you are a suspect

In the article it says
The FBI says it will protect all this personal data and only collect information on criminals and those seeking sensitive jobs.
So what are sensitive jobs? How will they protect this information if they cannot protect their own personel or informants? :shrug:
In the article it says So what are sensitive jobs? How will they protect this information if they cannot protect their own personel or informants? :shrug:

I don't like its too fishy, too vague, too prying, too empowering of a police state or surveillance society and just un-called for.

Won't be long before pre-emptive arrests are made. You will be categorized and incarcerated for a crime you "might" commit...kind of like Saddam and the WMD he MIGHT have...and MIGHT use. This is all getting a bit too ridiculous.

Rationalize it all you want......I cant do it anymore. Its becoming far too obvious to me where this country is heading.
Well, as long as my shock collar is current with the latest trends and fads! :rolleyes:
In the article it says So what are sensitive jobs? How will they protect this information if they cannot protect their own personel or informants? :shrug:

Good question, really!!!:thumbsup:

Why is there always some :frust: trying to make new crappy laws?
I usualy dont post CNN stuff but.....

awesome! anyone else have an issue with this? I guess the next step would be the RFID chip people seem to laugh about.

I'm not surprised by this, although I am pissed. I don't know what it takes for people to realize their personal liberties are gradually being stripped from them, all under the promise to "protect" them. In three months, Americans will have a National ID card that carries all of their personal information.

At large, the American people are still unaware of the issuance of the Real ID card forthcoming in May of 2008. This new national/international ID card, and its interactivity with national/international databases, can access our medical, financial, driving, Social Security, license(s), firearms registrations, and political status inside its high tech/little nano brain. In essence, it holds our private lives on a swipe-able card that is then privy to any organization, retailer, or person requesting our identification or our money. In other words, our life histories accessible upon command from one 2X3 inch card.

After this comes the microchips implanted within your body.
Wouldn't be surprised if they make that 500-dollar rebate for the economy stimulus package dependant on your willingness to participating in being a categorized suspect.

HERE come get your 500-dollar rebate but first we need your……….
Wouldn't be surprised if they make that 500-dollar rebate for the economy stimulus package dependant on your willingness to participating in being a categorized suspect.

HERE come get your 500-dollar rebate but first we need your……….

The timing matches up. You could be on to something...
Great, whats next, suspension of laws that protect individual rights.. Oh wait, you guys already have that.

Geez. The "west" in general is headed straight into Orweillian state like society.(I know it was supposed to be communism gone wrong...but hey, who cares about details?)
you know what, they wanted to make the medicare card like that. Its sad they droped the ONLY good thing about it, ie keeping medical records, alergies, and medication on the card so that in an emergency situation your not guessing at what a person MIGHT be suffering from (would also cut down on the sorts of situations like heath ledger's)
you know what, they wanted to make the medicare card like that. Its sad they droped the ONLY good thing about it, ie keeping medical records, alergies, and medication on the card so that in an emergency situation your not guessing at what a person MIGHT be suffering from (would also cut down on the sorts of situations like heath ledger's)

I have no doubt the national ID card will still have your medical information on it. Which for me raises an interesting question regarding HIPPA and how they plan to seperate the availability of "types" of information on the card.

For example, if you go to the airport and they swipe your card or whatever to "verify" you......what keeps them from prying into your medical records on that card?

Maybe they wont put medical information on the Nat ID card because of this specific reason, but privacy doesn't seem to be of importance anymore so.......:shrug:
They want to put an RFID in our driver licences here in Canada(talking about it anyway). Well that move will sure "save" me paying insurance or relicencing fees...that's when I drop out.
Sly i have a problem with being tracked by the goverment but i DONT have a problem with health proffessionals accessing full medical history including what drugs your on. As a trainee ambo there i have herd about alot of cases where correct medical infomation could have saved someones life both in an emergency situation and in cases like Heath's where a doctor knowing your perscription history would stop them perscribing conflicting drugs. I dont see this as an invasion of privacy as long as access doesnt go further than nessary personal (ie treating physicions and pharmists). Unfortuantly this is the one thing that was scraped from the medicare card up grade.
Sly i have a problem with being tracked by the goverment but i DONT have a problem with health proffessionals accessing full medical history including what drugs your on. As a trainee ambo there i have herd about alot of cases where correct medical infomation could have saved someones life both in an emergency situation and in cases like Heath's where a doctor knowing your perscription history would stop them perscribing conflicting drugs. I dont see this as an invasion of privacy as long as access doesnt go further than nessary personal (ie treating physicions and pharmists). Unfortuantly this is the one thing that was scraped from the medicare card up grade.

