Yahoo! should be ashamed of what they are sending!!!


Well... a system based in competition shall destroy itself and cause lots of violence. And the media allways brainwashing people with their bunch of products. Many are completly meaningless and desnecessary! Just watch this programs about products... it's all junk. Even in The Simpsons sometimes talk about it too (not everything on TV is bad... :D).

A society where everyone fights to get "the highter place" is doomed to destroy itself. A society based on service and virtues is a strong and good society. It's not our case...

Our society promotes violence in TV, and in the movies... and we even let our children watch them! From where do you think a guy had an idea of two planes crashing into two buildings killing thousands of innocent people? And then, the Americans go there and kill thousands or even millions of Afghanistan civilians in the name of "freedom"! What freedom is that that make everyone be frightend with the possibility of even a nuclear war? Americans allways promoted violence and are still promoting it.

Everyone wants to be the most powerful, even if this means destroying others' lifes.

It just all propaganda in the name of the green paper!

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I don't see that, Truthseeker. I'll grant that the media does do its fair share of obfuscation, but you have to know that that will happen in *any* economic system.
Competition is a natural process. It's what shapes and directs the creation of all living things. One of the reasons why our societies are so strong is because there has been constant competition to keep them.

Why is competition bad? If the place you work at has one position open for a manager of an area, then shouldn't the person who is best get that position? or should you promote Stupid McGee because he's been around the longest?

A society which fights to get to a better life is more likely to actually survive than a society where everyone maintains the status quo. Even if there are winners and losers in the first society even the losers are better off than the people plodding along and sharing.

The reason that societies crumble is because there's NO competition. Because they're not constantly making themselves better, militarily, economically, and educationally, they'll fall behind eventually, become content and lazy, and eventually stagnate and die.

What is the impetus for making new things if there is no competition? Why should any agency try to make a product better if everyone has to buy their product anyway? Corporations have a responsibility to make money. That's their sole purpose for existance. If i wasn't getting paid I sure as hell wouldn't be working where I'm working right now.

From where do you think a guy had an idea of two planes crashing into two buildings killing thousands of innocent people?

I'm curious to hear where you think that he got the idea. I always thought it was from advisors who were pretty smart. Maybe you think the media made Bin Laden do this? Maybe he's just a victim of society, instead of a very intelligent general. Personally, i don't think that the Afghanistan "war" has much to do with the role of capitalism.

Like I said before: Make your case, we're all waiting.

I don't see that, Truthseeker. I'll grant that the media does do its fair share of obfuscation, but you have to know that that will happen in *any* economic system.

There's... we just need to invent it... ;)
Aren't we so creative?

The reason that societies crumble is because there's NO competition. Because they're not constantly making themselves better, militarily, economically, and educationally, they'll fall behind eventually, become content and lazy, and eventually stagnate and die.

Look to goofyfish's signature...
The true victory is when you win yourself.
A rich man can be economically victorious. He wins everyone. But why can't he stop smoking? Is he really a winner?
Is very easy to win from the others... but it's hard to win from yourself.

Competition against others is not healthy... there's no winners when you almost kill yourself comparing to others and trying to be allways the best.
There'll be allways a fight, because there'll never be a winner that last forever...

I continue later...
My friend wants to use the computer...

A rich man can be economically victorious. He wins everyone. But why can't he stop smoking? Is he really a winner?

it isnt a matter of win vs lose. I suppose there is an element of that in the cause to be the best that you can be in a field. Who goes out and says "I want to be a mediocre scientist" or "I wan't to be a slightly below average cook?" I find it hard to believe that anyone would say that.

The rich man has "won" in a manner-assuming he actually made his money and didn't inherit it-because he took a look at his situation, and worked hard to change it. This is the first generation that has seen "spontaneous" wealth. In almost every other time, the wealth was accumulated over generations, and that's still the case today. Are you better off than your parents were? Than your grandparents? Mine were german farmers, poorly educated and farming to stay alive. I'm a chemist. I compete for jobs, and for mates. That competition has required me to become a very good chemist, work hard, and succede at it.
Free-market society is what allowed people to move into other roles in society.

Competition ENSURES the survival of fit animal species, because only the best are doing what the best are good at. Unfortunately, this means that there are the people who aren't good enough at anything to do anything. In nature, the omega wolf generally leaves the pack to starve, the weak antelope are caught by the lion. Humanity requires we take care of our weak links, which I'm not disagreeing with. i have no problem with the advantaged taking care of the disadvantaged, within reason.
Everything that I'm saying is that the system should be more centrated in people as individuals and then make it universal. We must first take care of ourselves and then, take care of the others. If you, yourself have problems, how can you help others. That's the real competition: beat yourself. It's what sports are all about. Actually, you can see the difference pretty well in sports. Those who fight to beat themselves... like runners for example... they will allways get better and better REGARDLESS to the others in the "competition". But the ones who pay attention to be the best than the others, will never accomplish nothing, because he is not centered in what he can do by himself, but what he could be. A real winner fights against himself. You are your worst enemy. You can beat yourself more easily than others can do it. That's the true spirit of sport, as well as life. You have to recognize your limits and do YOUR best, not worring about the others. Can someone with wheelchair run faster than a runner that has two legs? No... but he, in the wheelchair, has to be really strong first to fight against his belief that he can't do it because he is in a wheelchair, then to make a real effort to actually run with a wheelchair. He is a true winner.
