Would you sell out for the right woman...?


Valued Senior Member
Lets assume, you meet a woman who you're extremely attracted to she's seductive, assertive etc. What ever find appalling in a female. Anyway, she basically asks you to sell your soul to the devil would you do it just for her? she tells you to leave your family renounce your faith and worship the devil with her. Would you do it?

Before you answer this question and want you to understand this woman who is asking you this extremely hot, you're really, really attracted to her. She gives you good sex, and I mean the real good sex, she shows you love. But only is asking in return you do this for her i.e renounce your faith, and worship the devil with her. And she is rich too, so you also never have to work.

I have really been thinking about this, and I reached a conclusion. That I probably would.

I want to see what opinions you guys have to this hypothetical question.

And would you do it or not and what would be the reasons behind your decisions?
Haven't you heard of Edward VIII? He abdicated the throne of England for Mrs Simpson.
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But only is asking in return you do this for her i.e renounce your faith, and worship the devil with her.

Geez, that's sooooo easy! Do exactly what men have been doing with women since the dawn of humanity .....lie to the bitch and fuck her as much as you possibly can before she finds out that you're lying. By that time, you're gonna' be pretty damned tired of her anyway, and won't give a damn.

Baron Max
Muslim asks an interesting question. Sam replies with a pretty good example..

Haven't you heard of Edward VIII? He abdicated the throne of England for Mrs Simpson.

And he replies with..

Muslim said:
Cool, any books links websites? I could read more about this?

Ermm ok. I can really see how you could attract such a woman who is rich, powerful, beautiful, yada yada yada...:rolleyes:
Muslim asks an interesting question. Sam replies with a pretty good example..

I have an idea Eddie boy wouldn't have made much of a king anyway. Instead of passing time on the throne he decided to flit from one European villa to another. I've always wondered what Ms Wallis thought of the bargain. From what I hear about her, she would have enjoyed being the queen more than she enjoyed being a duchess. ;)

May be it is her nice way to get rid of you. Are you sure she will keep her word?

And btw, why would such a powerful and appealing woman let you have her?

Thirdly, all your banter on the truth of the religion and stuff is worth a night's good sex, isn't it?

You know, this happens to me all the time. The perfect woman comes along and it turns out she is a Satan worshiper, and I have to tell her "No, if it's you or my god then I have to choose my god." And that is why I'm single. Women are just evil that way, you know? I'm considering dating boys instead, because they are very pious and have cute butts.

May be it is her nice way to get rid of you. Are you sure she will keep her word?

Yes she would.

And btw, why would such a powerful and appealing woman let you have her?

Because I'm rich?

Thirdly, all your banter on the truth of the religion and stuff is worth a night's good sex, isn't it?


Its hard for a man in this world of eternal struggle.
You know, this happens to me all the time. The perfect woman comes along and it turns out she is a Satan worshiper, and I have to tell her "No, if it's you or my god then I have to choose my god." And that is why I'm single. Women are just evil that way, you know? I'm considering dating boys instead, because they are very pious and have cute butts.

You kind of do turn into a devil worshiper if you deny the existence of god. Don't fuck with Atheist women, they are smart! :(
"Would you sell out for the right woman...?"
If she wanted me to sell out my beliefs and ideals, she wouldn't BE the "right woman".
men and women kill for love, have done, are doing

sometimes they will murder a spouse at the request of their lover etc etc

men and women have and are being conned out of all thier life savings and getting into debt because their lover is conning it out of them, they do it for love.

People do crazy out of character shit all the time for love,

mutual suicide pacts
going to war (past battles)
abdication of throne
give away military secrets in times of war

Charlie boy will never be king due to his liason with Camilla etcetc

Tarzan gave up the jungle for Jane ;)

a million examples

selling soul to devil is the least of them
You kind of do turn into a devil worshiper if you deny the existence of god. Don't fuck with Atheist women, they are smart! :(

Now how could and Atheist be like a Satan worshiper? Atheist's don't worship anything at all, why, they're practically all scientists and rationalists, such boring people. I keep ending up with Satanist women, I think, because I'm so attracted to the leather outfits they wear, and their sexually aggressive nature. The moment they ask me to mutilate a Christian child with them, however, I'm out the door! No sir, not for me. The proper disposal of children is by feeding them to squid. Imagine, being a reactionary anti-Christian that way when the elder gods still sleep beneath the waves! It's absurd!
I would worship Satan(who isn't even real) for my perfect girl.