wlminex wonders about the new forum

Origin . . .that is your perogative . . . .I also see the same (pettiness) + a holier-than-thou attitude on the part of some so-called moderators
I'd say that the increasing number of complaints by the cranks and crackpots would indicate the the new mods are doing a good job.
AlexG quote: " . . . complaints by the cranks and crackpots" . . .

MOD: see now why I am "complaining" so much? feel free to re-direct this post to:

wlminex wonders about the new forum
Why not just make your threads in "Alternative Theories" if you don't like the mods of "Math and Physics"? There are no dedicated mods of this subforum, and you can pretty much post whatever you want (within the rules of the board). The supermods and admin generally take a hands off approach to these subforums, and usually only step in if a post is reported.
Why not just make your threads in "Alternative Theories" if you don't like the mods of "Math and Physics"? There are no dedicated mods of this subforum, and you can pretty much post whatever you want (within the rules of the board). The supermods and admin generally take a hands off approach to these subforums, and usually only step in if a post is reported.

. . . but I DO like the subforum . . .! Besides you're drawing me off-topic . . .a no-no
Umm... the topic is "wlminex wonders about the new forum"...that's what I posted about. Physics and Math has always been a strictly moderated sub-forum even before AN and Prom...BenTheMan was ruthless. If you don't like their style of moderating then post here...where you're free to post whatever you want.
Umm... the topic is "wlminex wonders about the new forum"...that's what I posted about. Physics and Math has always been a strictly moderated sub-forum even before AN and Prom...BenTheMan was ruthless. If you don't like their style of moderating then post here...where you're free to post whatever you want.

So . . .does your comment (free to post whatever you like) mean I can post references to my webpages without being accused of self-promotion? That's even better yet!

HECK (notice the civility?) and I didn't even create this thread!! . . a moderator did! BTW, who IS the moderator of this subform thread?
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So . . .does your comment (free to post whatever you like) mean I can post references to my webpages without being accused of self-promotion? That's even better yet!

HECK (notice the civility?) and I didn't even create this thread!! . . a moderator did! BTW, who IS the moderator of this subform thread?

No one except the supermods (Stryder & Tiassa) and the Admin (JamesR) they have jurisdiction over all subforums. There is no dedicated mod for this subforum. I imagine this subforum will be moderated the same way Pseudoscience is. Moderation will only occur unless someone presses the "report" button. If your not blatantly spamming your website, I'm pretty sure it would be ok to post links to material that supports the OP of your thread.
So . . is that a yes? . . . Would someone (preferably a moderator) please provide an "accepted" definition of "blatant spamming" for me?
Like I said, there is no dedicated moderator of this subforum. James, Stryder and Tiassa don't read every post on the board so you need to PM them...or do as I did, and report your post with "question for mod" in the description of the report to get their attention.
I know you all are anxiously awaiting my next post . . . but, I'll out of town for a few days (doing some heavy Ph.D. lifting), giving everyone a brief respite. . . . I know . . . "good riddance!"
Have a nice trip...I'm sure by the time your back, a mod will have answered your question.
Sciforum Observations:

James R:

As I plan for my departure from Sciforum, I thought you might be interested in a few of my observtions:

1. Contrary to my high hopes and expectations for your forum, I have been greatly disappointed in it and the promise that I anticipated for exchanging scientific ideas.

2. The Sciforum moderators, and some administrators, seem bent on preserving their own belief systems and preserving their petty egos to the detriment of science and by not honoring an honest and meaningful exchange of new ideas that may not conform with mainstream ideas. Members seem to be continually harangued, belittled, insulted, and chided by moderators (and some other members) for their honest and meaningful attempts to contribute original, innovative, and creative thinking.

3. I have come to the conclusion that Sciforum has become adulterated and trivialized by the behavior of the moderators and their permitting of similar member behavior. Professional degradation should NOT be allowed by moderators or members, and profanity and demeaning posts should be immediately deleted, or dealt-with harshly by administrators.

I'm sure that the original intent of Sciforum was to foster an honest and beneficial exchange of ideas that would benefit the scientific community; but the forum has degraded into an unprofessional mish-mash of self-promoting 'talking-heads' that serve to be the antithesis of an otherwise original honorable intent.

I will certainly NOT recommend Sciforum to colleagues as an objective forum for advancing new knowledge in the quest for scientific truths.

Thanks for your efforts and for reading my comments.

