Yet Another Homosexual Marriage Thread

Originally posted by okinrus
Using that logic, the few people who have relationships with animals have a right to marry their dog, cat or whatever.
As pointed out before
1) we are talking about the same species
2) we are talking about consent

That's like me saying that black people DO have the right to get married, just not to members of the same race.

We just go by the definition of marriage.

Fine... they can create a new word called morriage which replaces 'man and women' with '2 people'... but gets the same rights under the law.

When you argue over definition, you are simply shifting the issue. Basically, you think homosexual marriages are wrong, and will not support them. That does not give you or anybody else the right to take rights away from them anymore then they have the right to outlaw heterosexual marriage because it can lead to overpopulation.

If you have a good non-religious reason for you're belief then give it. Otherwise shut it, because I could care less what your specific holy book says.
"We can use religion to find moral basis in society and still have seperation of church and state. If we look at something simple such as why we laws against stealing, it is obviously because of religion. Even an apparent moral basis such as "do not harm others" does not work. At some point we have to use undefined and irrational beliefs anyways. "

So, why use your irrational undefined beliefs? Why not ours? You know, the poeple who think that homosexual marriage is ok?

"There freedom is deciding for themselves what is moral and right. It is not the goverments job to layout rational for what is moral."

Fine, so lets stop the gvt supporting heterosexual marriages, in fact lets get the gvt out of the marriage business altogether.

"Under the consitution, we are allowed to revolt against the goverment if it is a just cause. The goverment is not an end all."

Just cause? Who's just cause? How about the just cause of the homosexuals? would you object if the gvt was overthrown by them? And where in the constitution? And by saying the gvt is not an end all, you are admitting it can be changed and so on, so why not change it to give homosexual couples equal marriage rights?
Originally posted by okinrus
The abortion factory is Planned Parenthood. An evil organization resorting promoting condoms, abortions, and other birth control.

yes but bells was talking only about condoms, not about planned parenthood, and she set aside a seperate comment about abortion for you to address. So please quit being as slippery as an eel, an address Bells comments directly, don't go constructing a straw man argument, or just going off on whatever wild tangent you feel like ranting about; if you wanted to do that you can start your own thread.
So, why use your irrational undefined beliefs? Why not ours? You know, the poeple who think that homosexual marriage is ok?
Well yes, of course I'm going to agree to let majority rule on this. However you have no right to accuse politicians who do not support homosexual marriage, but do support civil unions, as bigots. This is the main point that I've been trying to make in this thread.

Fine, so lets stop the gvt supporting heterosexual marriages, in fact lets get the gvt out of the marriage business altogether.
This might be the best solution, but really why should we revamp the whole system? I would be very cautious in this time, because the divorse rates are already rising. The institution does not need another reason for tearing it down.
5. Medically dangerous because it often times envolves using physical body parts which were not designed to serve a sexual function.

poor poor okinrus, never got a blow job?

i pitty you, they are REALLY nice

No it's not. What would you do if you found your father watching pornography? Have you seen your friend become addicted on it?

have you ever walked in on your parents at all?

luckly nither have i but my GF has and hates it, does that mean that they shouldnt be alowed to have sex at all?

bit unfair there

Yes, we have been taught by God what is wrong and what is right.

and if you belive god doesnt exist?

of corse MY god teaches tolerance not hatred, like your god
Medically dangerous because it often times envolves using physical body parts which were not designed to serve a sexual function.

The...penis didn't evolve to serve a sexual function?
What the bloody hell is it there for? Stirring coffee? I'm sure it's nice being able to piss standing up, but somehow that doesn't seem to quite cover it.
Okinrus, love, you're whacked.
The...penis didn't evolve to serve a sexual function?
What the bloody hell is it there for? Stirring coffee? I'm sure it's nice being able to piss standing up, but somehow that doesn't seem to quite cover it.
If someone does not serve God then he will be cut off and thrown into the flames. The mouth is designed for eating not ingesting someone else's bodily fluids. And the anus was designed for expiation of waste not insertion of another's penis.

luckly nither have i but my GF has and hates it, does that mean that they shouldnt be alowed to have sex at all?
If they were not married then it is fair that they would never have sex. I do not think that I will ever have sex, is life and God unfair to me? No

and if you belive god doesnt exist?
You will still have to answer to him. Those who do not know the will of God but acted in manner fiting a severe beating will be beated lightly.

of corse MY god teaches tolerance not hatred, like your god
God does not tolerate sin and hates sin. My God also does not teach us hatred but true <a href="">love</a>. I have to oppose homosexual marriage because I love homosexuals. A agreement and contratract to live in lust and death is a contract with the devil.
Well I'll tell you, that post only confirms Xev's assessment of your state of mental health.

Not only am I unaware of any evidence for the existence of any god, I could never worship an invisible cloud being that feels that infinite torture is a justifiable punishment for wiggling your wienie in another mans ass. I think that if you (as a deity) found it distasteful, giving their car a flat tire would be a fitting punishment.

And fundies wonder why no one invites them to parties.

