Would you give up God for immortality?

Would you give up God for immortality?

  • I would take immortality on Earth.

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • I would rather die and go to Heaven/Nirvana/etc.

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
You can have growth and activity forever. I find no meaning in death. Imagine the knowledge we can gain if we didn't have to reeducate a new generation every couple of decades.

i didnt vote, but i think that it might be quite cool to age backwards and forward
like when you reach 100 you start aging backwards until you reach your baby stage again and start going forward. i used to tell the kids at the school i worked for that i was aging backwards but they didnt beleive me.
Originally posted by Zero
What's the whole point of loving life? If there's an infinite supply of something, it's easy to ignore it and take it for granted. Life is precious because it does not last forever. It's the sense of growth, activity, and finally death that gives life a luster that can not be matched by anything else.

I don't gamble. I'll stay as long as I can, then I move on.

Mmmm, as Chris noted, the original question assumed that immortality WERE available, in that case I assume you'd stay infinitely?

The question was not if we choose or deny God here, what our choice would be if there WAS a choice. At present there is none, we'll all die, and we'll know if there's an afterlife.

And your accounts of Heaven: Sounds great, mmmm, but where do you get it from? I dont find that description in the Bible.

the original question assumed that immortality WERE available, in that case I assume you'd stay infinitely?

Indeed I forgot about the original question.

I'd rather die and go to heaven after a while. (and then come back if "I" felt like it :) )

but where do you get it from? I dont find that description in the Bible.

It's a mixture of buddhism (no space and no time), New Age (endless possibilities and freedom), Christianity (God has a personality) and fondness of music :) :)

Did I give the impression that I was a bible follower?
I believe that death is a relative matter, in the sense that when u die, you go to Heaven and continue on in a different way. I believe that Jesus died so that we can all have ever lasting life, weather you believe in him or not.
A4Ever: OK, I might have thought you were a bible follower, sorry about that, hehehe!

But then, your Heaven is simply your dreams. I can dream too, --nice, but I wouldnt bet too much on dreams.

What is eternal happiness first?

Can there be an "eternal happiness"? Without suffering there can be no happiness, methinks. :eek:
But then, your Heaven is simply your dreams. I can dream too, --nice, but I wouldnt bet too much on dreams.

I don't know... Maybe. It is not just wishful thinking. (unless you consider all religion wishfull thinking, which is a valid view)

What is Nirwana? It is Nothingness, which means no space and no time.

If there is no time and no space, then that is our concept of nothing, which must than equal everything, since God is in Heaven, and God is all of everything.

I also find that in our history religion was used to control the masses, that's why there are such distorted views on virtue and good life.

If God is Good and Heaven is where we go, then why should my view be that far of?

Then again, I fully support your criticism.