Would you sacrifice your soul?

Here is a more important question: what if your whole family, in fact, everyone you loved - eveybody who knows that you love them - could be saved by your faith? Would you believe in God then? And if He promised that He would save them, would He deserve your thanks? Think about this.

Matthew 9:13
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
My understanding of omni-benevolence indicates that such a being can do nothing that is not good. In fact, it would always have to do that which was the most good (i.e. It could not select a "lesser" good over a "greater" good). Since it is always better to teach or otherwise help someone to correct their errors than it is to simply punish them an Omni-benevolent God could never create, much less condemn anyone to, hell.

Additionally; I would never even consider submission to a God that was not Omni-benevolent and an Omni-benevolent God would never ask or require submission.


I take this as in the reality of Heaven you must forget your past life(ves).

I would not say you forget your past life, but why should your past life be relevant to you in heaven. God breathed life into the body of Adam, he became alive, so we can conclude that the force which produces life is pure unadulterated spirit, the same as Gods, but smaller, so you’re past, real life, is with God. When you go to heaven you go back to reality.

This is comforting, that all I know now is worthless, and people I love now can be cast into some hell, and I can easily shrug it off because I won't remember. No thank you.

I didn’t say it was worthless, most of it applies to the here and now and is worth something now, but in heaven what use is knowing how to change a starter motor.
In heaven, your prime concern will be glorifying and serving the Lord, because that is your entry qualification. :p
From a philosophical perspective, our only true friend is God, only He knows us perfectly, I’m not saying that we don’t form loving relationships with others, we do, and they are very real, but they only last a short time and then it all changes. Your parents are your parents as long as you or they are alive, after that, it is over.
I believe it is imperative we love one another, and see all living entities as brothers and sisters, not for feelings we get from it, but so we can learn more about love, develop our capacity to love so that in time we can learn to love God, the object of love and affection of Jesus Christ, and other great souls. :)


Jan Ardena.
Additionally; I would never even consider submission to a God that was not Omni-benevolent and an Omni-benevolent God would never ask or require submission.

Great point,

and why would god send those that he loved 'unconditionaly' to such a terrible place as hell. And god gives us 'free will' ie. the choice to believe in him or not. Then he tells us that we will burn in fire for eternity if we don't believe... Where exactly does free will come into the picture.
Believe :) Not believe:(
The choice is between :) and :(. Nothing in between?

Nice guilt trip. And if you can't, and they go to Hell, it's your fault. You still have the moral dilemma of having eternity knowing they are suffering, regardless of guilt or not. Again, no thank you.
If you don't go to heaven, then neither your loved ones will. And if you go to heaven, your loved ones will go too.
I do not see the relavancy of the question. Since all of this is covered clearly in the bible, I'm left to assume this is a joke. Also, from what do you draw this going to heaven assumption?