With liberty and justice for all... (Paris Hilton)

I don't think the judge would have taken the chance of such major public backlash if there hadn't been a good reason.

Baron Max
Yeah... I wonder how much the kickback was for that decision.

You really don't think that a judge would take such a chance, do you? Really? Think about it ....the press and investigators are going to be checking into this with fine-tooth combs. Would any judge take such a chance?

Baron Max
The press and investigators will look for paperwork.

Her defense attorney must have had a convincing argument to get her reassigned using a plea of health concerns, which is also useful in protecting the reason from the public, a thoughtful idea considering her fame. Though Hollywood habits suspiciously suggest that her health problems are based on her social behaviors.
The press and investigators will look for paperwork.

But you want to keep making unsubstantiated accusations before any investigation is even started? Why? Are you just wanting to appear to be a nasty, vindictive prick?

Baron Max
Unsubstantiated? I would think it takes more than just the hammering of a gavel to erase the fact that this woman was jailed by the justice system for driving under the influence of mind-altering substances. She was arrested and eventually sentenced to less than two months of imprisonment and probably a fine. She is there for a few days and is released on probation under the terms house arrest while wearing an electronic device that monitor flight situations.

I think there's paperwork.
Well, looks like Paris Hilton has been ordered back to court. Paper trails are falling like streamers.

"It is the city attorney's position that the decision on whether or not Ms. Hilton should be released early and placed on electronic monitoring should be made by Judge Sauer and not the Sheriff's Department," said Jeffrey Isaacs of the city attorney's office.

Sauer himself had expressed his unhappiness with Hilton's release before Delgadillo asked him to return her to court. When he sentenced Hilton to jail last month, he ruled specifically that she could not serve her sentence at home under electronic monitoring.

Parachini said Sauer reminded the Sheriff's Department of that when he learned Hilton was about to be released.

"He reiterated the terms of his sentencing order. He did not agree to the terms of release that the sheriff proposed," Parachini told the AP before Delgadillo asked that Hilton be returned to court.

when i was in jail they treated me in the medical wing on site, why couldent she get treated and checked out like the regular people?

they have medical and hospital wings for a reason, maybe she broke a nail and there wasnt a salon wing to fix it.

i wander how much daddy paid to have her in house arrest!!

FFS if i did what she did i would have to stay in prison, and it wasnt particually hard for her in there either.
I knew she wasn't staying in jail for long, that would have been a feat. Besides, I knew a girl that only spent 24 hrs in jail after a DUI, and she wasn't a socialite.
I don't like her, but I felt sorry for her when I viewed the pictures of her crying while she was riding in the back of that police car.
I think she made someone mad, a la Mel Gibson's rant, and she's paying for it. Otherwise she be in some cushy treatment facility.
'Screaming' Paris sent back to jail

Heiress Paris Hilton has been ordered to return to jail to serve out the remainder of her 45-day sentence for a parole violation.

The 26-year-old was taken from court screaming after the decision was made by Supreme Court Judge Michael Sauer.

Hilton shouted: "It's not right!" and "Mum" as she was escorted from the Los Angeles courtroom by Sheriff's deputies.

On Thursday, the celebrity inmate was sent home from the Los Angeles County Jail's Lynwood lock-up shortly after 2am for an unspecified medical condition, only three full days into her original 45-day sentence.

She was ordered to finish her sentence under house arrest, meaning she could not leave her four-bedroom, three-bathroom home in the Hollywood Hills until next month. But the move was strongly opposed by the sentencing judge and the city's chief prosecutor.

On Friday Judge Sauer ordered her back to court to determine whether she should go back to jail. County Supervisor Don Knabe said Hilton's return home on Thursday gave the impression of "celebrity justice being handed out".

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, entered the courtroom dishevelled and crying. Her hair was askew and she wore a grey fuzzy sweatshirt over slacks. She wore no make-up and cried throughout the hearing.

Her body also shook constantly as she dabbed at her eyes. Several times she turned to her parents who were seated behind her in the courtroom and mouthed the words: "I love you."

Judge Sauer told the court: "I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions.

"At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home on Kings Road."
I don't like her, but I felt sorry for her when I viewed the pictures of her crying while she was riding in the back of that police car.
(laughs) I saw the picture this morning too. I did kinda felt sorry for her, since she is a spoiled socialite. But I don't know why she has to spend that much time for a DUI case. Even I spent 24 hrs in jail after my DUI, before my sister came to bail me out, of which an extensive arguement ensued. Driving under infleunce is a very stupid and scary ordeal.
seems I read somewhere that she violated a probationary condition that was a result of her DUI. :shrug:
Y'all pickin' on poor Paris! I just read in the Dallas Morning News of a woman who killed her preacher husband by shooting him in the back with a shotgun. She claimed spousal abuse. She received a two year jail term, but the judge accepted the few months she'd spent in jail awaiting trial, and placed her on probation.

And y'all think Paris got such a great deal?

Baron Max
Paris shouls be the spokeperson for the whiny-pussy generation. All that crying for mommy and such.

26 years old and still a baby, for fuck's sake...
Y'all pickin' on poor Paris! I just read in the Dallas Morning News of a woman who killed her preacher husband by shooting him in the back with a shotgun. She claimed spousal abuse. She received a two year jail term, but the judge accepted the few months she'd spent in jail awaiting trial, and placed her on probation.

And y'all think Paris got such a great deal?

Baron Max

that woman could've already had a sentence from her husband! perhaps he was beating on her every day, yes she should be free and she has to learn to live properly, i also think the same for women who beat they're husbands.