World moron death


Registered Senior Member
If we were able, hypothetically, to painlessly exterminate every person of low intelligence on planet earth, why would anyone be against it? After all, our societies would go farther, and the people alive would have a better experience of life. Society would function more intelligently. I can't think of a single logical argument against it. Any ideas?
NAZI's tried that back in the 40s it turns out other people find it offensive.
Luckley for those with low intiligents there are far more jobs that recruire a low intiligents then recruire a big one.
I really don't want to have to compete with only smart people. Im too lazy for that kind of intensity.
If we were able, hypothetically, to painlessly exterminate every person of low intelligence on planet earth, why would anyone be against it? After all, our societies would go farther, and the people alive would have a better experience of life. Society would function more intelligently. I can't think of a single logical argument against it. Any ideas?

no need for the endeavour
Infoterror said:

I can't think of a single logical argument against it. Any ideas?

Nature is not extraneous.

Spidergoat said:

But we do, it's called NASCAR.

What if we legalized drugs? Let nature take its course. NASCAR might finally become worth paying attention to. Smackhead porn would be ... never mind.
NAZI's tried that back in the 40s it turns out other people find it offensive.

Actually, the U.S. tried it before the Nazis. Where do you think Hitler got the idea of taking it mainstream? Crazy reading about eugenics.

- N
If we were able, hypothetically, to painlessly exterminate every person of low intelligence on planet earth, why would anyone be against it? Any ideas?
IQ isn't the endall and be all of humanity. ever hear of intuition?

do you believe there are certain talents that can't be measured by IQ?
What about diversity? As you should know people with low intellect have talents in other areas that could actually be far more usefull to our advancement than mere mental capacity. I say we need dumbasses i.e. cops and toilet cleaners to function, just as much as we need great minds.
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You'd think anyone with any kind of intelligence would be able to recognize that simple fact. Hence my original question.
leo has a good point anyway. Who gets to assess 'low' intellect? Not the person who presumes that he has a 'high' intellect? And who gets to assess that this person has 'high' intellect? Not the person who presumes that he has a 'high' intellect?... So very convenient.
If we were able, hypothetically, to painlessly exterminate every person of low intelligence on planet earth, why would anyone be against it? After all, our societies would go farther, and the people alive would have a better experience of life. Society would function more intelligently. I can't think of a single logical argument against it. Any ideas?

I'd have 1 friend and very little family left.
intiligence has always been the slave of the fool

for example Albert Einstein VS Paul W. Tibbets Who won do you think
If we were able, hypothetically, to painlessly exterminate every person of low intelligence on planet earth, why would anyone be against it?

Don't you think the people to be exterminated and their families would be against it?

--- fade to a front door on a suburban street ---

*knock knock*
Jan: Yes, how can I help you?
IQ Police: Janet Michelle Smith?
Jan: Yes?
IQ Police: Miss Smith, your IQ test results are in. Your score is 94. As this falls below the 95 point cutoff, you will now be painlessly exterminated.
Jan: What?
IQ Police: Never mind... just hold this wire, please.
Jan: Ummm... I don't think so.
IQ Police: Hmm... you're smarter than I thought! Are there any other Janet Michelle Smiths here?
Jan: Not here, no... what address do you have?
IQ Police: 132 Fern Drive
Jan: Well there's the problem. This is 123 Fern Drive. Have you taken that test yourself?
IQ Police: Very funny... 123 Fern Drive... Ah. Does a George W. Smith live here?
Jan: That's my husband. Hang on while I check the insurance policy, and I'll send him right out!
intelligence is hardly the sole measuring stick of a persons value to society.

I agree. But then that brings up the interesting question of ...What IS the measuring stick of a person's value to society? (And for which "society"?)

Baron Max

(Hmm, maybe we should have a whole new thread about that, huh?)