worms are really superior


yes it has been proven once more: Worms are the supreme beings on this planet.

worms survived shuttle disaster

the C elegans nematodes that were onboard the spaceshuttle colombia managed to survive the crash. This is not only a victory for science, but also shows that maybe worms are better astronauts than humans. For all the genetic engineering fans out there on this forum (yes...i know you exist) this must be great news. We now know how to improve man to make him better adapted for space travel.
1. First of all we have to get rid of all limbs and extruding parts. Do not worry about the genitalia. We still need them, but they might have to move inside.
2. genitalia: besides moving them inside we also need to place both the male and the female reproductive organs in one body. The worms are hermaphrodite after all.
3. We have to considerably shrink in size.
4. We have to get rid of most of our brain.
5. We have to develop an appetite for bacteria and everything else that is small enough to fit in our tiny mouths.
6. We have to wiggle all the time.
This might work. But we'd have to maintain some human slaves to put us in our tins and light the blue touch paper.

Actually you've made an important point. Listen to this -

"Modern mechanical and modern biochemical discoveries have rendered both the skeletal and metabolic functions of the body to a great extent useless... Viewed from the standpoint of the mental activity by which he (man) increasingly lives, it is a highly innefficient way of keeping his mind working. In a civilised worker the limbs are mere parasites, demanding nine-tenths of the energy of the food and even a kind of blackmail in the exercise they need in order to prevent disease, while the body organs wear themselves out in supplying their requirements...Sooner or later the useless parts of the body must be given more modern functions or dispensed with altogether." Bernal - The World, the Flesh and the Devil.

What bollocks gets talked by scientific utopianists.
doesn't the pope decide if an animal has a soul or not. Apparently there are animals with souls according to catholic doctrin
I was being serious. Joking apart - someone who states that something doesn't have a soul needs to explain what on earth they mean, and how on earth they know.
Okay first of all our limbs don't seem as useless as they may seem......infact many people would find them quite usefull. Also worms are hands down the most disgusting looking things on this planet...everything about them makes me want to kill them, but i have to respect their lives and the fact that they are a great benefit to us...but GODDAMN they are ugly.
um.....only humans have souls in all church doctrine.... animal's just die. they simply cease to exist when they die. when human's die, there soul which is the body when u die, go before god and are judged.
Originally posted by edgar
um.....only humans have souls in all church doctrine.... animal's just die. they simply cease to exist when they die. when human's die, there soul which is the body when u die, go before god and are judged.
No, this is not all church doctorine... this is after-biblical interpretation which basically boils down to OPINION.
Would you want to meet somebody as tough as one of those worms? It would scare the defacation out of me allright.

We really could learn something from those little buggers. Imagine the gengeneering protential.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
We now know how to improve man to make him better adapted for space travel.
1. First of all we have to get rid of all limbs and extruding parts. Do not worry about the genitalia. We still need them, but they might have to move inside.
2. genitalia: besides moving them inside we also need to place both the male and the female reproductive organs in one body. The worms are hermaphrodite after all.
3. We have to considerably shrink in size.
4. We have to get rid of most of our brain.
5. We have to develop an appetite for bacteria and everything else that is small enough to fit in our tiny mouths.
6. We have to wiggle all the time.

..after that instead of going out into space we tend go inside the earth.
Originally posted by edgar
um.....only humans have souls in all church doctrine.... animal's just die. they simply cease to exist when they die. when human's die, there soul which is the body when u die, go before god and are judged.
You know, you can just take arguments such as these to the religion forum, and discuss these arguments with your fellow muslims or christians and what else. This is a science forum.

..after that instead of going out into space we tend go inside the earth.
lol That was my thought exactly...
Naw Cyborgs are tougher! All you need is a brain inside of a 20 foot tall composite armor, metal scorpion with 20mm cannons for fangs, rocket launchers for claws, 105mm cannon for a stinging tail, need I say more?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Naw Cyborgs are tougher! All you need is a brain inside of a 20 foot tall composite armor, metal scorpion with 20mm cannons for fangs, rocket launchers for claws, 105mm cannon for a stinging tail, need I say more?

but can they crawl into the earth or survive a shuttle disaster?
as long as they are not running windows.

"I am Robo-Tron. Humans are a parasite, I am the untimate creation. PHEAR ME! I will raize you crops and destroy you all to make a perfectly ordered world where all the beings are cyborgs, and.......error. protection fault in left frontal lobe. hiccup signal detected. reboot? Y/N
Error. no keyboard detected. please press any key to continue...."

Same thing happens to people all the time... except no error message comes up. For us we just go into a seizure or have a total mental break down and have to be ship off to some asylum and be left in a wheelchair in a catatonic stupor. So even in mental errors cybor have a advantage over us.