Church Group Offers Homosexual New Life In Closet

Unlike during his days of sexual liberation, the act of coupling, Lindeman said, is now a wholesome, maritally sanctified act devoid of any physical pleasure, performed solely for the purpose of procreation, as God intended.

"I feel so much better about myself," said Lindeman, choking back tears.

Diane Lindeman, a former lesbian also rescued by Reclamation Ministries, agreed with her husband. "We live like God intended now," she said, sitting bolt upright next to her husband in a stiff-backed chair, holding his hand for photographers. "We know that Jesus loves us for putting our homosexual ways behind us forever."
Why do you post a site making fun of homosexuals who struggle with sin? I don't make fun of anyone and I do not condemn anyone. All I do is just say what I think is true.
It is not making fun of gays. It is making fun of Christians, at least those that think being gay is wrong.

How could you possibly miss the point?
There are homosexuals who have become straight and married. This is what I meant by homosexuals.
If someone does not serve God then he will be cut off and thrown into the flames.

Acceptable price.

The mouth is designed for eating not ingesting someone else's bodily fluids. And the anus was designed for expiation of waste not insertion of another's penis.

You could as easily argue that the penis and vagina were "designed" for the elimination of urine. As Augustine put it, we are born between urine and faeces.
Does this invalidate sex in the missionary position?

You will still have to answer to him. Those who do not know the will of God but acted in manner fiting a severe beating will be beated lightly.

Why does anyone need to be beaten? Is God so petty that he cannot abide disobedience?
You could as easily argue that the penis and vagina were "designed" for the elimination of urine. As Augustine put it, we are born between urine and faeces.
Does this invalidate sex in the missionary position?
Human life would not exist without sex. Within marriage sex fullfills the purpose of raising a family. Outside of marriage it is sinful.

Why does anyone need to be beaten? Is God so petty that he cannot abide disobedience?
If there was "Why" above God, then God would not be all-powerful. However we should be able to see why God does something because he is manifested in his creation. If we steal, we expect the theif to pay what he stole back. In the same way God must punish sin either in this life or the next. This does not necessarly have to be eternally, but our concience demands this punishement and retribution. As to eternal life, how can God give eternal life to someone who does not choose it? I do not know if hell will be all fire. Maybe God will let those in hell feel lust, anger, and all of the evil emotions in hell for eternity. I do not believe that all homosexuals will go to hell either. I just feel that it's wrong and should not be promoted.
Originally posted by okinrus
If someone does not serve God then he will be cut off and thrown into the flames. The mouth is designed for eating not ingesting someone else's bodily fluids. And the anus was designed for expiation of waste not insertion of another's penis.

Says who? Sorry Oki, but I don't think I was ever issued an owners manual for the human body (and no I'm not talking about Dianetics, that's another thread all together). Why do you think that these are specifically what these things were "Designed" for? There's no scientific basis for this opinion, just the fact that it fits in line with your own biases, no doubt of intelligent design (which is also unsupported) and in this particular instance your desire to see homosexuals as being wrong.

It is my observation that sodomy works pretty damn well and is a lot of fun. The pieces fit and when they slide together it's a good ol' time.

Originally posted by okinrus
If they were not married then it is fair that they would never have sex. I do not think that I will ever have sex, is life and God unfair to me? No

Well, believe it or not people have sex outside of marriage all the time. I don't know why you feel you'll never have sex, you say it with a rather depressing certainty. . . some sort of deformity or ailment, you know, beside the obvious one?

Originally posted by okinrus
I have to oppose homosexual marriage because I love homosexuals. A agreement and contratract to live in lust and death is a contract with the devil.

Why do you think that all homosexuals live in lust? And live in death. . . what the hell does that mean? You do know the difference between a homosexual and the undead, don't you?
Originally posted by okinrus
Why do you post a site making fun of homosexuals who struggle with sin? I don't make fun of anyone and I do not condemn anyone. All I do is just say what I think is true.

I believe the intent was to show what a sham it is, and to horrify us with the idiologies that these people have been forced to accept because aparently they are willing to take the law of religion over objective reality.
Originally posted by okinrus
I do not believe that all homosexuals will go to hell either. I just feel that it's wrong and should not be promoted.

Well I don't think that there's much of a movement to promote homosexuality. It's not an evangelical practice, we aren't trying to win converts. Believe it or not, some denominations are quite happy just being accepted, and otherwise left alone.
Says who? Sorry Oki, but I don't think I was ever issued an owners manual for the human body (and no I'm not talking about Dianetics, that's another thread all together). Why do you think that these are specifically what these things were "Designed" for? There's no scientific basis for this opinion, just the fact that it fits in line with your own biases, no doubt of intelligent design (which is also unsupported) and in this particular instance your desire to see homosexuals as being wrong.
There are medical complications beyond the usual stds. Because such a high percentage of the gay community has aids, even with a condom it's a big risk to take.

Well, believe it or not people have sex outside of marriage all the time. I don't know why you feel you'll never have sex, you say it with a rather depressing certainty. . . some sort of deformity or ailment, you know, beside the obvious one?
I'm actually very shy when not on message boards. Anyways I offend most woman I speak to.

