Wow ...

*stRgrL* ...

"Funny, I thought I was the only one."

Haven't we all at one time or another?

Take care ;)
Regrets ??

Hi Tiassa,

Touching story, one question (and I know you'll give this some thought).

Do you ever take the time to sit and think what might have been with different decisions?

(OK 2 questions)

What do you need to do to get there now?

I get the feeling that you regret many things that have transpired, don't camp beside despair my friend, you can't go back but you can go forward.


Tony H2o
It's just a boycot

You are under the supervision of the boycot,.....against all controversial elements in the system,...

better believe me,....:bugeye:

Even someone, suchas myself, cannot tell you how your life will end (up),

but perhaps I can offer some assessment & possiblities as to how the REAL Tiassa might begin:

1) <b>look at your strengths, not at your weaknesses</b> <i>(Can't never did, while all things are possible (positive outlook vs. negative));</i>

2) <b>forget about the disturbing past.</b> Yesterday is gone & tomorrow is a day that has yet to be written into the record of one's own life;

3) <b>give up on regrets & hatreds.</b> At the least, these emotions only serve to draw away from the true creative nature that is in you;

4) <b>SEEK & FIND YOUR BLISS.</b> Certainly you have great talent, but where do you excel? Personally, I have found you to be a great critic of writing & current news events. <i>Hey man, you make Siskell/Ebert look like refried dogshit when it comes to being a critic. Good money, good start, in the writing world</I>;

Finally...... It can only add to one's character and life experience, from which to draw upon, to be willing to travel & work all kinds of different jobs. Experiencing life first hand is truly the best resource for any great writer ((media people included) more or less).

<i><b>In other words, Tiasssa, ...................perhaps indeed, one day, you will become a great, well known writer. But Jack London & Earnest`o didn't really produce great works until getting some first-hand, emotional drives beyond why they hated their childhoods.</b></i>

.......Just trying to be helpful, bro.....:cool: :cool: :cool:

do~what~works~for~you~now, then do your own art later.

Hello two old friends...


I think you should go back and get that education. It will not get any easier as you go through life. Why work for a buck when you can work for two?

I have seen many times when the only difference between the other guy and me (at the job interview) was the education and however we presented ourselves. I walked with the job and the other didn't. I guess what I am saying is that over the course of my life it has put money in my pocket and indirectly food on the table.

There is an up side to this. I have heard it many times and have seen it a few times. Even within this thread is an example. Those who wish they had and return to school are earnest in getting and finishing that education. There is a drive that was not present when the pursuer was a bit younger. You are an extremely intelligent fellow, with a lot to say. (I might add you say it very well)

There is nothing wrong with regrets. Sometimes it is the drive that provides the push. Use it and not the other way around.
I somehow graduated. At some point into my junior year i shaped up & started making descent grades. It just clicked one day & I cut down on the partying. I am so glad I did this. I have a great wife and expecting a baby, and we don't have to worry about money and crap like that.

My older brother never shaped up. He never graduated. We have had many a long talk about things since then, and the problems/issues/sadness he has faced have always seemed to come back around to his never graduating. He really is hard on himself about it. He has been kind of drifting through life without any direction or goals. Finally, this next semester he is going back to school. He has something to look forward to. I think he will be much happier.

I hope you can see what I am trying to say....:)
People keep on telling me:

that a degree is not important,...

But they are naturally speaking from the position of a master-degree or a PHD or anything else,...

Now: I know I'm not a stupid guy,...people never get to cheat me,...I'm alway's way ahead of that: but the thing remains:

even the system like it is today: recuires some form of relaxation:

I'm sort of a Social-Philosopher and I can see right trough the depts of ones soul,...people even tell me that they often are scared of me because it seems that I see right 'trough' them.

And with the same ease I see trough the systems of the world,...altough it took me long to complete this 'total' image,...and it's changing on the fly, I mean to tell you: it's not easy to manage and to maintain acurate and actual!

But the system is designed to discriminate all those who have not made it to the refuge,...and that meaning as much as a degree to underscore your 'supposed' knowledge.

It's not the whole way up,...and if you believe that then you're sucked into this evolutionary trap,...just as I was for a few years,...

Try to obtain a level where you are comfortable with, that would be much more convenient to you, then chasing the recuirements of others,...

As for me: I am still learning every single day of my life, and I am enjoying it! And I feel sorry for those who have done their PHD, or any other study and think they finally made it to be 'complete' and 'whole' human beings,...

It's a lie! 'they' who subscribe you to obtain this supposed level of oblivion to yourself but at the same time have a good 'healthy' position towards fullfilling this role in society 'they' want you to have,...they are just out there, wanting you to be a 'good' robot,...

Not judging or evaluating, not even proclaiming yourself on the job,...

well: let me tell you:

a day consists out of: 24 hours

-you are working 8 hours a day
-leaving you with 8 hours to sleep (if you don't nibble on that sleep-time)
8+8= already 16 hours leaving: like what:evenly propositioned:

when you are coming home; cooking (supposed you're alone) or any other form of nurturing,...
going on the net or some form of spare-time!
and then going to bed!

leaving just: the morning: and what do you do then?
-getting up,
-wash (optional)
-go catch that amtrack or any other form of transport to your work

So basicly: you're more living at your work then anything else,..wich means you want to establish 'SOME' form of communication with your fellow-workers-colleagues no?

Well : let me tell you: on the job: and that means on any job! the people are mostly just ignorant,....and careless,...about you or anyone else!

the equasion that power equals responsibility is just a hoax!!!!
You'll find that the people in power just don't give a shit about you, and that they will fire your ass down the hall: whilst you have tried to fullfill their every wish,...

ect ect: In fact: I am writing this down in a recolletion of toughts and reflections upon society,....when it's finnished: then maby it will get translated when published.

