Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis

We come to the question from different perspectives, I think. I see the possibility for common ground in the statement that God and the universe might be one and the same, and when I go further, I discuss the invariant natural laws as how the universe operates. A religion or religious person may see the common ground, but when they go beyond that they go into the sacred documents and rituals. Two different perspectives with common ground in the middle.
But, if it is part of their religion to not have a common ground, then finding a common ground between two religions is impossible. It could be required of a religion to follow certain customs, and one them can be acting on the false hood of other religions. Say for instance, America has freedom of religion. Then a lot of the middle East says that they should cut down anyone by the sword that opposes their religion. America is okay with them practicing their own different religion, but then the Middle East is not okay with America practicing different religions. So then America is a lot like the crew of the Enterprise and the Middle East is like aliens they would incounter that have a culture that is hard for them to deal with in a first contact. So then comes the question, should Americans say that it is okay for Muslims to kill Christians because they told them something other than what their religion says? Then the answer is no, America will not allow that. So then no matter how good America's for father's tried to allow peace and unity even though there are different religions, it was all in vein. No matter how good the intent of our principles, it can never coincide with the principles of all other religions.
Who are extraterrestrials? Likely smaller than me in some way. I feel advanced to relativity.
If an alien intelligence wanted to promote peace and harmony throughout the cosmos, this is one way they could do that.
Telepathy is an issue for intellectual humans who are driven by the need for hard evidence, people like ourselves. But for a peaceful community of ETI's, telepathy is a perfectly good way to spread the message of peace and love, without revealing their existence. That is the answer to Fermi's paradox.

The conflict in the Middle-East might be evidence that humanity is not ready to become part of any intergalactic community based on peace. As it is, the world community is worried about what Iran will do if it builds a nuclear weapon. Any intergalactic community would be likewise worried about what would happen if Muslim dictatorships (or any dictatorship) had the ability to accelerate giant asteroids and slam them into other inhabited worlds. Th answer to Fermi's paradox is that parts of humanity cannot trusted with gravity drive technology, so the aliens remain undetectable until humanity is ready spiritually.
I don't even think it would matter if the same God came and visited every alien civilization. A lot of religions here on Earth use the same Old Testament or the same starting point. They then developed different religions and traditions. Then there are wars still ongoing because of this. We could never expect aliens to have the same religion when we cannot keep the same religion ourselves, even though it was based on the same events. For all we know, Jesus was the same guy as Muhammed. In a lot of Bibles, it says that he journeyed all across the Middle East, but then they are not Christians, really makes you wonder what he was doing there that whole time...

