Women needs protection !


Valued Senior Member
sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.

what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?
u suggest............. :rolleyes:
That would be extremely difficult situation to tend to in Malaysia.

I feel sorry for the women who are secluded and abused on a day to day basis.

God be with them.
Saint said:
sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.

what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?
u suggest............. :rolleyes:

Laws protecting people against such abuses, freedom to speak openly about such instances and most importantly education on the subject for the general populace. You really need a shift in the social mindset that says "this is not cool at all and we will not tolerate it."
Emancipate women fully, so men stop thinking they are to be treated differently.
That will just make raping them seem less sinister and cause rape cases to skyrocket.
They'll just become weak guys with fuckable bodies who are on the level of men and thus fair game.
I think everyone would start shamelessly raping women if women were really emancipated fully with history completely erased from the memory of the population.
People who aren't rapists by nature. It might become less attractive to real rapists, but there are less of them.
You'd just see a guy casually attacking a woman outside of a bar, "haha, why is your skirt up over your head dickhead? Way to have my cock up in your vagina, faggot. I'm gonna punch you in the back of the head while I do you doggy style, hey fellas come and check this out, I'm banging this fem-dude and she can't do anything about it, haha look at her squirm, what a pussy. She probably does ballet, or is into fashion or some shit"

If I liked fucking guys I think every fight I won would have ended with me fucking my opponent against his will. I'd also be picking fights more often.
In other words, I couldn't disagree with you more. I don't think you really thought this through.
Dr Lou Natic said:
That will just make raping them seem less sinister and cause rape cases to skyrocket.
They'll just become weak guys with fuckable bodies who are on the level of men and thus fair game.
I think everyone would start shamelessly raping women if women were really emancipated fully with history completely erased from the memory of the population.
People who aren't rapists by nature. It might become less attractive to real rapists, but there are less of them.
You'd just see a guy casually attacking a woman outside of a bar, "haha, why is your skirt up over your head dickhead? Way to have my cock up in your vagina, faggot. I'm gonna punch you in the back of the head while I do you doggy style, hey fellas come and check this out, I'm banging this fem-dude and she can't do anything about it, haha look at her squirm, what a pussy. She probably does ballet, or is into fashion or some shit"

If I liked fucking guys I think every fight I won would have ended with me fucking my opponent against his will. I'd also be picking fights more often.
In other words, I couldn't disagree with you more. I don't think you really thought this through.

Oh yeah this is well thought out doc :D so your contention is that if someone has something you want then you are going to be more likely to take it by force if that someone is deemed to be your social equal (ie you will be commiting a crime against someone who has the same social worth and status as you not less). The higher up the foodchain the person is that you sin against the harsher the consequences for your action will be.
Saint said:
sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.

what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?
u suggest............. :rolleyes:

Your right. the problem is all over. And this problem goes right to the centre of things. It is a deep problem and its main causer is the patriarchy. The patriarchy has been going for QUITE a long fukin while, and it is basically fearful of the feminine. not only in women, but also men, and generally Nature itself. so it is very complex

What i do is ecognize this, and go for the roots. The only way you are going to kill something is to uproot it, right? So you need to appraoch this eally serious problem from all levels. Speak out against it, and also beging researching about the mythology of th patriarchy and speak out against that. The more that do this, the more empowered women, etc will become
Saint said:
sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.

what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?
u suggest............. :rolleyes:

