Would you give up God for immortality?

Would you give up God for immortality?

  • I would take immortality on Earth.

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • I would rather die and go to Heaven/Nirvana/etc.

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters


Daughter Of House Ravenhearte
Registered Senior Member
With todays science we are closer and closer to achieving much longer lifespans, and maybe, one day, immortality. Would you give up the chance of ever knowing if there's life after death for an immortal life here in this world? Why or why not? Discuss.
Would you give up the chance of ever knowing if there's life after death for an immortal life here in this world?

Death is death, there is no life after death. Therefore, the choice for immortality is obvious.
Even if there was a heaven or some such place (incredibly unlikely), I would live forever here on earth. I love it here.
Well i think you are missing a point, I would like to live for a few tousand years, but after a while i'de get bored and decide that i wanted to die. I don't think that there is Heaven or anything, but i would like t simiply not exist!

so ammed the post live really long, die, go no where!
That's what I meant by the second option, die on Earth and go to "immortality in Heaven."

etc. could mean nothingness. Hadn't really thought of that option. Though we'll probably all die when the universe collapses back in on itself anyway.
God or Immortality...god or immortality. Absolutley no contest.


I'd love to be able to live forever- as long as I didn't age to the point where I lost my mind. More important that how long I live is what age I live at. I would love to stay about 25 for my whole (immortal life). Then I could see the future, and really, you have an infintismal (sp?) chance of doing everything (save dying), cruising space, etc.

Ender: If I ever got bored, I would either (a) do drugs or (b) sleep. But death means the end, FOREVER.....I can't live (hehe) with that.
It all depends whether we are capable of an infinite amount of thoughts. Living forever but keeping on thinking the sam thoughts would be horrible. But then again I would like to see how it all ends
I've always had a problem with Heaven. Perhaps one of the devote Chrisitians here can sometime enlight me, but any account of Heaven I've heard so far doesnt seem very attractive, considering its for eternity. Eternity is a LONG time! Can you imagine anything you'd like to be doing FOREVER??

Add to this the thought of sharing the place with snug fundamentalists who have been proved right, it becomes indistinguishable from Hell.

So I voted for immortality. At least Earth is interesting.

Heaven -by A4Ever

Heaven is eternal. That is what they say. But what's really meant by that, is that time does not apply there. Neither does space. Those two are aspects of our reality, not of Heaven.

You will not get bored, because 'you' will experience the oneness with God. You will create all that is in yourself, and live it at will.

Also, you will have the possiblity to limit yourself into another life full of experiences, in another dimension if you wish so.

If you feel in a playful mood, you can create fluffy clouds and golden spoons together with singing entities and hang out there for a while.

If you're not ready to let go of your previous personality, you can play some industrial music instead of gospels, and laugh with God about all the God bashing lyrics.

I tell you, it will be heavenly.
"Heaven is not what people think. When people hear the word "eternity", they think that they'd be doing the same thing over and over, forever on. But heaven is a place not defined by boundaries. There will be no boredom, no sorrow, no pain, no grief. Instead, you will rejoice in the Lord and be graced with His everlasting love, for you are His creation, and you have come home."

- from a friend

Hmm...heaven sure sounds good! (nooo..heaven's not filled with druggies :D ) Too bad no one can truly know what heaven feels like, because no one has ever come back from it. :( :)
Man has dreamed of achieving immortaility for many millenia before modern science appeared that's why he invented religion.

Religion offers dreams while science offers reality.

Why gamble on a dream when a real certainty presents itself?
Man has dreamed of achieving immortaility for many millenia before modern science appeared that's why he invented religion.

As a science guy, have you watched this happen? Do you have a book full of evidence about it? Is there a law of invented religion?

Science is as limited and blind as religion.

Religion offers dreams while science offers reality.

That's not quite the achievement it looks like, as the definition of reality is created by this science thing you speak of.

Why gamble on a dream when a real certainty presents itself?

We do not gamble on a dream, we live life to its fullest, cause we need to experience here and now. Death to everyone is gonna come, and it makes our living much more fun.

As a science guy, have you watched this happen? Do you have a book full of evidence about it? Is there a law of invented religion?

Science is as limited and blind as religion.
Show me a god. No one has done that since man created the concept. Show me the difference between a dream and an invisible god – there is no difference.

Now I can point to volumes of evidence and proofs where antibiotics has cured millions of people who would have otherwise died.

Science doesn’t claim to offer answers to everything but what it does offer is real. But religion does offer answers to everything but cannot produce anything that is tangible.

That's not quite the achievement it looks like, as the definition of reality is created by this science thing you speak of.
Are you saying that the evolving definition of reality is not preferable to dreams?

We do not gamble on a dream, we live life to its fullest, cause we need to experience here and now. Death to everyone is gonna come, and it makes our living much more fun.
The original question states that if science could offer immortality would we take it or would we let ourselves die to see if there was an afterlife.

The reality I speak of is the offer of immortality from the question. The dream is the concept of an afterlife that no one can show exists. When one gambles it is because one does not know the outcome. Allowing oneself to die in the hope of an afterlife is the biggest gamble a man could ever make.

If science offers a real solution then why would anyone choose the fantasy offered by religion instead.

The primary reason any religion exists is the offer of immortality. An idea that so many people want to be true that they are willing to believe anyone who says it is true even though there is zero evidence. This is the dream.

Show me a god.

You rely on your five senses. Fine. I can not show you a God. You can see glimpses of him in peoples eyes, this world can be seen as the greatest evidence for his existance.

I agree that that is religion, not science, but it also shows how science built a nice closed sphere in which to operate. I'll get back to that.

Show me the difference between a dream and an invisible god

Some say it is possible to feel God in prayer or meditation. Scientists can only stand there and take notes on how the praying person sits, which muscles he uses, what the frequency of his voice is,...

So again, there is no proof of difference. I agree.

Now I can point to volumes of evidence and proofs where antibiotics has cured millions of people who would have otherwise died.

Yes. If we state when starting our observations that we will rely on what we see, this is true. (It is imo also the safest thing to do so. Always run from the grizly :) )

Science doesn’t claim to offer answers to everything but what it does offer is real.

This is as much a form of belief as religion. You can not show me that science is real. (it is probably safe to agree with each other that it is real)

Are you saying that the evolving definition of reality is not preferable to dreams?

You can not show me that what you call reality is not a dream. Maybe I prefer what we agree on as real the most, cause it seems to be a bit more stable than dreams. Most of all I live the life there is to live.

Allowing oneself to die in the hope of an afterlife is the biggest gamble a man could ever make.

I don't gamble. I'll stay as long as I can, then I move on.

even though there is zero evidence.

You predefined what evidence is exceptable, limiting the possibilities. You live inside an artificial limited view on all that is out there.

The good thing about that is that there seem to be results from which we all benefit.

The bad thing about it is that we can not begin to imagine what we're missing out on.
The universe I live in is so wonderful and beautiful I need no other after it. If given the chance to stay here forever I would. Why dream of a universe greater than this one, when this one is already so beautiful and grand?
Beautiful starving people, crazy terrorists and natural disasters.

Just awesome.
I would take no immortality, and since I am atheist, I would rather die and be gone (no heaven or hell for me) than live forever.

What's the whole point of loving life? If there's an infinite supply of something, it's easy to ignore it and take it for granted. Life is precious because it does not last forever. It's the sense of growth, activity, and finally death that gives life a luster that can not be matched by anything else.