William L. Mansker, Ph.D.
James R:

As I plan for my departure from Sciforum, I thought you might be interested in a few of my observtions:

1. Contrary to my high hopes and expectations for your forum, I have been greatly disappointed in it and the promise that I anticipated for exchanging scientific ideas.

2. The Sciforum moderators, and some administrators, seem bent on preserving their own belief systems and preserving their petty egos to the detriment of science and by not honoring an honest and meaningful exchange of new ideas that may not conform with mainstream ideas. Members seem to be continually harangued, belittled, insulted, and chided by moderators (and some other members) for their honest and meaningful attempts to contribute original, innovative, and creative thinking.

3. I have come to the conclusion that Sciforum has become adulterated and trivialized by the behavior of the moderators and their permitting of similar member behavior. Professional degradation should NOT be allowed by moderators or members, and profanity and demeaning posts should be immediately deleted, or dealt-with harshly by administrators.

I'm sure that the original intent of Sciforum was to foster an honest and beneficial exchange of ideas that would benefit the scientific community; but the forum has degraded into an unprofessional mish-mash of self-promoting 'talking-heads' that serve to be the antithesis of an otherwise original honorable intent.

I will certainly NOT recommend Sciforum to colleagues as an objective forum for advancing new knowledge in the quest for scientific truths.

Thanks for your efforts and for reading my comments.

William L. Mansker, Ph.D.

If you're really going to go, then just go.

As I plan for my departure from Sciforum, I thought you might be interested in a few of my observtions:

How much planning is required? If you want to leave, just leave. You can always come back later if you wish. Why the fanfare?

1. Contrary to my high hopes and expectations for your forum, I have been greatly disappointed in it and the promise that I anticipated for exchanging scientific ideas.

Here's an idea: maybe you should try posting some scientific ideas.

2. The Sciforum moderators, and some administrators, seem bent on preserving their own belief systems and preserving their petty egos to the detriment of science and by not honoring an honest and meaningful exchange of new ideas that may not conform with mainstream ideas. Members seem to be continually harangued, belittled, insulted, and chided by moderators (and some other members) for their honest and meaningful attempts to contribute original, innovative, and creative thinking.

I think you'll find that the admins and moderators are comfortable with their belief systems and don't feel that they are in any particular danger from your ideas.

We have several subforums in which non-mainstream ideas can be freely discussed. Indeed, the recently-created Alternative Theories subforum would seem to be an ideal venue for presenting any non-mainstream ideas you have.

Don't expect that your non-mainstream ideas won't be examined and possibly even criticised, though. We have quite a few real scientists here, and they quite like applying scientific scrutiny to ideas. If you're not comfortable with that, perhaps sciforums isn't the place for you.

3. I have come to the conclusion that Sciforum has become adulterated and trivialized by the behavior of the moderators and their permitting of similar member behavior.

Ok. Then what outcome are you looking for? Are you urging the administrators to demote particular moderators? Or to tell them to leave you alone? Or what?

Professional degradation should NOT be allowed by moderators or members, and profanity and demeaning posts should be immediately deleted, or dealt-with harshly by administrators.

If you see any profane or demeaning/insulting posts, hit the "report" button and they will be reviewed for breaches of the site rules.

I'm not sure what "professional degradation" is.

I'm sure that the original intent of Sciforum was to foster an honest and beneficial exchange of ideas that would benefit the scientific community...

No. The main venue for the presentation of novel scientific research is in peer-reviewed scientific journals. sciforums is not primarily aimed at professional scientists, although we do have some highly-qualified professionals here. Our aim is to provide a forum for discussion by the general public, including non-professionals.

; but the forum has degraded into an unprofessional mish-mash of self-promoting 'talking-heads' that serve to be the antithesis of an otherwise original honorable intent.

This is a discussion forum. If you don't want talking heads, try starting your own blog or something. Here we discuss things, rather than simply accepting them uncritically.

I will certainly NOT recommend Sciforum to colleagues as an objective forum for advancing new knowledge in the quest for scientific truths.

Fair enough. That is not really our primary aim anyway.

If I were you, I'd urge your colleagues to publish any ground-breaking scientific research in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. As a PhD, I'm sure you have many such publications yourself and are familiar with the process.
I do my best not to invade other threads. Sometimes somebody asks a question with no answers, so I answer. The question should be in Alternative science in the first place.