
No there aren't.
But there do happen be to superstitious idiots that believe there are.
Pfft.. Who needs a duck?

In Gambia they have special people to hunt down the witches.

You know, it's been a while since I've heard hide or hair of a good, reliable witch-hunter. The entire witch-hunting industry is in decline, frankly. Firewood costs spiralling? Or animal welfare laws prohibiting the use of live ducks in witch detection apparati. Another economic area ignored by the stimulus package, I'm sure.

But then of course, if someone is an albino, they could fund a very profitable market. Granted, that someone would have to be killed and dismembered, but hey..

Well that just seems like a waste of a perfectly good albino. They can turn straw into gold, for crying out loud, besides controlling the weather.

Another ignored niche market.

Anyway, OP-wise: I kind of agree about the therapist thing, yet at the same time one should be free to involve oneself in whatever witchery suits the equini or the season. If a particular dust-devil strikes one's fancy, well, I shall not judge lest I be judged: for the billions in missing East Korean bouillon, as a hypothetical example.
Of course.
Teleport = hare.
If you change spelling and ignore facts.
Maybe he meant "heirs". As in getting rid of their rightful successors or wards by witchcraft perhaps. Wasn't Richard II accused of witchcraft?
Yeah, but did ever teleport anyone's heir into a pond?
Actually, didn't he drown the princes? How do we know, without a full investigation?

Maybe they could send the crew from Ghost Annoyers over to taunt him until he graciously drowns one of them, too.
Is it possible for super advanced technology to be classified as witchcraft to those who can't understand how it works?

In other words, you should consider that your teacher may have been an alien. :p
I lose track when we get onto numerical suffixes (suffices?) for kings.
Is this Richard Crookback? (So-called).
If so then his rep was mostly a political invention AFAIK, fostered most notably by ol' Bill Shakespeare who wanted to put the current regime (Bess) in a good light by painting previous ones in a very bad light.
During my visit to Warwick Castle the guide said that, IIRC, current "theory" is that it probably was Dicky's fault (or at least *cough* suggested by him to people who who were proficient at tidying up extraneous claimants to the throne) and that they were strangled.