Would you change the way you relate to others?

We're all quite familiar with the standard fights and non-communication between people on religious topics.

Whether you are a theist or an atheist or an agnostic or other -

Would you change the way you relate to others?
Would you change the way you communicate with them?

Would you, as a theist, change the way you relate to atheists?
Would you, as an atheist, change the way you relate to theists?

If yes, why, under what circumstances?

If no, why not?

One must always be able to adapt to context. Without the ability to adapt comes stagnation? I see where you are going with this, or at least where it could go for some people here.

I always say be open to any possibility.
I totally agreeing with you. I should understand not how they (e.g. non-theists and other religions) are different from me, but how I am different from them.

I realized that rather than a 'problem', seeking out people with different opinions than I will help myself become a more understanding person with a better understanding of what makes me different.

In Buddhism, they say that the views
I am the same as others
I am different from others
I am better than others
I am worse than others

are all wrong views.

What do you think about them?