Woman reports rape in Dubai, but is then arrested for illegal sex


Registered Member
A BRITISH woman on holiday in Dubai reportedly went to police after being raped - but was arrested for having illegal sex.

The 23-year-old Londoner says she was attacked by a waiter in a hotel toilet after celebrating her engagement to her boyfriend, The Sun reports.

But after she admitted drinking alcohol and sharing a hotel room with her fiancé, police in the strict Islamic state arrested her for "illegal drinking" outside licensed premises and having sex outside marriage. Her 44-year-old fiancé, also from London, was charged with the same offences. And both were thrown in police cells by officers who paid little heed to the rape.

That is wrong in so many ways.
This is just one example of only one of the differences between Western nations and the countries ruled by religions. In Western nations, an individual's sovereignty over their own body is generally respected by law. In nations ruled by religion, misinterpretations of religious allegories are used as concrete reasons for giving more importance to whacky ideas than to an individual's right to basic liberties.
Well she's not in her country. I'm of the opinion that when you go to visit a different country with a different culture you had better clue yourself as to what the law is and what is or is not acceptable. I think it sucks what happened to her but its their house, their perceptions and their rules if you notice the man who committed the rape is also accused of 'illegal sex'. Its obvious that in some countries men do not exercise the same control nor have the same respect for women. She probably won't get much more out of the local authorities, she's better off going back home to heal.

Just take a look at the British advisory for travelers to UAE:


Over a million British visitors travelled to the UAE in 2007 and more than 100,000 British nationals are resident there. The vast majority of visits are trouble-free. Incidents of street crime are rare. Female visitors should take care when walking or travelling alone and are advised to use a reputable taxi company, particularly at night.

In 2007 our Consular staff helped a number of British nationals who were the victim of a serious sexual offence in the UAE.For more general information see Victims of Crime Abroad.

Women should dress in a modest way, particularly in Sharjah and Ajman Emirates where Islamic law is rigorously enforced. Clothes should cover the tops of the arms and legs, and underwear should not be visible.

Public displays of affection are frowned upon, and there have been several arrests for kissing in public. Sex outside of marriage is illegal, and problems will be encountered if an unmarried woman gives birth in the UAE. These problems can range from a refusal to issue a birth certificate to arrest and imprisonment. A marriage certificate has to be provided to the UAE authorities to obtain a birth certificate. Cohabitation, adultery and homosexual behaviour are also illegal.

Ramadan also has implications for non-Muslims in the UAE. You should take care to show respect to those who are fasting and pay particular attention not to offend Islamic values. You should note the following:

Do not eat, drink or smoke in public view during daytime (including in your car). This is considered highly disrespectful and even sips of water should be taken discreetly. Pregnant and nursing women, and young children are exempt from this provision, but discretion should be exercised.

Be careful about your attire during Ramadan. Skimpy clothes should not be worn at any time in the UAE, but standards may be policed even more carefully than usual.

Many eating and drinking establishments will be close during daylight hours. Others will be screened from public view. Please plan accordingly.

Driving may be more erratic than usual, particularly during the late afternoon and early evening.

It is an offence in the UAE to drink and drive (no matter how small the amount). There is zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving, and the penalties can be severe.

The importation of narcotics, pork products and pornographic books and material is forbidden. Videos, books and magazines are subject to scrutiny and may be censored.

The penalties for drug trafficking, smuggling and possession, of even residual amounts, of drugs are severe. The possession and/or import of even the smallest amount of drugs can result in a minimum prison sentence of four years. The presence of drugs in the blood stream is counted as possession.


It happens and if a woman doesn't know how to present herself in a conservative, sexually repressed religious society then she can unwittingly place herself at risk.
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Another reason to stay the hell out of there

Scaramouche said:

That is wrong in so many ways.

Yes, it is.

To the other, I'm aware that there are some pretty insane laws enforced in places like Dubai. As such, I don't intend to ever set foot there. I can't believe a million Brits travel to UAE each year in the first place; or, rather, I have trouble understanding why. Between those crazy laws and their exploitative labor practices, I would have a moral conflict about spending tourist dollars there at all.
Yes, it is.