I would suggest that any woman that might be attacked tell the attacker that she is HIV positive and that sexualy assulting her could lead to his death. That might make the atacker think twice before commiting such an act.
Path, think of how acceptable it is for guys to fight other guys. Sure, it's "illegal" to go around beating guys up but everyone does it shamelessly, even proudly.
The weak and nerdy cower from strong guys, and are overly submissive because of this. There are bars and sporting events they will stay away from because they would fear for their safety at those places. Women go everywhere, despite being at least as weak as those nerds.
Girls can freely be loud mouth smartasses, because they are girls and thus untouchable.
If they were emancipated and really put on equal footing as men, they'd gradually be worn into subordinance by stronger men, even nerds would be picking on them.
In the end we'd have shaking little flowers on edge all the time.
Ironically, they'd naturally go to the bottom of the pecking order.
And they'd get fucked against their will all the time.
I went to a boarding school, didn't board there, but it was a boarding school with boarders and I'd hear the stories. The sexual abuse males would suffer at the hands of other males was horriffic. And it just didn't have that air about it that male sexual abuse against females has. It was just funny. Even though it was big strong guys doing disgusting degrading things to weak little guys. The subordinant individual in the interactions having a penis is all that stopped them from being public outrage worthy.
Big guys would hold little guys down and squirt shoe polish in their assholes, fuck them with broomsticks, force them to suck cock, force them to suck eachothers cock, shit on them, etc etc. I can't even remember all the wierd things I used to hear about.
It was really just a big laugh. No one would hide the fact they rubbed their shitty anus on a little nerds face. It was just normal boys will be boys bullying. Even teachers knew it happened and would chuckle about it. They'd go through the process of reprimanding an offender if he was caught but it wasn't taken seriously.
Because males are supposed to pick on eachother. If there was similarly acceptable for boy on girl bullying females would be targetted with this sort of crap fiercely, not just because they're weak, but also because the bullys would enjoy abusing them more than they would abusing males. Many male nerds would sleep soundly without tweaked nipples and friction-burnt asses and coathanger'd penii because all the bullies would be busy abusing females, they'd forego sleep just so they could abuse females for longer.
Girls would get raped casually in a light hearted fashion on a regular basis if gender barriers were taken down.
The teachers in co-ed boarding schools would be chuckling in classrooms "mick, heard you gave susan a bit of grief last night, hehe" and then when mick would be caught raping susan on the football field he'd be sent to a disciplinary figure who'd say "come on, be honest, were you raping susan on the football field" "yes sir" "that wasn't so hard was it? Now pick up all the litter in the playground and say sorry" "aww but" "no buts, now get out of here ya little scamp".
By permanently placing them at a level below men, making them something seperate rather than "equals" they are able to be alot closer to equals than they ever would be if they really were considered equal.
That's why gender barriers are there, most species with significant sexual dimorphism have them.
There isn't much sexual dimorphism in tasmanian devils, and females will only copulate with the individual males who prove they can beat them up, drag them into a burrow, rape them, keep them hostage and rape them again, and again and again.
But it's too easy for human guys to do that to human girls, so we've naturally evolved other forms of courtship, it's ingrained into our culture for males to tread lightly around girls, and not beat them up.
But there's more to the deal, it follows that females have to be treated differently than males for this to all work out.
They need to come across as something that is "inferior"(and thats really not even the word I mean, but I'm stumped), rather than a worthy competitor.
If they are put on the football field they'll be treated like a player, and a sexy player at that, which will mean extra groping.


And it is displayed as "sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too."

If you like evolution and survival of the fittest, then also accept "sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too." and agree with it.
the worst thing is, many fathers raped their own daughters.
the penalty of incest is not more than 20 years jail and subject to 10 or more caning, but this still does not intimidate people(male) from committing the crime of raping.
I am a staunch opponent of capital punishment. But I make an exception for rapists. All evidence I've seen indicates that virtually 100 percent of men who commit rape are incapable of ever being reformed and are highly likely to do it again. There's no point in incarcerating them and wasting money feeding them, much less taking the chance that some candy-ass will let them out in twenty years.

Yes I understand that date rape, ugly as it is, and as much as it brings shame to our entire gender, may be an exception. Some young men really have not been well nurtured. It's possible that they may feel remorseful and reform if given a lot of help. I don't know but I'll listen to arguments. But regular, violent rapists, are just not wired right and should be taken off the planet.

Same goes for people who abuse children. They're hopeless and will never stop doing it.

Most murderers, on the other hand, are either killing out of hatred, and are very unlikely to ever hate anyone that much again, or are doing it as part of a broader culture of violence and sociopathy such as street gangs, organized crime, or terrorism, and have plenty of other reasons to be locked up for life. Or even to fall through another of the loopholes in my opposition to capital punishment.
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some people suggested Death penalty on rapist, but it was opposed on the reason of inhumanity.

we have many illegal brothels everywhere, but men still keep on raping.
Saint said:
we have many illegal brothels everywhere, but men still keep on raping.
Rape is not a crime of sex. Rape is a crime of violence. The sex is incidental, just that particular kind of a-hole's way of being violent.

Men who pay for sex are virtually the direct opposite of rapists. Paying a prostitute is just about the easiest, most consensual, most guaranteed-not-to-fail way to get sex, with little likelihood of punishment unless you're doing it in Iran. Overpowering a woman who doesn't want to have sex and forcing it on her has got to be the most difficult way there is, and there's a very high chance of both failure and punishment.
" sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.

what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?
u suggest............. "

Exterminate every moron caught butchering the English language like a spring hog.
Dr Lou Natic said:
If I liked fucking guys I think every fight I won would have ended with me fucking my opponent against his will. I'd also be picking fights more often.
In other words, I couldn't disagree with you more. I don't think you really thought this through.

Ahh I think you've stumbled onto the reason Fight Club did so well with a gay audiences! Well. . . other than nude Brad pitt and all.

Saint said:
what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?

Arm them.
sexual assaults against 'weak women' are prevalent in malaysia, and in many other countries too.
what actions, effectively, can we take to protect women?

Teach your women how to punch in the testis, men will loose interest rather quick after this; if prosecuted for rape, shop testis off!!. This will teach other men to respect women.

Nothing like shoping off a few nuts will straighten these idiots out. ;)
