Wired In The Blood


I am a strong believer in that genes ''carry'' psychotic behaviour in families.

I have a few reasons why i believe this, but before i do, i want to see how people react to this sentiment/proposal, which is hardly new, but many scietists like to link psychotic behaviour to the brain... which is fine. But even genetics shape the brain...

Reiku :m:

p.s. for me, psychotic behaviour is an individual who acts either sporadically, hyperactively or even in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. I juyst found out yesterday that Dr's have been prescribing antipsychotics to autistic children, and i was shocked by this.
As with many disorders, it is likely that there is a genetic predisposition to psychosis but environmental factors (e.g., certain drug use, child abuse) increase the risk. So it is wrong to say it is just genetic (twin studies disprove that).

P.S. Your definition of psychosis is wrong and would include a number of disorders that are not psychosis while not including a number that clearly are (someone with catatonic schizophrenia may not show any hyperactivity or even inconsistency in behavior--interestingly this type of schizophrenia has almost disappeared in the developed world while persisting elsewhere suggesting that there is also a cultural influence in the expression of mental illness).
I have a BS in psychology, but this doesn't mean i know everyting about such estranged reactions of the mind... I am a profiler, and to that, i need AT LEAST two more threads before I give my genetic evidence.
Ok then Bub... here is the hubbub/....

My sisters brother, my brov, killed a person. She had violent tendancies (at times) - and since then i have also been found to have autism and borderline-split peronality disorder. This is why i am sure.

I want to start with an analogy, because I don't have the stats on hereditary psychosis.

The analogy is the pursuit of the alleged "gay gene". We're simply not going to find it. What we might find, if our genetic insights ever become so refined, is a combination of conditions that equal a predisposition toward homosexuality. In other words, our genes are responsible for pretty much everything about our basic, inherent structures. Indeed, certain events can affect outcomes, but at some point, our brains and bodies need to be able to interpret certain impulses according to certain criteria before one identifies as a homosexual. Genetics will contribute to how our bodies interpret such information.

If the psychosis in question results from an identifiable condition of brain structure, then yes, there is a strong possibility that genetics are directly involved. The question is whether this structural issue is hereditary. If, to the other, psychosis is brought on in response to general trauma or environment—an acquired psychosis, if you will—the genetic connection will be tenuous; one's genes resulted in a structure where this condition is possible.

I also want to suggest that, as you have a BS in psychology, you're aware of how dangerous your definition of psychotic behavior is. Please remember what happens when people start using inappropriate definitions when dealing with the brain. Fluoxitine, for instance, was supposed to be a miracle antidepressant. And it was overprescribed. And people have killed themselves as a result. Either the drug wasn't what its manufacturer claimed, or doctors were operating with too broad a definition of depression. Given that we're talking about a pharmaceutical company, overselling the drug's benefits is pretty much a sure bet. But given that they've prescribed this drug for everything from dysthymia to PTSD to OCD and weight control, it seems quite obvious doctors have been using too broad a diagnostic standard, as well.
The way I understand it is that certain people have a genetic predisposition for developing psychosis.
They have a far greater chance of developing psychotic behavior than other individuals, and it is probably trigger by certain outside factors.
However this does not by definition mean a person with this predisposition will develop psychosis.
Shizophrenia is well known to be hereditary. The schizo friend I had told me a story about his Grandfather which was confirmed by his mother. The Grandfather lives in the desert, where he planted some pine trees which he has been watering for 50 years. Once time when he was walking around in rattlesnake country, he heard the voice of God, which told him to take off his boots and run through the brush, which he did. Although he passed a bunch of snakes, none of them bit him. That sounds pretty crazy to me.

I haven't heard about antipsychotics for autism, but autism is often accompanied by other conditions.
Since i am back, i have now read everything, and i think there has been particular evidence presented that genes are a factor.

Look at it this way.

Each and every cell of your body contains DNA - they are like tiny little computers telling the body how to form, from eye color to and hair... so why not sexuality in the long run, and why not psychosis?
I haven't heard about antipsychotics for autism, but autism is often accompanied by other conditions.
Doctors seem to throw around psychoactive drugs like candy. One of my children has Down's Syndrome and at one time his doctor wanted to prescribe some psychoactive drug or for him. I told him his brain was fucked up enough already what with the extra chromosome and all and the last thing he needed was something else screwing up his mind.
Doctors seem to throw around psychoactive drugs like candy. One of my children has Down's Syndrome and at one time his doctor wanted to prescribe some psychoactive drug or for him. I told him his brain was fucked up enough already what with the extra chromosome and all and the last thing he needed was something else screwing up his mind.

I think there is an over reliance on pharmacueticals in general, not just psychoactive ones. Doctors are not entirely to blame--consumers (motivated by mass media ad campaigns) are looking for drugs to cure pretty much any problem, even ones they may not have.

This is especially a problem in disorders in children where parents are looking for a quick fix to make their lives easier and drug companies and (many) doctors promise it. There is recent research the shows pretty clearly that medications for AD/HD are no more effective than other therapies but the medications are the easier method so that's what people go with.
Since i am back, i have now read everything, and i think there has been particular evidence presented that genes are a factor.

Look at it this way.

Each and every cell of your body contains DNA - they are like tiny little computers telling the body how to form, from eye color to and hair... so why not sexuality in the long run, and why not psychosis?

Of course, in the end, everything comes down to genetics.
I am a strong believer in that genes ''carry'' psychotic behaviour in families.

I have a few reasons why i believe this, but before i do, i want to see how people react to this sentiment/proposal, which is hardly new, but many scietists like to link psychotic behaviour to the brain... which is fine. But even genetics shape the brain...

Reiku :m:

p.s. for me, psychotic behaviour is an individual who acts either sporadically, hyperactively or even in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. I juyst found out yesterday that Dr's have been prescribing antipsychotics to autistic children, and i was shocked by this.

all because someone is hyperactive DOES NOT make them Physcotic! can you please explain that one to me

my son is on antipsycotics. for his autism, and without them, he would NOT be able to cope and handle everyday life like we can