Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis

Mazulu, you never seem to be able to get anything right.

From Wikipedia:
In September 2010, several news sources reported the United Nations would soon appoint Mazlan to be the ambassador for extraterrestrial contact,[7][8] apparently basing their claims on remarks she made suggesting that the UN coordinate any international response to such contact, and her scheduled appearance on a Royal Society panel that October, "Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life."[9] However, a UN spokesperson dismissed the reports as "nonsense", dismissing any plan to expand the mandate of UNOOSA,[10] and in an email to The Guardian, Othman stated, in compliance to the wishes of the United Nations, "It sounds really cool but I have to deny it."[11] She later explained that her talk would illustrate how extraterrestrial affairs could become a topic of discussion at the UN, using as an example the advocacy that led to UN discussion of near-Earth objects and space debris.[12]
I don't know why you're trolling at me.

You're more confused. You've been trolling this site, and other sites, with nonsense since the first post you made. You suffer from either an extreme case of intellectual dishonesty or psychosis. Probably both.
You're more confused. You've been trolling this site, and other sites, with nonsense since the first post you made. You suffer from either an extreme case of intellectual dishonesty or psychosis. Probably both.
That's nothing more than an ad homimen attack.
I would think the people running our world have studied this question and have come to answers that are probably right.

The mob is dangerous, and has to be controlled at all costs for society to run. Therefore only when total mind control and behaviour control is to an acceptable level of control would the ptb ever dream of telling the masses. I think the alien groups are already here, but mankind has to be controlled first to get the first step on the ladder.

The mob is really dangerous and they really are.

One day the techs to control people to an extent where the mob can be totally pacified, maybe then we may get told. I doubt in our lifetime. But i would suggest getting techs to a level where everyone can be pacified first is the most important thing.

Like i said aliens are probably already here, and are in contact with some group or govs.

The whole thing seems to want to get us to slowly accept it, but like i said the govs are right the mob is really dangerous, and this should be the first concern always.

Once techs are so good to be able to totally pacify the mob, maybe then it may be announced slowly.

I would think if the ptb where to say that they got a signal like in the movie contact that is the best way to do this. Slowly get people ready for alien contact by telling them there is an intelligent signal like in that movie, may be the best way. Then give it some more time until finally contact is made.

Maybe if ptb also put out the signal sent images of what they looked like, and got people ready for accepting it offically before they came.

I would think thats the sort of best scenario for the alien disclosure if it ever comes.

But like i said i think they are here already, the ptb just do not know how to do this, and they are right to make sure you can keep the mob pacified. Once those techs are here, i see no reason why humans would not rationally accept alien lifeforms.
That's nothing more than an ad homimen attack.

Sometimes attacks on the qualities of a person (or lack of) are germane to the argument. You are kind of a poster boy for this fact.

From Wikipedia [ad hominem]:
Questions about the notion of an ad hominem fallacy

Doug Walton has argued that ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, and that in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue,[13] as when it directly involves hypocrisy, or actions contradicting the subject's words.
The philosopher Charles Taylor has argued that ad hominem reasoning is essential to understanding certain moral issues, and contrasts this sort of reasoning with the apodictic reasoning of philosophical naturalism.[14]

It is pretty plain to see that you post this crap with an agenda. Anti-science, anti-mathematics, and pro-crank, pro-UFO-nutjob. To focus specifically on the UFO aspect, I recently watched a 3 hour youtube video that debunked all the crap that was put forward in the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. The video can be found here: Ancient Aliens Debunked. In the video it is pointed out that many of the falsehoods that were stated in the Ancient Aliens series and how that falsifies the whole argument put forward there. Like your statements, the statements by UFO-ologists in series can't be proven to be lies, nor can they be proven to instead be honest mistakes, but they can be proven to be false. And these falsehoods get adopted into the mythos of UFOs and persist there. They lead people to believe crazy ideas like that the great monuments of the past were constructed by aliens using anti-gravity devices. The debunking video shows not only that this is not true, it shows how they were really built. No aliens involved. Now I do not care if some Joe Blow believes in ancient aliens constructing monuments. What I do care about is when it gets passed off as being true in a forum where people should and do know better. So when I see you posting stuff here that I know to be false, I feel the urge to correct it. If you notice, I do not comment on your posts in the Anti-gravity forums elsewhere on the web. Those kinds of websites are specifically made just for people like you. But I know why you would rather be here. Trolls like to live under a bridge and not out in the wilderness.
Tabloid tv is something you should ignore in documentary stuff.

They want to totally mess up the ufo and alien question by filling the whole question with lies, and its easy to do as people want to believe.

Just need one ufo to have been real for them to be real, in the whole mess of ufology. At least today most people see the whole mess that ufology is, and its best to ignore all the tabloid tv programmes out there.
In general when a society encounters a more technologically advanced society the less technological society is radically altered. So it is just a point of view if it is better or worse - our society would change and change is usually rather painful for a segment of the population.

If aliens arrive whether they are peaceful or not I would be first in line to be a collaborator - cause they would be our future in the end without a doubt.
They would probably see us as a threat just like we see them as a possible threat and then they may ask us what we are doing in their space or just blow us up. In a way we are a threat to alien races, because we are just here wondering if they are a threat, without even knowing anything about them. If we see them as a threat, then we would justify acting in a threatning manner. If both races decided that the other was not a threat, then we would probably just troll them when they tried to explain things in our scientific forums about their science and technology.
They would probably see us as a threat just like we see them as a possible threat and then they may ask us what we are doing in their space or just blow us up. In a way we are a threat to alien races, because we are just here wondering if they are a threat, without even knowing anything about them. If we see them as a threat, then we would justify acting in a threatning manner. If both races decided that the other was not a threat, then we would probably just troll them when they tried to explain things in our scientific forums about their science and technology.
Why wouldn't aliens obey the Golden rule? After all, if alien species A is willing to wipe us out, what protects species A from species B which is more powerful? Wouldn't the safest strategy be to embrace some kind of spiritual doctrine of peace, love and tolerance? Remember the movie Close encounters of the third kind? If you show up at some neighboring planet and put on a big exciting performance that amazes the locals and fills them with a sense of wonder and awe, you're going to make lots of friends.

