Woman reports rape in Dubai, but is then arrested for illegal sex

The thing is, I don't understand why anyone would go to a country where you can get stigmatised for your uhm...'practices'. I'd generally boycott countries like these. And as a female, I wouldn't even dare to think about setting a foot in an Islamic country. The perception of women there is completely different than in my country, and it's different in a bad way as far as I am concerned.

To the other, wasn't she Muslim herself? A female Muslim going to an Islamic country to drink alcohol...just wow at the irony.
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if you never visit another country then you will never have any problems with that country. its the same as you will never die in a airplane crash if you never fly in an airplane. im from canada and we tolerate alot of stuff here except handguns. you can smoke a joint on your front step and the neighbours and cops tolerate it, the cops wont respond to a call about someone smoking weed. if i went to another country and casually lit a joint up in public and the cops are called then im the one at fault.
Some years ago, a Mormon family went on the New York subway after rush hour and were jumped by thugs who killed the son who was trying to protect the mother. New Yorkers said, they should have known better going after dark.

Know the laws and environment of the place you travel to....

ouch! :eek:
The thing is, I don't understand why anyone would go to a country where you can get stigmatised for your uhm...'practices'. I'd generally boycott countries like these. And as a female, I wouldn't even dare to think about setting a foot in an Islamic country. The perception of women there is completely different than in my country, and it's different in a bad way as far as I am concerned.

To the other, wasn't she Muslim herself? A female Muslim going to an Islamic country to drink alcohol...just wow at the irony.

The couple probably had no idea. I mean Dubai on the surface doesn't appear to be some backwater State, in contrary it comes off as very sophisticated. There are many expats who work and live there but those folk have become clued into the local culture enough to know what is expected of them by the law, so my feeling is that like many tourists they never bothered to check out travel advisory put out by the embassy.

Ever wonder how someone can try for the first time to smuggle drugs (even the smallest amount) out of a country that has the death penalty for such an act? Ignorance.

I'm planning a trip to Myanmar soon and there is quite a bit to know. For example you shouldn't bring your cell phone or computer (can be confiscated upon arrival). If you are a journalist or writer don't say so at the border and expect a visa unless you have been invited. Don't buy the rubies unless you buy them from the government. Don't expect any ATM machines and you have to change all your currency (only USD allowed) into Kyat. Don't bring credit cards or travelers checks. Cash only thank you very much. Randomly asking locals about local politics can land you in prison. Bootlegs widely sold all over asia are also available in Myanmar unless of course it is you the foreigner who is purchasing them, then you may find you have done something 'illegal'. Get arrested and you are not guaranteed a lawyer, family visits nor are they bound to tell your consulate. If you are aware of all these you can travel within the country without incident. But there is always some idiot who attempts to smuggle in political information and try to talk to people about 'freedom' and 'justice' etc and their assess end up in prison. Those folk I have very little sympathy for. Its everyones responsibility to know the facts about a country before they go there on vacation.

Been thinking of taking one of these DPRK tours. You have to practically be briefed for a week in Beijing before going on one of those trips.


Nothing like seeing a 'mass game' in good ole N. Korea! But if you are going to take one of these trips you have to KNOW that you are always watched, your rooms bugged and that you cannot just get up and leave your hotel room because you feel for some fresh air in the park. You have to expect intense restrictions and abide by them, to do otherwise is simply foolishness or arrogance.
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Both Dubai and Iran are great places to visit. Just don't bring your rape. It's not wanted.