Why do you think that all homosexuals live in lust? And live in death. . . what the hell does that mean? You do know the difference between a homosexual and the undead, don't you?
Well I don't know. However the act of sex between two men does not serve any purpose. It is not an act of love, but of pleasure. So because it does not always have the consequences of pregancy it often becomes as lethal as drug such as cocaine. I use death to mean spirtual death.

I believe the intent was to show what a sham it is, and to horrify us with the idiologies that these people have been forced to accept because aparently they are willing to take the law of religion over objective reality.
I don't think it's always a sham. There have been a few cases. Part of the problem is that secular society does not give them the same publicity as the "born gay" movement. Also it is confusing what God meant by the law given in the old testament. Did he expect people born gay to become celibrate or marry into the opposite sex?

Well I don't think that there's much of a movement to promote homosexuality. It's not an evangelical practice, we aren't trying to win converts. Believe it or not, some denominations are quite happy just being accepted, and otherwise left alone.
I don't think so. The movement attempts at making people endorse this activity as normal. They've done a pretty good job. If you go back just 50 years, your see a huge difference in opinion. However there has not been any huge medical break throughs at proving that gays are born gay.
If someone does not serve God then he will be cut off and thrown into the flames. The mouth is designed for eating not ingesting someone else's bodily fluids.

im just wondering how you would feel to know that i kiss my GF with my MOUTH

shock horor but when you kiss you swollow there saliva

LOVE to see you tell everyone that kissing is the devil

I don't think so. The movement attempts at making people endorse this activity as normal. They've done a pretty good job. If you go back just 50 years, your see a huge difference in opinion. However there has not been any huge medical break throughs at proving that gays are born gay.

there is also no medical proof that people are born liking short people, or blonds but they do. Get to the point
If someone does not serve God then he will be cut off and thrown into the flames.

How dare you. How dare you say something like that. I cannot believe that any person could say something so bad. How exactly does one serve God? Does the person become such a pious pathetic person who no longer cares for people's feelings and only tells them that whatever they do is a sin because the bible says so? Does this method of spreading the word mean that you are serving God?? Please tell me because I have spent the the past 2 weeks by the bedside of a relative who finally gave up his fight to heart disease today. He was a kind and gentle man who loved his family and did all he could for those of us he loved and who loved him. We were with him to the end telling him we loved him and that he was a wonderful soul who would be missed but it was time to let go and rest. So how could he have served God? Would he burn in hell because he's probably told a few lies? Or because he accepted and loved his children even though not all of them were married to their partners when they had their children? Will he be thrown in the flames for those things? Will he burn because he used contraception? Please tell me because I want to hear how someone like you can DARE to say to anyone that if someone doesn't serve God then he'd be thrown in flames. So how in the hell does one serve God??? Okinrus, how dare you pass judgement on other people's behavior or actions. You are not God. I wont even say what you are because there are no words to describe you. My stomach turns at some of the things that you have said in this thread because you are a hateful man on the inside. For anyone to say what you have said, you dont love homosexuals as you claim to because if you did then you'd accept them for who they are... completely.

You are a hateful hateful man and as much as I am angry at all that I have read today, I also pity you because you will die not having lived life. Your refusal to accept people because of their sexual practices has only shown that you don't believe in God but only in yourself and in your interpretation of what God really stands for. God accepts all as his children no matter what they have done. You just tell them that they'll rot in flames if they dont serve him. Shame on you Okinrus. And shame on you for pushing your bigoted and hateful thoughts on others in the name of God. Shame on you. I have nothing more to say to you okinrus. You have demonstrated your hateful side in this thread and the thought of saying anything else to you.. well it sickens me.
As posted by okinrus
The abortion factory is Planned Parenthood. An evil organization resorting promoting condoms, abortions, and other birth control. Not all hospitials do abortions. For the most part they are only done in abortion clinics, however Catholic hospitials will never do abortions or even hand out contraceptives. You are automatically banned and excomunicated if you perform an abortion. You would have to get special permision from the bishop for medical reasons.

I was a planned baby. So are my parents going to thrown in the flames and I along with them? Will my mother be going to hell because a hospital were forced to perform an abortion to save her life? And by the way, it was a Catholic hospital who performed the life saving procedure for my mother and do you know who her nurses were? Nuns. Who held her hand during the whole procedure and were there when she came to to comfort her. She never got permission from a bishop or a priest. She was not excommunicated or banned. She was visited the next day by the priest who baptised and performed her marriage ceremony to offer her comfort and to try and give her strength and he even told her she did what she had to do because if she hadn't, 2 lives would have been lost. Her doctor was not excommunicated or banned because she used to see him in church afterwards and he took communion from the priest who comforted my mother in her time of need. The nuns weren't banned either. My mother goes to church every Sunday in fact and even takes communion.

ALL hospitals do abortions every day to save the life of the mother. An ectopic pregnancy is one such occasion where an abortion will be performed.... no matter what hospital and none of them ever get permission from the Bishop in such circumstances where the mother is in dire danger of dying if the procedure is not done immediately. So will those mothers and all the hospital staff in every hospital in the world, be they Christian or non Christian end up being thrown in the flames?