World moron death

What about diversity? As you should know people with low intellect have talents in other areas that could actually be far more usefull to our advancement than mere mental capacity. I say we need dumbasses i.e. cops and toilet cleaners to function, just as much as we need great minds.

Diversity supports morons? Then death to diversity too!
Diversity supports morons? Then death to diversity too!

No, diversity aids advancement. Without diversity of skills and deligation of such things as food procuring tasks to the relatively dumb yet specialist food procurers , the clever folk wouldnt have had the time to work their magic and we would probably still be hunter gathering cave dwellers.
Get the point?
Why kill all that low intelligence? Why not use it to shine your shoes in the morning?!?
Luckley for those with low intiligents there are far more jobs that recruire a low intiligents then recruire a big one.

wel luky fer yu your nott 1 of dem now r u? ...jk....:D lol just bustin yer balls.....
Ever read Brave New Worldby Aldous Huxley? Well, in it, people are created in labs. Some are genetically altered to be really smart, some to be really stupid. Society needs all kinds of workers to fill all different functions of society. Certainly, if there were only really smart people on the earth, none would be satisfied holding the job of Mcdonalds manager or something?

There's a reason, other than the fact that it would be ridiculously inhumane.
The problem is stupid can't be measured just by iq and there are so many stupid varied attributes and there are different types of intelligence that can't be measured by a written test. Murderers and rapists can be clever but would you want them in your society?..No. How about the alcoholic executive that beats his wife, cheats with his employee and is a socialclimbing fake but has a higher than average iq? An individual's quality, unrecognized or potential contribution to its community is much more complex and its about the entire person. Even though this is true, it also very likely a lot of worthless assholes and morons do get by, are breeding and are breathing air they don't deserve. Oh well for now. As einstein said, not everything that counts can be counted. But I think most people with common sense already intuitively understand that. But even more, we can't see everything especially behind closed doors. Also, a lot of the people we consider idiots are followers being mislead more often than not. Meaning its the corruption and lack of so-called leaders as well. We're generally programmed to not question established authority or its wisdom. The distinction of intelligence which is always exercised with and married to wisdom, sensitivity and understanding and 'smart' (iq) which is the basic ability or talent to manipulate the natural world is often perceived or confused as the same but it is not. Cleverness is only one ingredient in the pursuit of a better quality existence and unfortunately too many people can only understand that which is the problem.

I recall an example where someone thought he was 'smarter' than his friend because he was spending eight years of his life to study to become a physician yet what he earned in one year he could make in one business trip. But life isn't just about how much money you earn. Would he be here if it weren't for the doctors who take care of people? If everyone decided to do the same thing tomorrow, there would be no society at all. Everyone's goals are different. He may be clever or smart but not intelligent.
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