Yet another thread about beautiful women...


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Well, we've had a rash of threads in both Free Thoughts and Arts about beautiful women. Now, I'm not going to deny that physical beauty matters, that plain old physical attraction often gets things started. But to me, the biggest turn-on, the biggest attraction, is if a girl actualy likes me. Nothing beats that. And of course the biggest turn-off is if a girl doesn't like me. If a girl wants to spend time with me, wants me to feel good, and she herself feels good being with me, that is by far the most important thing, I think.
Originally posted by Adam
Nothing beats that. And of course the biggest turn-off is if a girl doesn't like me.
You don't try to find out why she doesn't like you, or if she's worth getting to know? You just give up? Though I suppose it's good that that means that you won't change yourself to be liked, which I guess is good...
I mean if I know for sure a girl dislikes me, that is a turn-off. Usually I'm either too shy or too hopeless at socialising to get into conversations even, and I'm terrible at conversation. So far I've been lucky enough that some very nice women (and a few crazy ones) have been forward enough to take the initiative with me.
LOL, well, if they don't like you, surely you've not got much to lose in pushing for possible frienship?
Aww, didn't mean to suggest that, if you read it in my post. But I mean, if you were maybe talking about pushing for something more than friendship from a friend, then I can understand why you might not wanna risk losing the original friendship. But there's been instances in my past, when I've not liked someone and avoided them, been forced to spend time with them, and now actually quite like them (or can at last tolerate them well ;)) And similarly, they might not have been too keen on me, but in the end, we get to know each other better, and I have a new friend. :)

But yeah, don't mean to sound like I'm lecturing etc. :rolleyes: :)

True dat Adam. :)

And may I add, never do the "friends first" thing with someone you like.

Be direct and let them know you like them.

Friendship = emotional, nothing physical
Now, what is it that you are trying to communicate, that girls who like you are beautyful (in some sense)?
Well, I had a serious crush on a friend last year, and she said some things that had me thinking she was feeling more than friendship for me, but then next thing I knew her old boyfriend was back in town and they were engaged. That sucked.
I had actually intended to discuss what I posted at the start of this thread. With all the threads about Natalie Portman and "how to pick up chicks in 12 easy steps", I just thought I'd say what was important in such matters to me.
is it true- that if you believe/hope long enough for somehing - it comes true?