Working on Sunday


Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke
Valued Senior Member
Is it ok to work on your "Holy Day"?

Here at my job, they regularly work overtime on Saturday, but this week, they are telling people they have to work both Saturday and Sunday...and it is mandatory.

When I was a practicing Baptist, doing any sort of work on Sunday was frowned upon...and they're are employees here who believe the same, and are pretty pissed about having to work.

So..if your religion states you shouldn't work on the "Holy Day", and your job tells you, you have to work, what to you do?

Do you not risk losing your job in a weak economy, and go to work, or do you tell your boss that you can't break your religious rules?

Just curious. :)
Well I dont really have a holy day. I used to have "Saturday" as a holy day, because I was a 7th day Adventist practioner. And either way Saturdays and Sundays are for rest time, not for work. I do frown upon those who go against the religion they practice.
According to traditional practice in Islam, Friday is our day off. But that's practice, I don't believe [or remember] if there is any discussion on it in the Quran.
We never work on weekends (except voluntarily at home on a laptop), and during the summer, we don't even work on fridays.
I used to work 7 days a week till this summer. Now I have weekends off, I take off for the sun and sand.
We only work on Saturdays or Sundays if it's a state emergency (secret or otherwise), has happened only once to me during my service.
Or if you're returning from a work related foreign trip and your plane happens to fly in on Saturday, then you get an additional day off.

Our labor law stipulates that for work on Sunday you have to have 100% bonus of daily salary and only in the case if you agree to work on Sunday.
Exception is if people have to mobilized in case of natural disasters and the like.
I guess it's sort of like the Jewish getting their own holidays throughout the year, but also getting the Christmas off too.

On a side note, should atheists be allowed to take day off at Christmas? Seems a tad hypocritical to me.
Christmas has very little to do with Christianity. It's not even called Christmas in my country.
Christmas has very little to do with Christianity. It's not even called Christmas in my country.

I have spent Christmas and Christmas Eve with quite a few different groups of people, and not once did they have anything to do with Christianity.
When I owned my own business I worked 24/7/12 with no time off. I did that for over 20 years!
I really didn't mind for I worked for myself and helped out allot of people that were having lot's O' problems with their homes at all times of the day and night. I enjoyed being able to do the work I did.
Is it ok to work on your "Holy Day"?

Here at my job, they regularly work overtime on Saturday, but this week, they are telling people they have to work both Saturday and Sunday...and it is mandatory.

When I was a practicing Baptist, doing any sort of work on Sunday was frowned upon...and they're are employees here who believe the same, and are pretty pissed about having to work.

So..if your religion states you shouldn't work on the "Holy Day", and your job tells you, you have to work, what to you do?

Do you not risk losing your job in a weak economy, and go to work, or do you tell your boss that you can't break your religious rules?

Just curious. :)

I suppose it would depend on whether god has the same calendar as the one we use?

And, isn't it Monday on the other side of the world, anyways?
The weekend was not brought to you by the Bible - although the Bible is very specific and clear, it is also a weak reed in the winds of commerce.

The weekend was brought to you by the Teamsters. Or some equivalent.
I guess it's sort of like the Jewish getting their own holidays throughout the year, but also getting the Christmas off too.

On a side note, should atheists be allowed to take day off at Christmas? Seems a tad hypocritical to me.

M*W: I offer to work over the holidays so others can take off, so what's your point?
MacGyver1968 i would tell them to stick it, you cant force someone to work overtime at least in our employment system. if they fired me i would just take it up with the work place obdudmen for unfair dismissal
You can in our long as you pay time and a half. Also Texas is a "Right to Work" state...meaning you can't have a closed union shop. It also means you don't have "property rights" to your job. You can be fired for any reason, as long as it doesn't violate federal laws.
Fortunately this doesn't effect me directly, as I work for a different division of the company than all the other people that work around me. So I don't have to work the overtime... I couldn't work it if I wanted to, because the buses that get me there don't run on Sat and Sun.
there is a difference between asking someone to work overtime and paying them acordingly and FORCEING them to work

thats slavery not employment