So as a writer to writer: get your ass up there! you know you can do it: do you really want to get down to my 'level'? and have a struggle all days of your life? doing jobs that you really don't care for,...keeping you from actually doing what you had in mind for your time down here on earth? Doing those shitty jobs in order to survive,...survive the games and twists that the 'big' players prescribe to society?

I know you're fed up, and some humans (with all thou respect an'all) just giving you advice that you already know and that you in fact shows you their ignorance of your situation,...but remember: what do they have to relay to?

Too many times I have lost the opportunity to lett people see who I really was,...thus losing the verry ground under my feet and having all these people judging me be 'their' means,....instead of mine.

Now: I live a retreated life and verry obscure,...altough not too obscure for others to reach me and vice versa!

Everybody is asking we to write a book on the things I have to say, but my book is my life, can someone write a book on their life? a biography perhaps? Maby, but anyhow: don't let yourself get run over by me, or anyone els!!!

So take from this reply what you need to get along, and don't feel lectured! don't feel corrected in a bad way!

Just feel 'me' instead,...and realise; that no matter what distance, no matter what trouble,...people always relay to eachother!

I hope you will not get into drugs, or any other kind of delay-effect upon your life: 'cause let me tell you:
you might spend time on exploring yourself but it's with many things the same: if you 'overdrive' it then it'll be rendered useless.

you should 'pop out' of it once in a while and take a look around to see where youre efforts are taking you,...and if you discover that you're not gaining the disired effects, then you might want to reconsidder your mental position towards the problem

Whoush!!!: this is about the longest reply I have ever written on sciforums I suppose! I hope It exposes some little bit of who I am and especially what I'm trying to say!

The thing that keeps me going?

Take care Tiassa, take care!

yours truly
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I also dropped out of my MS program because I was about to flunk. The reason I was in grad school in first place is because of family pressure. Since people within my family circle have advanced degrees and people think I am as smart as they are, I had to get one too. I didn't even think if that was really what I would want. The same thing happened to my best friend in undergrad. Graduating from high school and going to college what people think how life is scripted. Some people are just not ready for college. You waste your parents' money and your youth. People should wait until they are ready. Work at a shit job first will probably get you motivated. My best friend went to the best architecture school in the country(Cornell). The best often implies hardest. If you don't dedicate yourself 100% you can easily flunk out in those good programs.

Right now I am working full time and finishing up my MS degree from UMass off campus program. I never gave up. I think working and going to school part time is less stressful than going to school full time. That is some thing people can try. However, without a BS degree you will end up with a shitty job.
Originally posted by Joeman
The reason I was in grad school in first place is because of family pressure.

Yes, I know how you feel, my older brother just returned this summer and will be planning to take a year off since he knows he isn't ready for college.

Some people are just not ready for college.

I believe it was 75% of all high-schoolers that get into college drop-out.

You waste your parents' money and your youth. People should wait until they are ready. Work at a shit job first will probably get you motivated.

Yes, my brother is doing that right now, he is definitely not ready.

My best friend went to the best architecture school in the country(Cornell). The best often implies hardest. If you don't dedicate yourself 100% you can easily flunk out in those good programs.

Definitely, motivation and determination, I believe I can do it, anyone can. My oldest brother graduated from Cornell this year, I'm so proud of him. Now the decision remains on my twin and I, to go to Cornell or some other college.

Right now I am working full time and finishing up my MS degree from UMass off campus program. I never gave up. I think working and going to school part time is less stressful than going to school full time. That is some thing people can try. However, without a BS degree you will end up with a shitty job.

Yes, that is true also, no one should give up.

Goodluck Tiassa!! You are an extremely great writer, do what you are best in and you'll succeed. :)
The answer isn't encouraging

Tiassa: would you do go back and do things differently if you had a choice?
I generally say that, while I do not recommend the way I did things, I would not change a thing.

It's a nice slogan and it works well enough.

Sadly, the truth is that if I could do it over, I would be more reckless while being more honest with myself. But that would have started well before college, too. I think back and I should have accepted that joint from that dude at the Cinderella show when I was 15. I severely wish I had dope through high school.

Woulda been easier. And I would have figured out better how to use it in college.

And I never would have broken up with my high school girlfriend. She would have dumped me eventually--she decided she was a lesbian°--but still, I'd feel better about it. Specifically, less stupid and knee-jerk.

Between those factors, I might not have dropped out of college.

Tiassa :cool:


Lesbian--Specifically, no, I did not break up with her because she came to the conclusion that she was best suited for women. Specifically, the reason I broke up with her is that, upon my giving her license to violate our monogamy in order to better understand her lesbianism, the first thing she did was f@ck a guy just because he rode a motorcycle. I almost made it through this, but he was a smack addict, so I freaked. What the hell else could I do? But to this day, memories of that conversation make me remember what it feels like to want to die. One of the reasons I don't own a gun is that I very easily could spontaneously shoot myself if I happen to be holding a firearm while thinking about certain things.

I disagree when you said you should have kept your high school girlfriend.

That was a good riddance. She sounds like a dumb bitch.

I would have been more reckless and more adventurous as well, but I would never have flunked undergrad. It is very difficult to flunk undergrad. I have no idea how you did it.

You need to go back to school soon. Eventually you will feel like you are too old and not really fit in with teenage punks or post teenage punks. You will also feel like you have to start making money. College will be an after thought. That happened to some of my friends who dropped out of college. We are not even that old.
Oooowwww man, theres too much reading to do...
ill just respond to the last post....
