worms are really superior

2. genitalia: besides moving them inside we also need to place both the male and the female reproductive organs in one body. The worms are hermaphrodite after all.

heaven! my very own vagina! i will pet it, stroke it, feed it. i will love it like a penis!

make it happen, spurious! i cannot sleep at night now
C. elegans

As may be inferred from my user name, I am a big fan of worms. Specifically the species that survived the shuttle disaster, as they are the subject of my dissertation. I fear worms have been given a bad rap. Worms are superior beings, insofar as they are imensly useful for science and incredibly resilient.
wrms are not ugly

Okay first of all our limbs don't seem as useless as they may seem......infact many people would find them quite usefull. Also worms are hands down the most disgusting looking things on this planet...everything about them makes me want to kill them, but i have to respect their lives and the fact that they are a great benefit to us...but GODDAMN they are ugly.
I would have to argue that C. elegans worms are not ugly, in fact they are transparently little sinusoidal creatures, that are actually really cool if you know how to look at them. Additionally, not all C. elegans are hermaphrodites, only about 99% of the normally produced population. The other 1% are by definition male, which allows selective breading and crossing in C. elegans.
"Worms are superior beings, insofar as they are immensly useful for science".

I hope that was just irony.
You could argue that humans are nothing but mobile habitats for our stomach bacteria. They are the true masters of the earth though we dont know it. Anything we do benifits them in one way or another.

THEY are the really superior ones.
why? some links could be useless. maybe some are evolutionary dead ends?
important to themselves? to others? to "nature"? does everything have to be interconected? could there be lifeforms that have a minimal impact on others?
live in complete isolation?
"why does everything have to be interconnected?"
I don't understand this question:confused:
Does it bother you that everything is interconnected? I don't think its that bad, kind of neat even, whats the problem?

If you are questioning the fact everything is interconnected than you are opening up quite the can of WORMS which is connected to the can of magpies and so on.

"Everything about them makes me want to kill them... god damn they are ugly"
They aren't asking you to have sex with them.
Why must some people be physically attracted to things to not hurt them, its bizarre, sargentlard might have been joking but people really feel like that. Everyone I know wants hyenas to die because they look funny.
These animals never would have imagined some predatory primate would show up that hunts them down for finding them sexually unnapealing.
I'm all for making fun of ugly people, but ugly animals?
Thats just sad:(
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic

"Everything about them makes me want to kill them... god damn they are ugly"
They aren't asking you to have sex with them.
Why must some people be physically attracted to things to not hurt them, its bizarre, sargentlard might have been joking but people really feel like that.

No shit they aren't doc;) ...did it have to come down to sexual appeal...i just can't stand the way they look...and i don't want to kill them...i respect the buggers but that doesn't help the fact that they are goddamn ugly...infact that could be a defnse mechanism for them against me even though they have nothing to fear from me but they don't know that do they!!!

I wasn't at all hinting at anything sexually appealing just asthetically appealing and that they are not. People might want to kill them because they look ugly but that just makes them ignorant fools.... i am only speaking on a shallow level.
Sorry sarge, I wasn't attacking you I could tell you were joking, but it just made me think of the people who really feel like that, and they are out there. Pretty strange way to think huh?

Spooks, I might have a bicycle built for 2, but I can assure you, it is purely for practical reasons;)
Dear me... someday some creature out there might evolve sex appeal as a defense against predators.... eeeewwwww
Monicus Lowinskius is actually a variety of paracitic nematode that (poorly) mimics the form of a female human. Then it injects its eggs into a male while draining him of his bodily fluids.

This has the side effect of causing terrible bloating.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Sorry sarge, I wasn't attacking you I could tell you were joking, but it just made me think of the people who really feel like that, and they are out there. Pretty strange way to think huh?

I wasn't joking about them being ugly to me;) as for people who think like that well they are dumbasses who well should be shot for that stupidity. I have heard stories of where certain animals were killed just because they were ugly to the beholder....morons i say....i don't want to kill worms...i just don't want to look at them...is that so bad;) ..oh the humanity
Don't worms eat poo? That'd be strange. So'd being a heamephidite. Why don't we just be parasites to a worm, and use one for an escape pod should our spaceship crash on a planet.