Look at it this way. If you have hyper-drive capability, then you also have the ability to annihilate planets using asteroids. If everyone in the galactic community can do this, then distrust, hate and war will quickly lead to extinction level events. The only way to survive is to give up war. Are you ready to do that? Are we ready to do that as a planet?

I think that New Age religions would be the perfect way to promote peace throughout the galaxy. The more you can spread the idea that aliens are loving beings of light and good, the more trust you will earn. Be the New Age fantasy that the locals on some planet need and crave, and you (the aliens) will create friends, trust and peace. Be the fantasy.
I will not comment on the "site of information" and just go with the question.

If we had contact of some kind. With "aliens of space". It would both be destructive to us and helpful.
Look at how the indians and the explorers faired. There were new diseases introduced. Fighting, genocide, new technology shared, crimes committed. Animals and land destroyed. Aliens being more advanced don't mean less of the same...
Why wouldn't aliens obey the Golden rule? After all, if alien species A is willing to wipe us out, what protects species A from species B which is more powerful? Wouldn't the safest strategy be to embrace some kind of spiritual doctrine of peace, love and tolerance? Remember the movie Close encounters of the third kind? If you show up at some neighboring planet and put on a big exciting performance that amazes the locals and fills them with a sense of wonder and awe, you're going to make lots of friends.
Why do people not obey the Golden Rules? Even if they where a peace loving culture, it would only take one bad apple at the top to ruin the whole bunch. You couldn't think that aliens would all be the same, just as all people are not the same. The safest strategy could be to embrace intolerance of alien species. The problem child of the civilization would then not be able to cause problems with other alien civilizations, if they tried to keep them mostly segregated. Have you ever seen Star Trek? No matter how good the crew's intentions, the aliens always perceive them as a threat, and then they are always having to bend over backwards in order to please them. They always have to adapt to their culture and if they where not willing to do away with everything in their own culture in order to do that then there would be no chance at peace with that alien civilization. In the Star Trek Universe, they have mostly done away with religion, since the Third World War (never seen any Muslims in Star Trek), if an alien civilization made contact with us, they would have to bend over backwards to try and please our religous fanatics. Then this could prove to be impossible, hopefully they would have screwed up trying to do this enough times that they wouldn't try it by the time they found us.

Look at it this way. If you have hyper-drive capability, then you also have the ability to annihilate planets using asteroids. If everyone in the galactic community can do this, then distrust, hate and war will quickly lead to extinction level events. The only way to survive is to give up war. Are you ready to do that? Are we ready to do that as a planet?
I don't think anyone would be ready to do that. They would think it would just leave them vunerable to an attack of that nature. Then it would lead to mass extinction levels. For all we know, aliens lander here fifty million years ago and found the dinosaurs and thought well these guys suck, and blew them sky high.

I think that New Age religions would be the perfect way to promote peace throughout the galaxy. The more you can spread the idea that aliens are loving beings of light and good, the more trust you will earn. Be the New Age fantasy that the locals on some planet need and crave, and you (the aliens) will create friends, trust and peace. Be the fantasy.
I think it would have just the opposite effect. They would never be able to accept why they are trying to convert them to some other relegion and then justify being ever bit as evil as we tried to prevent them from being. No religous faction has ever gone down willingly. It would just create confusion, because aliens would most likely have a completely different religion.

I think it would have just the opposite effect. They would never be able to accept why they are trying to convert them to some other relegion and then justify being ever bit as evil as we tried to prevent them from being. No religous faction has ever gone down willingly. It would just create confusion, because aliens would most likely have a completely different religion.
I think you just made a good case for a look at nature as the common ground between us and any intelligent life form. Particulars of various religions, here on Earth or anywhere, then could be practiced among those members of the religion, but there could be a common ground set of particulars that included a concept that god and the universe may be one and the same, for example.
I think you just made a good case for a look at nature as the common ground between us and any intelligent life form. Particulars of various religions, here on Earth or anywhere, then could be practiced among those members of the religion, but there could be a common ground set of particulars that included a concept that god and the universe may be one and the same, for example.
I don't even think it would matter if the same God came and visited every alien civilization. A lot of religions here on Earth use the same Old Testament or the same starting point. They then developed different religions and traditions. Then there are wars still ongoing because of this. We could never expect aliens to have the same religion when we cannot keep the same religion ourselves, even though it was based on the same events. For all we know, Jesus was the same guy as Muhammed. In a lot of Bibles, it says that he journeyed all across the Middle East, but then they are not Christians, really makes you wonder what he was doing there that whole time...
I don't even think it would matter if the same God came and visited every alien civilization. A lot of religions here on Earth use the same Old Testament or the same starting point. They then developed different religions and traditions. Then there are wars still ongoing because of this. We could never expect aliens to have the same religion when we cannot keep the same religion ourselves, even though it was based on the same events. For all we know, Jesus was the same guy as Muhammed. In a lot of Bibles, it says that he journeyed all across the Middle East, but then they are not Christians, really makes you wonder what he was doing there that whole time...
We come to the question from different perspectives, I think. I see the possibility for common ground in the statement that God and the universe might be one and the same, and when I go further, I discuss the invariant natural laws as how the universe operates. A religion or religious person may see the common ground, but when they go beyond that they go into the sacred documents and rituals. Two different perspectives with common ground in the middle.