Without the conviction that God is evil -how much theist/atheist debate can there be?


Valued Senior Member
Without the conviction that God is evil - how much theist/atheist debate can there be?
God's personality is immaterial to the debate as far as I am concerned (unless the debate is about certain claims about who God is and what he wants).
The problem is still "God's" being, not a good or evil nature, that is, His complexity.

God is the complexity Himself, since He is supposed to have thought, planned, and created a universe that has a very specific and limited expression of basic particles with particular properties. A complexity of such a system of mind cannot be First, nor any mind, nor any complexity such as even a molecule, nor even an 'elemental' particle.

The model itself is simplistic.

As William James and Martin Gardner figure, and me, too, it is still fine for an individual to gain emotional comfort from the idea of there being a God. We are all free to be any make meaning from what we wish.

It’s just that it really goes no further to anything ontological. In real life we may live and let live, of course, but here we try to get to the bottom of things, and so it is that…

Not only have I shown God to be impossible, via self-contradiction of no First complexity, but have also shown the source of existence must be ‘nothing’. This is why believers can’t even address the disproofs, much less refute them. The best that God believers can do is to still say that they want God to be so, and the worst is to then preach Him as fact and truth.

There is conflict in the overall arena but only when wishes carry on past the individual ought-to-be’s and on into there, for there it is hard to fly them.

Humans naturally made God in their own image of the strict family father figure.
Without the conviction that God is evil - how much theist/atheist debate can there be?

I'm Curious. Why do you think atheists are interested in discussing the personality of something we don't believe exist.
Because atheists, esp. here at the forums, like to discuss it a lot. :shrug:

What can't exist can have no personality. Sometimes the evil non role model personality attributed to God is discussed in the light of why humans made it up.
Without the conviction that God is evil - how much theist/atheist debate can there be?

Very little. As i have observed and stated many times before. Most atheists don't debate about the existence or otherwise of God. They debate about the goodness or evil of God.

They don't discuss disbelief; they talk disagreement all day long.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
biblically there are Gods

and there is god which is evil. It was written John 8:44 (the god of this world). Even if many people deny his existence, he just sighs for he enjoys what these people think.
Because atheists, esp. here at the forums, like to discuss it a lot. :shrug:

If they do, their not atheists. But I think you're being dishonest. First of all, I doubt it's being discussed a lot. Second, if atheists do discuss it, they would say: "If your god existed, it would be evil".
If they said:"God is evil" they would not be atheists but antitheistic theists. Yes, you heard me right.
Very little. As i have observed and stated many times before. Most atheists don't debate about the existence or otherwise of God. They debate about the goodness or evil of God.

They don't discuss disbelief; they talk disagreement all day long.

That is pure bullshit. How many threads are there about evil God other than this one?
The problem is still "God's" being, not a good or evil nature, that is, His complexity.

God is the complexity Himself, since He is supposed to have thought, planned, and created a universe that has a very specific and limited expression of basic particles with particular properties. A complexity of such a system of mind cannot be First, nor any mind, nor any complexity such as even a molecule, nor even an 'elemental' particle.

The model itself is simplistic.

As William James and Martin Gardner figure, and me, too, it is still fine for an individual to gain emotional comfort from the idea of there being a God. We are all free to be any make meaning from what we wish.

It’s just that it really goes no further to anything ontological. In real life we may live and let live, of course, but here we try to get to the bottom of things, and so it is that…

Not only have I shown God to be impossible, via self-contradiction of no First complexity, but have also shown the source of existence must be ‘nothing’. This is why believers can’t even address the disproofs, much less refute them. The best that God believers can do is to still say that they want God to be so, and the worst is to then preach Him as fact and truth.

There is conflict in the overall arena but only when wishes carry on past the individual ought-to-be’s and on into there, for there it is hard to fly them.

Humans naturally made God in their own image of the strict family father figure.

your argument is assuming that god can be defined in corporeal, physical terms.
Yea he had like 3-4 threads about it. He's special though. Full of some weird hate and definately not a typical atheist. I'm not even sure he is atheist really. His posts are so weird sometimes. Like he believes in God but that God is evil or something. Can't figure out if he's trolling or not. But besides him. How many atheists make threads about God's personality? Is it very common?
Yea he had like 3-4 threads about it. He's special though. Full of some weird hate and definately not a typical atheist. I'm not even sure he is atheist really. His posts are so weird sometimes. Like he believes in God but that God is evil or something. Can't figure out if he's trolling or not. But besides him. How many atheists make threads about God's personality? Is it very common?
you've forgotten your attacks on theodicy?
If they do, their not atheists. But I think you're being dishonest. First of all, I doubt it's being discussed a lot. Second, if atheists do discuss it, they would say: "If your god existed, it would be evil".
If they said:"God is evil" they would not be atheists but antitheistic theists. Yes, you heard me right.

If you wouldn't believe that God (if God exists) is evil -
would you have anything to say in the theism/atheism debate?

I don't think so.
Moreover, from YoYo's profile page, the threads he started:

How can the Flying Spaghetti Monster NOT exist
I am now a theist!!
What are the odds of a religion being the "right one"?
How many believe that the bible is the actual word of God?
Pascal's Wager and game theoretical decisions

None of these topics are of interest to people who have no concerns over God possibly being evil.
If you really believed that God doesn't exist, or if you believed that God is good, none of those topics would bother you.
If you wouldn't believe that God (if God exists) is evil -
would you have anything to say in the theism/atheism debate?

I don't think so.
Yes, the proper discussion is about the existence of god. After that's determined, we can dicususs it's "personality" if you want. But first things first.