you are a suspect

I think your missing the point of the medicare card, you need it to go into hospital (or atleast the number off it), vist a GP, buy perscription medication ect

thats the way things are NOW, The closest equivlant i can think of for the US is the social security number but instead of tax (here thats your TFN) and everything else you use yours for its ONLY for health care. Rember we have a universal health care system, the medicare card is how you access it. At the moment it doesnt contain ANY infomation except your name and the number on the front. It can be used as part of your ID for your licence, operning a bank account ect because everyone has one (i think its worth 30 points out of a combined 100). They WANT to combine it with the health care card and other comonwealth social service cards
i should have explained what the health care card is as oposed to the medicare card. Its a discount card for the unemployed, low income earners ect, one of the things it does is increase the amount paid to GP's treating low income earners, also alows discounts on state services, like electricity and private services like movie tickets. Its also called a low income earners concession card

The former goverment DID want to add biometric data to the combine card but as far as i know you couldnt be forced to produce it. Thats the privacy problems that the democrats especially had with it

However the chip technology that they were looking at for the medicare card DOES alow other infomation to be added to the card and origionally before it was corupted with joining all the other cards and the ID crap it was going to hold an electronic medical record. Unfortunatly this was ditched in favor of bringing in by stealth all this biometric crap
I have no doubt the national ID card will still have your medical information on it.
I have no doubt it will not. See below.
Which for me raises an interesting question regarding HIPPA and how they plan to seperate the availability of "types" of information on the card.

For example, if you go to the airport and they swipe your card or whatever to "verify" you......what keeps them from prying into your medical records on that card?

Very simple. Your card contains your identifying number, i.e. database key. Actual data is elsewhere. Airport security have access to one database. Doctors have access to another. Your town election board when you come to vote has access to third. In fact, putting any data other than key on the card itself is counterproductive from government's point of view, because then it becomes much easier to counterfeit, not to mention lose or steal.

Maybe they wont put medical information on the Nat ID card because of this specific reason, but privacy doesn't seem to be of importance anymore so.......:shrug:

I do not think it ever was, except to a small minority of people. Everyone on this thread is bitching about erosion of individual rights in US -- almost all of the world, including Europe, is WORSE in that regard. US is just catching up. ;) Most people value security above freedom.
Damn implants...I was hoping the CIA would spy on me in person!!!:bugeye::mad::bawl: