Woodstock and Dead Sea Scroll Connections


Registered Member
I have had dreams about the events surrounding 9/11, as early as 1985, and again in the Spring of 2001, that I can recall. The images where too vague for me to go around telling people about it. In a society that shuns things that can't yet be explained, I might have been put in a padded room. I do not think that my premonitions, are very special at all. In fact, I would not doubt that there are thousands of people who had dreams similar to mine. I predict that in the not too distant future, there will be a report in the news, on how many people are coming forward to reveal how they dreamed about 9/11. I have been driven nearly all my life, to try to find a way mankind can avoid such disasters as 9/11 or much worse. As a result, I have come up with the Woodstock and Dead Sea Scroll Connections. I have discovered dates, names and events that link the original Woodstock of 1969 with at least one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Woodstock was originally to be held in Wallkill, NY on 8/15, 16 & 17/69, but the people there protested. So, Woodstock ended up being held in Bethel, NY on 8/15, 16 & 17/69. I Kings ch 12 in the Bible, tells about another sinful festival held in Bethel on 8/15, 16 & 17/69. Proof of this and other even more amazing connections, visit my site. http://www.woodstockanddeadseascrolls.net/ To help convey my train of thought about the findings, I make no attempt to make money from my site, or the subject matter. I believe that the powers above have lead me to make these connections. Whether those powers that be are, aliens, God or some combination, I am not 100% sure. I tend to think it is just God. In any case, some wise entities have been trying to tell mankind who to survive, without our killing each other off, for thousands of years. It is high time we start listening!
To help convey my train of thought about the findings, I make no attempt to make money from my site, or the subject matter. I believe that the powers above have lead me to make these connections

:rolleyes: :D
Dan, I personally do not believe you. I think your full of crack. If you had dreams about before hand then why not talk to someone about it? Why not posts on here? Why not make a website about your weird dreams? Why not put it in your Live or Dead Journal?

Oh and welcome to sciforums but I retract the welcome. Seeing as how you have only posted once so far, and that was to advertise your website. So I dont think youll be back.
All hail the purple potato king!! It'll be the first religion to require members to abstain from veggies...

Eating veggies is sinful!! :D

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Like I said, my dreams were too vague, for me to be for certain about them, until the major event had already happened. In 1985, the big threat was nuclear missiles. I remember thinking, 'How in the heck, could plains crashing into buildings be of major importance'? Besides that, my dreams don't usually come true. In fact, it's pretty rare that they even get close. I believe that we can dream about future events, both worldly and personal. The worldly dreams, come true more often than the personal ones. The future is not unalterable. The choices we make in our personal lives, can cause drastic changes for ourselves, but our personal choices rarely change world events. That is, until we can get together and all perform lots of daily good deeds. (Quoting the Dead Sea Scroll), "For from the beginning God chose them not; He knew their generations, and He hid His face from the Land until they were consumed."(unquote) On the surface, this may sound like the future is set, and nothing can change it. But, it is talking about events as a whole. So, on the whole, that line is telling us that the consequences of being greedy, self consumed people is catching up with us. The writer of this scroll, probably had dreams too vague also. What he couldn't be sure about, he substituted. Like words and names of things he knew in his time.
What did in 1985, was to pray as hard as I could. I tried to block out all the events of the day. All I thought were peaceful thoughts. I asked to be close friends with God. That was when I had the night I had a dream. I saw a face toward the end of the dream. He was tall, with light complected skin and with light blond hair.
Try it yourself, you will succeed if you are serious, and true to yourself.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Woodstock was sinful?

Yes, the individual people who got intoxicated very excessively, sinned. Not to mention the fornication. Refer to Dead Sea Scroll, "these are the three nets of Satan with which Levi son of Jacob said that he catches Iseral by setting them up as three kinds of righteousness. The first is riches, the second is fornication, and the third is profanation of the Temple. Whoever escapes the first is caught in the second, and whoever saves himself from the second is caught in the third." When you abuse drugs you are profaning the Temple(the body) and when you have sex before marriage you fornicate. And what is it with all these lotterys and gambling casios these days. These things used to be hidden from the public eye. Today they are not. Satan has won a battle, but God will win the war, but we all take part as soldiers. Soldiers on the right side.
Y'know, the problem with "prophesies" is that they seem to be really vague until something happens. What use are they if they can't really tell us something BEFORE the event happens?

If you told us about your prophesy on September 10th, 2001 I'd be a lot more impressed.

Oh, and Woodstock ruled. :p
Like I said, my dreams were too vague, for me to be for certain about them, until the major event had already happened.

Oh thats always the excuse.

'How in the heck, could plains crashing into buildings be of major importance'?

:confused: Nevermind....
Man, just leave him to his own devises, I'm sure they'll catch up with him one day
rock and roll!!!
Originally posted by dan6989
Refer to Dead Sea Scroll
You mean this one?

Fragments of a Zadokite Work
(AKA The Damascus Document)

"And during all these years Belial shall be let loose against Israel,
as God spake through Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amos, saying:
‘Fear and the pit and the snare are upon thee, O inhabitant of the
land.’ This means the three nets of Belial, concerning which Levi
the son of Jacob spake, by which he caught Israel and directed
their faces to three kinds of righteousness. The first is fornication,
the second is the wealth (of wickedness), the third is the pollution
of the Sanctuary. He that cometh up from this shall be caught by
that, and he that escapeth from this shall be caught by that."
-Fragments of a Zadokite Work 6:9-12

"Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of
the earth. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the
noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out
of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows
from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake."
-Isaiah 24:17-18 (KJV)