When you have the technology to destroy worlds with extinction level event technology, then religious conflict is a quick way to be eliminated. However, atheism (as a completely opposite strategy to religion) leaves a large portion of the population feeling a profound sense of meaninglessness. The best strategy is to promote peace, love, and freedom of religion. New Age philosophies are well suited to do this.
The answer to Fermi's paradox is this: if you are not willing to try to raise your level of consciousness into light and love, then the aliens are undetectable.
But, if it is part of their religion to not have a common ground, then finding a common ground between two religions is impossible. It could be required of a religion to follow certain customs, and one them can be acting on the false hood of other religions. Say for instance, America has freedom of religion. Then a lot of the middle East says that they should cut down anyone by the sword that opposes their religion. America is okay with them practicing their own different religion, but then the Middle East is not okay with America practicing different religions. So then America is a lot like the crew of the Enterprise and the Middle East is like aliens they would incounter that have a culture that is hard for them to deal with in a first contact. So then comes the question, should Americans say that it is okay for Muslims to kill Christians because they told them something other than what their religion says? Then the answer is no, America will not allow that. So then no matter how good America's for father's tried to allow peace and unity even though there are different religions, it was all in vein. No matter how good the intent of our principles, it can never coincide with the principles of all other religions.
We could be the one's venturing out into space, and I don't think we would go representing a religion as such. And there is the evolution of intelligence involved too; space adventurers might be intelligent enough not to "go forth" carrying a religious banner out front. They may have their religions and their own ways of thinking, but given the fact that they have high intelligence, why expect them to want to make it a crusade or want to kill us for religious purposes. Heck, they will kill us for our resources first, lol.
We could be the one's venturing out into space, and I don't think we would go representing a religion as such. And there is the evolution of intelligence involved too; space adventurers might be intelligent enough not to "go forth" carrying a religious banner out front. They may have their religions and their own ways of thinking, but given the fact that they have high intelligence, why expect them to want to make it a crusade or want to kill us for religious purposes. Heck, they will kill us for our resources first, lol.
Higher intelligence is an evolutionary dead end path. The most intelligent among us are also the most hateful. Look at people like alexg and cheezle. High intelligence is plagued by hubris and hate. The spiritually advanced civilizations (with higher consciousness) would avoid us. But the one or two hateful alien races would find us interesting to communicate with. Before long, open hostilities would break out. Then, they would rain asteroids down on us quicker than we could say: "I didn't mean to call you stupid!!!"
The conflict in the Middle-East might be evidence that humanity is not ready to become part of any intergalactic community based on peace. As it is, the world community is worried about what Iran will do if it builds a nuclear weapon. Any intergalactic community would be likewise worried about what would happen if Muslim dictatorships (or any dictatorship) had the ability to accelerate giant asteroids and slam them into other inhabited worlds. Th answer to Fermi's paradox is that parts of humanity cannot trusted with gravity drive technology, so the aliens remain undetectable until humanity is ready spiritually.
I think aliens proving their existance alone to use, could by them be seen as a threat. If they came here and said, "Here we are, we built warp drive like in Star Trek and it was really awsome!" Then it would prove to everyone that it is possible, and then there would be no reason for anyone to have any dought that it wasn't possible. A space race would then begin, then we could get all up in their business and they would be all up in ours, so then as peace and unity goes, it would all be downhill from there. I think the best way to have peace and unity between alien civilizations would then be to keep them ignorant of each other existance. We could be at perfect peace and harmony with them right now as we speak. Mainly due to the fact that we don't even know they really exist. How could we ever get along with aliens and exist with them in peace in harmony any better than that?
Higher intelligence is an evolutionary dead end path. The most intelligent among us are also the most hateful. Look at people like alexg and cheezle. High intelligence is plagued by hubris and hate. The spiritually advanced civilizations (with higher consciousness) would avoid us. But the one or two hateful alien races would find us interesting to communicate with. Before long, open hostilities would break out. Then, they would rain asteroids down on us quicker than we could say: "I didn't mean to call you stupid!!!"

It sounds a little like you semi-complimented me, but considering the source I think I can keep my hubris in check. You should tell your aether amigo, quantum-wave, that you are sorry for insinuating that he is not "highly intelligent." (modus tollens and all that logic stuff you hate). It is kind of funny that it is almost as if your unconscious mind acknowledged this with the final non-sequitor of your post, "I did not mean to call you stupid!!!" You really should leave your brain to medical science.
I think aliens proving their existance alone to use, could by them be seen as a threat. If they came here and said, "Here we are, we built warp drive like in Star Trek and it was really awsome!" Then it would prove to everyone that it is possible, and then there would be no reason for anyone to have any dought that it wasn't possible. A space race would then begin, then we could get all up in their business and they would be all up in ours, so then as peace and unity goes, it would all be downhill from there. I think the best way to have peace and unity between alien civilizations would then be to keep them ignorant of each other existance. We could be at perfect peace and harmony with them right now as we speak. Mainly due to the fact that we don't even know they really exist. How could we ever get along with aliens and exist with them in peace in harmony any better than that?

So there is peace and harmony with the aliens as long as we don't know they exist? Wasn't that the theme to the movie "The Butterfly Effect"? As long as he doesn't meet the girl, then bad things won't happen. I dunno. Maybe you have a point..