Winter Solstice Instead of Christmas

Thanks, Cris. :)

My extended family has historically been pretty clumsy with the whole gift giving hooplah too. Usually we draw names at Thanksgiving, then it's a mad scramble trying to figure out what to buy for that person. Even I get confused for those - some of my relatives I really only see at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and so many of my cousins seem to remary annually that I frequently ended up buying something for someone I hadn't even met!

This year though, they've decided to do something new, which I think will be a lot of fun. We're each just bringing *something*, not for anybody in particular, just something that we think someone might like. Then we'll take turns either opening a new present, or stealing one that's been opened that we like. Should turn into quite the riot - most of my family is pretty good-natured, so I imagine a lot of craziness and laughter. :) And it's a lot more likely that everyone will end up with something they like.