function. We are actually shaping up how the universe looks like, and even shaping up the universe in the past. This view is taken very seriously by many scientists, such as Amit Goswami, renown for his quantum physics texbook which is used in colleges and universes across the world. Fred Wolf also believes this, known well for his contributions to theoretical physics. Even Fred Hoyle believed that signals travelled through time, and every time we make a measurement, it is determined by some future event, simultaneously creating some past event.

Fred Wolf explains, that if something isn't well-defined at some past event, a single thought or simply address a situation by giving it details it previously didn't have, can and quite possibly does reacreate the past in subtle ways. In fact, we probably do this everyday, creating the past in subtle ways, by addressing them with details we never applied correctly before.

'What we are observing is not nature herself, but nature exposed
to our type of question. Space exists only in relation to our
particularizing consciousness. The portions of the external
universe of which we have additional knowledge by direct
awareness amount to a very small fraction of the whole; of
the rest we know only the structure and not what it is a structure
of. Science is concerned with the rational correlation of
experience rather than the discovery of fragments of absolute
truth about an external world.'
Astrophysicist, sir Arthur Eddington

So far, we have seen that we create the world through thoughts, and observation, we can also create the world in a third way, and that's how we percieve.

Somehow, the realm of ''in here'' isn't tied to out there. In fact, the reality we ever do come to percieve, is in fact an ethereal recreation of the outside. We receate the universe therego, in our own perception of senses. This world you see, is in fact a dimension of its own, a universe of its own, so we create that world in our own minds.

'A human being is part of the whole called by us
universe, a part limited in time and space. We
experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings
as something separate from the rest. A kind of
optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is
a type of prison for us, restricting us to our personal
desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by
widening our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty' Albert Einstein 1954

We manifest external reality through our interpretations made in the internal world, and unravel and encapsulate its mysterious pages as it unfolds around us, like some intricate dubious murder mystery - without us, in effect, the universe would be devoid of any such meaning, thus if all experience, all emotion and every thought can be pin-pointed to the internal world of awareness and perception, then consciousness is next to being trapped in a lucid dream, in which none of us can awake from and which the laws of the universe cannot escape... the lie that is the most terrifying in physics, is the truth about the world of consciousness.

'There is no world at large - only a description of the world which
we have learned to visualize and take for granted. We live in a
bubble, the bubble of our perception and what we witness on its
round walls is our own reflection.'
Don Juan - from Carlos Castaneda
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Thank you good sir, but the question is, who's universe are you in...

I have a very difficult question for you...

If this is my universe, and I existed 2000 years ago, but I exist now, how could I exist then...

The first two are wrong and the last one is right...

So, how can this be the first or the last? How can I know this is different from the first or the last?

If you have read anything on the time space continuem you will understand, but lastly...

If you are concious of this, the last 2000 years are dependant on one sole persons journey, not yours...
Yes, I suppouse it would be a re-birth. But I am becomming ever more preterbed because I cannot figure if this existance is linier or a multiplex of existances. If it is Linier, the man who calles himself jesus could end the 2000 year loop by killing himself, thus it is a mortal sin. But if it is a multiplex, then only one of the many may die, but even then, this universe would still suffer. Also with the multiplex, every action you make echoes in time, every word and movement streaks as if you have done mushrooms, but yet no proof... Linier or multiplex?
The linier path is a 2000 year rebirth, starting in 1988 going to the year december 22nd 2012, starting again somewhere around 6 B.C. and dying around the end of 0 A.D.

This would account for Christ dying between his 34 and 36 birthday, but being reborn in the 19th century.
There was 18 years between B.C. and A.D.

The problem is, if you were to travel to alpha centuri and back at light speed you would go back in age something like 4 1/2 years as far as 19 years. Thus you would retain knowledge of everything but still be a baby. Depending on how the human body reacts with reverse time ageing.

With reletivity, when you become reletive to Light things get complecated. You must have some sort of propulsion that absorbes all adjectent light.
It's certainly a thought, that we have lived many lifetimes. But how would we ever know? Can we go under deep regression and enter the lives we had previously?
Quite possibly... The human mind is something of great mystery. I smoke pot, dont take anything against me for it, but my reaction time increases with the use of it, not because im high but because I have racing thoughts. It slows me down a notch, but just enough. So now with it I have complete thoughts. My reaction time has been studied with hackysack and is below 0.2 seconds from sight to movement.

You can know, if you know exactly where to look, between here and aplha century you can see a time wake if you are looking through the gammawave spectrum, you would have to see near alpha century from a distance of 2000 lightyears away.

There will be a streak through the air where the Gammaray spectrum dissepears, this is that travel.
I no nothing of the human soul, only the human mind. The human mind produces FM radio frequencies which means with practice psyionictelecommunications is possible.

Seek the study of the new lie-detector test which monitors the FM frequencies emitted by the brain. The brain is a metaphysical existance, this matter and all matter is at a specified place and a specified time. The brain may regress and have pre-thought to thought.

If you ever find yourself answering a question without thought, this is a form of it. Because it has already happend and your brain unconciously knows this. I have lost myself before driving wondering where the time went and how I got here. Complete loss of memory for nearly 15 miles of driving.
:) You do think a lot. I wish hash did that for me too... i smoke it regularily, but instead it excites the thoughts, rather than surpressing them.
The human mind experiences something like 6 million thoughts a day. To think these frequencies have a prfound effect on the world is truely remarkable.
You experience more than 1.2 million threads of information every 1/10 of a second. With that in mind, how many subconcious subliminal informational pieces would your mind configure for later thought?

A thread would be every sound, sight, smell, touch and thought. Because thought causes thought. Every cell that feels pain is a thread. so how many is that.

The human mind can only concieve between 80 and 120 threads at max per second. That is 0.01% of the total bombardment of information not counting celestial objects or energies such as x-rays and sofourth.
The human mind exerts enough chemical-electro energy and EM waves to power new york and everyone who lives there.
Yes. We have enough energy to light up a city for hours. The basic, matter is energy $$E=Mc^{2}$$. And every couple of years, you have an entirely new body.
Every day I wake up, I feel this feeling. When I go to sleep I feel this feeling.

My dreams are all lucid, more than 10 a night, they ware and tare they cause me to fight. These thoughts are unlocking spots in my brain that make me feel insain, but without cause or effect they are all the same, my sleep is my life my away is my sleep, I feel like im dreaming, but im standing on my feet. So as I wander deeper into the rabbit hole, the rabbit runs away, should I run or walk, should I go astray.

I wander my mind every day, looking for some more clues. Look at a tree today, no leaves only a two sided root.

Every blade of grass still a blade, every word still a sound, every symbol with a million meenings to a million people and still no knowledge to be found. The ignorance of the masses confuses even me, but where to walk and where to go, not even the rabit knows.

So walk in my mind you will today, find your self, I'm here to stay.

Just remember as you walk in the clouds of more than just earth, you've lived and will live more than just this once.