World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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You posted several links to that data previously. Look it up!

That is false. Gregory Urich claimed to have produced the data but his spreadsheet does not have a height column even though he put in a potential energy column.

Won't work. The square/cubed law makes any such model effectively useless.

Engineers were making models for decades before electronic computers existed. The Tacoma Narrows bridge model is an example. You are just throwing out excuses.
That is false. Gregory Urich claimed to have produced the data but his spreadsheet does not have a height column even though he put in a potential energy column.
Ah, so you lied. OK.
Engineers were making models for decades before electronic computers existed. The Tacoma Narrows bridge model is an example. You are just throwing out excuses.
So engineers modeled the Tacoma Narrows bridge and realized it would collapse before it was built? And they built it anyway? A surprising claim.
So engineers modeled the Tacoma Narrows bridge and realized it would collapse before it was built? And they built it anyway? A surprising claim.

No one realized the bridge was going to collapse. I never said they did. The objective of the model was was to analyze the oscillations to figure out what to do to stop it. The wind got too strong and the bridge oscillated out of control and collapsed before any solutions could be implemented.

My point was to demonstrate scale modeling of physical phenomenon was possible. No electronic computer simulation possible in 1940.
Note that some types of simulations scale well, while others do not.

Air flow simulations are an example of a property that scales well. Weight is an example of a property that scales poorly.

Complicated does not mean impossible. Only a dog was killed in the bridge collapse. Are you saying the Twin Tower are not important enough to resolve with finality?
Are you saying the Twin Tower are not important enough to resolve with finality?
It is resolved with finality.

Just like the Moon landing and the spherical Earth are.

I am simply pointing out that your comparison to the Tacoma Narrows sim is faulty.
No one realized the bridge was going to collapse. I never said they did. The objective of the model was was to analyze the oscillations to figure out what to do to stop it.
Ah, so after they realized they had a problem they built a model and futzed around with it until it showed similar behavior. Yes, that's trivial. Likewise, it would be trivial to build models of the WTC and futz around with them until they collapsed in a similar manner.
Are you saying the Twin Tower are not important enough to resolve with finality?
The collapse WAS resolved with finality.

If you want to run more simulations, knock yourself out. If you don't care enough to do so, or are too lazy, or don't understand how - then don't blame others for your failures.
Ah, so after they realized they had a problem they built a model and futzed around with it until it showed similar behavior. Yes, that's trivial.

All you can come up with is B.S. and innuendo. Not worth reading or responding to. You are on ignore.
It is resolved with finality.

You have simply chosen to BELIEVE. If it is actually true why should you have a problem with modeling?

Just like the Moon landing and the spherical Earth are.

Maybe in you head. How many moon landing simulators are there?

[/QUOTE]I am simply pointing out that your comparison to the Tacoma Narrows sim is faulty.[/QUOTE]
In your opinion which you need to maintain your BELIEF. But now there are also computer simulations which did not exist in 1940.

So the Twin Towers Affair cannot be finalized until the physics is demonstrably settled.

So why don't BELIEVERS want models and simulations to prove their point?
You have simply chosen to BELIEVE. If it is actually true why should you have a problem with modeling?
I don't have a problem with modeling. Knock yourself out.

So the Twin Towers Affair cannot be finalized until the physics is demonstrably settled.
That's your belief. And you're welcome to it.

So why don't BELIEVERS want models and simulations to prove their point?
This is a non-issue. You're the 0nly one who is unsatisfied with the answer.

It seems like you expect someone else to make your case for you. Like the world has an obligation to you because you have an idea.

This is vacuous. You are tilting at a windmill here.

Nothing's stopping you from going out and proving your idea.
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So why don't BELIEVERS want models and simulations to prove their point?

Because they don't need them. The party's over and everyone has gone home. Years ago.

(The only people who "want models", to judge by this thread, are the tiny handful of obsessional nutcase conspiracy theorists, for whom exchanging silly ideas about it it has become a sort of self-referential cottage industry.)
All you can come up with is B.S. and innuendo. Not worth reading or responding to. You are on ignore.
Excellent! You can't take the criticism, so rather than deal with it, you ignore it! A time-tested strategy for conspiracy nuts throughout time.

But I still get to see your posts, which are great entertainment!
You have simply chosen to BELIEVE. If it is actually true why should you have a problem with modeling?
No problem at all! Go for it.
Maybe in you head. How many moon landing simulators are there?
A million. Now, how many actually prepare you to land a 1960's era LEM? Would you want a pilot who had trained on a web based video game running on a laptop?
So the Twin Towers Affair cannot be finalized until the physics is demonstrably settled.
It's finalized and settled.
So why don't BELIEVERS want models and simulations to prove their point?
9/11 conspiracy believers are the only people who want models and simulations to prove their point. To them I say - go for it!
9/11 conspiracy believers

Physics is not something to be believed in. Conspiracies are irrelevant. What kind of cowards are afraid to prove what they claim is true?
What kind of cowards are afraid to prove what they claim is true?
You are making the claim.. If you have a counter-argument, the onus is on you to support it.

What is all this silliness about other people having to do your homework? Knock yourself out.

"Hey, I want something, and it's my God given right for someone to have to fetch it for me!" Are you a Millennial?
Are you saying the Twin Tower are not important enough to resolve with finality?
It has been resolved with full finality. The same as the "faked Moon" landing nonsensical fiasco, the same as the most recent coronovirus conspiracy nonsense now doing the rounds....
Come on in suckers!!!!:D
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