Would you pay $2 millions for this shit?

that's art? did anyone even do anything to it, or did it just fall into place?

and i say this with the understanding that numerous things can be considered art to different people... and i love worn down, old-ass dilapidated things, but this just doesn't seem like anyone even did anything to make it look the way it looks! i find these kinds of scraps all the time in junky places. maybe i should pick them up and toss them in a pile.
Just think of the person who got paid all that money for this piece of art.
They are laughing all the way to the bank. Whenever I see this stuff as we all do
we think shit I could have done that. The point is we don't, because you would never
think anyone in their right mind would pay a dime for it. There is a sucker born every minute I guess.
It seems that there are a number of people who enjoy the piece (unaware though they are that it's a "structure" rather than an expression of art). Apparently it is just like every pretty woman's ugly friend, possessing of an inner beauty that needs to be discovered:

Reviewer for the Boston Globe said:
To be in the presence of Anselm Kiefer's mammoth sculpture, "Etroits sont les Vaisseaux (Narrow Are the Vessels)" is both sobering and healing. Like a hushed cathedral, the sculpture can humble a visitor with its size and form. The piece is a stuttering undulation of concrete and rebar, part ravaged city and part graceful ocean wave. It embodies something ineffable and perhaps holy. Unlike a cathedral, it is as ugly and seemingly broken as it is grand.


Which returns us to "Etroits sont les Vaisseaux" (2002). The title comes from a text by French Nobel laureate and diplomat Saint-Jean Perse (whose given name was Alexis Léger): "In vain the surrounding land traces for us its narrow confines. One same wave throughout the world, one same wave since Troy rolls its haunch toward us."

Sounds like Yeats' "rough beast, its hour come round at last/ Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born," and the rhythmic undulation, the rising, falling and crumbling of Kiefer's massive sculpture, has a life-giving force to it. What exactly will be born, and whether it is beautiful, horrible, or both, remains to be seen.


There is also this better picture of it:

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Its all hog wash, A individual has the right under the constiution of the united states to their own property,
as long as no harm comes from their exercise of free will, there is nothing the locals can do about it.
The local goverment has no right to invade the privacy of citizen.

what you really see here in this case is another fine example of how civil rights are abridged by goverment and others, a example of how americans have no civil rights, a example of how state goverment and local goverments steal the individual rights of a person.
State goverments are really big on stealing the rights of the people, right down to procreation and really its sad, because some people can enmd up doing 5 years behind bars for a postage stamp, lose their home for a unknown or forgotton traffic ticket, it gets to the point that it is insane,

A normal person would think that the people would be repulsed by the behavior of state goverments and lcoal goverments, but it seems that americans just flop over and die, unwilling to defend self. And so we can actually see what Thomas Jefferson was talking about in the Declaration of Independance. It becomes a outright shame because the fedreal goverment really does not act to protect it citizens from abuses of state goverments.

Just think of the person who got paid all that money for this piece of art.
They are laughing all the way to the bank. Whenever I see this stuff as we all do
we think shit I could have done that. The point is we don't, because you would never
think anyone in their right mind would pay a dime for it. There is a sucker born every minute I guess.

yeah, that is definitely the way i see things as well... everyone looks at a square canvas painted blue and thinks, "i could have done that," but they never do it.

but this shit is seriously ugly. oh well. time for me to go create some ugly things, then!
I look at Picasso and I just don't get it. I don't get this either, but it doesn't mean its not art.
Its just not my kind of art.
art is like music, everyone has what they like and what they consider crap.
$2 million for that? Wow, just wow. Well, like most things in life, you're not buying the product, you're buying the name.

I look at Picasso and I just don't get it. I don't get this either, but it doesn't mean its not art.
Its just not my kind of art.
art is like music, everyone has what they like and what they consider crap.

Yeah, but look at that thing, it's rubble, lol! I mean, even with the weirdest pieces of art, you'll at least know it's art. It'll be up on a frame, a pedastal, or even if some weird thrown together piece of molten metal, it'll still somehow come together, or you'll see hidden bits and pieces to catch your interest, or it'll be shaped a certain way to form something abstract. I mean, even paint thrown on a canvas is better than that thing. But what's that piece? Looks like concrete that just got dumped out of a tractor. How can that be a sculpture, what'd he sculpt? Did he make those wavy pieces himself? I sure wouldn't have guessed it. Put that piece of art anywhere else other than his home, and any city would come collect it thinking it's a dump site or you'd see graffiti all over it.

Its all hog wash, A individual has the right under the constiution of the united states to their own property,
as long as no harm comes from their exercise of free will, there is nothing the locals can do about it.
The local goverment has no right to invade the privacy of citizen.

No, we used to have those rights. Nowadays we have laws and waivers with anything we do in life. No matter whatcha wanna do, there's gonna be all kinds of limitations. Anything we have to do, we have to sign up so we basically throw away our rights beforehand so they use that as an excuse. If you don't want restrictions, don't move there is what they'll say. Just too bad tons of cities have those laws now where you can't keep junk or something unpleasant to the eyes around, whether it's your front yard or back yard, if people can see it, you can get fined for it even if you own the land. Ridiculous. Heck, like 2 years ago I took a real nice desk out of the garage that I didn't need any longer and wanted to get rid of. I left it sitting in front of the garage all displayed to see if anyone wanted it for free and the local code authority came by and said if that wasn't removed the next day, we'd get fined. Good thing a family walking past from school saw it and we let em have it. If your place doesn't look all nice and cloned like every other house as if it were a Leave it to Beaver neighborhood, you can get in trouble. My buddy's wife couldn't even plant flowers in the front of their home due to the local homeowners association. If you want anything done outside of your house, you gotta go through them first like some little tribal vote. Gotta make sure everything matches and looks perfect! Sickening.

- N