Women in ISLAM Versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition

I consider myself to be a Christian (although others tell me I'm not), but I don't believe the Genesis account is an accurate description of the orgins of the world. I must agree that blaming Eve for the fall of mankind is sexist, and have pointed that out to many fundamentalist Christians.

Originally posted by Green_World
Originally posted by williamwbishop
Quick correction, I care not....I also call christians Xstans....but I bet you don't have a problem with that do you?


Not at all, but it is universaly known as the Quran.

THE BIG MUSLIM SAYS NO WOMEN, so let ther be no women!!

Air controllers: Saudi wanted only men

Dallas Morning News 27 April 2002

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah's representatives asked that women be barred from air traffic control duties when he traveled Thursday to Central Texas for a summit with President Bush, several Texas aviation officials say. The request, honored on portions of the prince's flights between Houston and Waco, has angered some Texas air traffic personnel.



U.S. hostages in Saudi Arabia
WorldNet Daily 7 February 2002
For the last 16 years, two American citizens have spent their childhood – and now their early adulthood – captive in Saudi Arabia without so much as a whimper of meaningful protest from U.S. officials, nor the attention of the media. It's a scandal that exposes the charade of America's supposed concern about women's rights – which we have heard so much about since the war in Afghanistan. I'm talking about the plight of Alia and Aisha al-Gheshayan. They were kidnapped, abducted, stolen from their mother's care in a Chicago suburb in 1986, in defiance of a U.S. court order, by their father, Khalid al-Gheshayan when they were 7 and 3 respectively. Today, they are adult women – and still prevented from leaving the Saudi kingdom, where women have no rights. Alia, now 23, has been married off to a cousin of her father. Plans are in place to marry off Aisha, 19.
ISLAMIC tolerant when overseas!


Islamic Lessons In California Public School Cross Church-State Line, Charges Americans United

Americans United for Separation of Church and State 22 January 2002

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has contacted school officials in California, raising legal questions about a seventh-grade class in which students were asked to adopt Muslim names, dress in Islamic clothing and memorize Islamic prayers.

In a letter to the Byron Excelsior School, and the superintendent of the Byron Union School District, Americans United charges the religious exercises, part of an effort to teach students "about" religion, crossed the legal line and must be discontinued.
Islamic what?

WND gets death threats, advertisers targeted
WorldNet Daily 18 October 2002

Newssite's coverage of terror results in intimidation campaign

In response to its recent reporting on Islamic terrorism, WorldNetDaily has become the target of death threats, lawsuit threats, and an ongoing campaign of intimidation against its advertisers and business partners. Since Sept. 11, WorldNetDaily.com and its monthly print magazine, Whistleblower, have featured in-depth coverage of the militant Islamic threat to America, including the presence within the United States of radical Muslim individuals and organizations with ties to known terror groups.
Where is Allah? He needs to see this!


Islamic schools in US teach hatred for non-Muslims
Hindustan Times February 25 2002
Saudi and Pakistani textbooks taught in the Islamic schools across America teach hatred for Christians, Jews and non-Muslims in general, with their maps not showing Israel or the name "Israel" blacked out and replaced by "Palestine."

Allah, please come down and see it!


American Islamic lobby gets out the vote
Expert: 'Ultimately they want to make the U.S. a Muslim country'

WorldNet Daily Posted: February 21, 2002
A controversial American Islamic advocacy group has planned a voter registration drive to coincide with the upcoming Muslim holiday at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Its too late Allah, our Judge takes care of it!


Muslim marriage contract upheld
The Dawn, 5 July 2002

In first substantive decision on Islamic Law, a US judge has ruled that a religious, dowry-style contract signed by two Muslims at their marriage is enforceable upon their divorce. Superior court judge John Selser in New Jersey enforced the mahr agreement that a Palestinian couple, Houida Saadeh and her husband Zuhair Odatalla, signed on their wedding day, finding that aspects of the religious code were acceptable under "neutral principles of law."

Abed Awad, who represented Houida Saadeh, hailed the ruling as a breakthrough. "It essentially sets the stage for Islamic mahr agreements to be considered valid contractual obligations which are enforceable. And this particular ruling is the most consistent with Islamic Law."
Playing him at his own game? Shouldn't be hard, it's not like there aren't thousands upon thousands of articles on islam and it's wacky followers.;)