To the other, I'm aware that there are some pretty insane laws enforced in places like Dubai. As such, I don't intend to ever set foot there. I can't believe a million Brits travel to UAE each year in the first place; or, rather, I have trouble understanding why. Between those crazy laws and their exploitative labor practices, I would have a moral conflict about spending tourist dollars there at all.

I have been to Dubai and Abu Dhabi and they are both wonderful places to visit but I wouldn't want to live there long term. Most of the foreigners who do live there do so in a working capacity. Its just that you have to know where you are and what is acceptable. Here in Cambodia showing leg is considered inappropriate but its not illegal and neither would anyone do more than stare and laugh ('good' girls do not go out in in public wearing shorts). Where I used to wear shorts I no longer do so but this is a relatively relaxed society compared to UAE and the consequences for a faux pas are minimal at best they just chalk it up to 'barangs' not knowing anything. There are rigidities here but they only regard them for their own, they do not expect them from foreigners which is why I think it a 'expat friendly' country.

In Thailand there have been a few foreigners who have been arrested for 'lese majeste' which seems harsh but its a law they take very seriously and Thailand is still a very relaxed place for the western foreigner.
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So basically, rape isn't a crime over there?

I will NEVER go to an Islamic country. They are goddamn toilets.
Even if she hadn't been raped, wasn't she having illegal sex? Why would anyone go on vacation with their boyfriend to a country where sex was illegal?!
How did they prove that she had sex with her fiancé in Dubai? So, just by sharing the same room with someone from a different gender you...inherently have sex with them? Interesting. How dirty-minded these people must be over there.
How did they prove that she had sex with her fiancé in Dubai? So, just by sharing the same room with someone from a different gender you...inherently have sex with them? Interesting. How dirty-minded these people must be over there.

how naive are you???
They arrested him too
how naive are you???
They arrested him too

What has that to do with naivety? If you accuse someone of having done something you need evidence. You can't just claim that they had illegal sex with each others just because they shared the same fucking bedroom, and based on this unsubstantiated claim throw them behind bars.
Yes, it is.

To the other, I'm aware that there are some pretty insane laws enforced in places like Dubai. As such, I don't intend to ever set foot there. I can't believe a million Brits travel to UAE each year in the first place; or, rather, I have trouble understanding why. Between those crazy laws and their exploitative labor practices, I would have a moral conflict about spending tourist dollars there at all.

Dubai and the UAE in general have two different legal systems. The Sharia governs Muslims (who must declare themselves as such) and a more western legal code for all others. Crazy, huh?

Some years ago, a Mormon family went on the New York subway after rush hour and were jumped by thugs who killed the son who was trying to protect the mother. New Yorkers said, they should have known better going after dark.

Know the laws and environment of the place you travel to....
Yeah, it seems an obvious question

Orleander said:

Even if she hadn't been raped, wasn't she having illegal sex? Why would anyone go on vacation with their boyfriend to a country where sex was illegal?!

Thank you. I've been avoiding this specific point because there is an alleged rape involved, and, out of habit, I take a cautious approach to such questions.

But, to use an example, I'm part Japanese, and I have reservations about setting foot inside Japan. Why? Because I'm a stoner, and I recall after the Rebagliati incident at Nagano, there was some discussion about whether Japanese law allowed to prosecute him for trafficking based on the THC content of his blood. In the end, he wasn't, but given how much and how long I've smoked, I don't want to go anywhere my bloodstream could possibly be a question.

I know, compared to being arrested for allegedly having illegal sex after allegedly being raped, that sounds almost silly, but I'm much more likely to set foot inside Japan than UAE.
For a second there I thought it said a 23 year old boozer was out having dinner with her 44 year old father....

I think you have to know and respect the rules in someone elses country as simple as that. VI has the right call, you don't like, never go there. Oh, I wouldn't get too worried about Japan. If you go there go to a nice onsen :)