While I agree it would be beneficial to have CERTAIN medical information available to MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS I don't see how they would be able to make the card diferentiate between a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL and someone working at American Airlines trying to get you through security. Unless of course it was a medical specific card. Even then that is rather risky and should be up to the person.

National ID card = no medical information at all what so ever. OPTIONAL (speed up travel, identification, etc.)
Medical ID card = Specific medical information at your discretion and YOUR individual choice. not a manditory thing. (OPTIONAL - lower life insurance rates, medical insurance, etc)

would be the only thing that I would be willing to accept.
It will cost me more to die than to live with all of the prices of everything getting out of sight! :(
Umm i think you have to differentiate between what the previous goverment was trying to do here and the American style ID card. The Medicare card is what we use to access state and federally funned medical services, every Australian is intitled to one (actually i dont know of anyone stupid enough NOT to have one). The goverment wanted to combine it with all the other federal service cards like the health care card, the pention card ect. That way you would only need ONE card to access state, local council and federal service. Now origionally it was going to be combined with the pts medical records which i like (as long as they are encripted on the cards and only medical personal can read that portion of the card). This is all to the good, you rock up at a uncontious collaps and you know they are taking say morphine and diazapam (actually this shouldnt happen with this plan) or that the person is a diabetic, or they are epleptic or they are a drug adict ect so the ambos could work out more easerly WHAT they are dealing with.

Do i think this should be optional? not really, one of the points of it is to stop doctor shopping for conditictory drugs. Does it have anything to do with the airlines ect? HELL NO, this is a service card (well thats what its MENT to be anyway). Howard DID try to subvert it for that purpose which is why i think a good idea was compleatly corupted
Umm i think you have to differentiate between what the previous goverment was trying to do here and the American style ID card. The Medicare card is what we use to access state and federally funned medical services, every Australian is intitled to one (actually i dont know of anyone stupid enough NOT to have one). The goverment wanted to combine it with all the other federal service cards like the health care card, the pention card ect. That way you would only need ONE card to access state, local council and federal service. Now origionally it was going to be combined with the pts medical records which i like (as long as they are encripted on the cards and only medical personal can read that portion of the card). This is all to the good, you rock up at a uncontious collaps and you know they are taking say morphine and diazapam (actually this shouldnt happen with this plan) or that the person is a diabetic, or they are epleptic or they are a drug adict ect so the ambos could work out more easerly WHAT they are dealing with.

Do i think this should be optional? not really, one of the points of it is to stop doctor shopping for conditictory drugs. Does it have anything to do with the airlines ect? HELL NO, this is a service card (well thats what its MENT to be anyway). Howard DID try to subvert it for that purpose which is why i think a good idea was compleatly corupted

I am rather unfond of cliche sayings but "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" seems rather relevant to this issue.

While I agree with you mostly I believe the individual should ALWAYS have the option. These cards should not be manditory. Each person should be able to have a choice of wether or not they will benefit from having these cards and if their privacy is more important.

For me personaly.....I have no need for a medical ID card.....on no medications, have never had seizures, am not allurgic to anything I know of, etc etc......this card would be of no use to me. However.......It would make my private medical info much more available.

I have no need for a national ID card either.....I am not a suspect in any crime. I have no felons and have no criminal history. That should be the end of it. However there is this rediculous level of paranoia where suddenly things such as a National ID card seem practical and make sense?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?

Im going to go out on a limb here and make an unfounded prediction that after the next "terrorist attack" and im sure there will be one......the level of security and paranoia induced upon the masses will be enough to pass something as absurd as a medicaly implanted microchip to track your every move. The people promoting it will say things like

"if you are a legit clean person you have no reason to fear getting an implant"

I have talked to numerous friends and co-workers about this and in the end most everyone says the same thing....."I just want to be left alone".......